Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Actress salaries obviously vary. An A lister is going to make more than A B, etc. USUALLY. This B list film actress who is thin, usually blond, and has surprisingly good teeth can often be found in A list movies and gets paid just as much as any female A lister. She has been making A list money even when she was just C list or even just doing bit parts. How does she manage such big paydays? Have you noticed how she primarily works with the same studio for most of her films? It could have something to do with the fact that a studio boss was in love/lust with her and she seduced him and did him and filmed it with his knowledge. You can see where this goes. She has several copies of the tape and knows how to get them to his wife. Letting the company pay for your mistakes with a higher salary for an actress is much easier than having your wife divorce you and taking your personal fortune.


Anonymous said...

cameron diaz

kellygirl said...

Sienna Miller? The "surprisingly good teeth" makes me think it's a Brit. Haven't looked into the studio info yet.

Anonymous said...

KATE WINSLET. The good teeth comment makes me think an English person and them supposedly having bad teeth.
What does everyone think?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Cameron or Kate Winslet. Maybe Sienna Miller, her career amazes me since she seems undeserving

Anonymous said...

who works with the same studio mostly???

Anonymous said...

1. Nicole Kidman, $16 million-$17 million
2. Reese Witherspoon, $15 million
3. Renee Zellweger, $15 million
4. Drew Barrymore, $15 million
5. Cameron Diaz, $15 million
6. Halle Berry, $14 million
7. Charlize Theron, $10 million
8. Angelina Jolie, $10 million
9. Kirsten Dunst, $8 million-$10 million
10. Jennifer Aniston, $8 million

Anonymous said...

What about Claire Danes, Ent already had one go at her today maybe decided he had a little more dirt he could share

Anonymous said...

Maybe Claire Danes? He just posted on her earlier, and one of the comments about her pictures said something about her not showing her teeth. So maybe "suprisingly good teeth" because she's not showing her teeth. She's definitely not A-list, she is usually blonde and thin.

Anonymous said...

well, suprisingly good teeth knocks off Kirsten


Anonymous said...

He mentions that she's thin. I would think the suprisingly good teeth would reference a bulemic. Forcing yourself to puke greys your teeth badly.

Anonymous said...

Julia Roberts?

Anonymous said...

It says she can often be found in A list movies...

I think that rules out Claire Danes.

tralala said...

Cate Blanchett?

Anonymous said...

Rachel McAdams -- her hair color changes fairly often and she's Canadian (government health/dental)

Anonymous said...

$7.5 million for Lindsay Lohan

Anonymous said...

$3 million for Jessica Alba and Mandy Moore
$2 million for Sarah Michelle Gellar

Anonymous said...

LOL Anon @ 12:34

Anonymous said...

The comment about her being thin and having surprisingly good teeth makes me think of someone with either a drug problem or eating disorder.

Anonymous said...

Gwen paltrow

Anonymous said...

Orlando Bloom's ex, whats her name Kate Bosworth! She used to be anorexic, and she starred in superman returns.

Anonymous said...

Cameron Diaz- usually blonde, she just had those few months where she went brown but she is usually blonde. Not sure if she always works with the same studio....

Anonymous said...

Colombia Pictures has many movies with Dunst Marie Antoinette /Spider-Man /Mona Lisa Smile. Dunst has weird teeth.... hmm, but she got her start young so she would not need to sleep around.

Bosworth does not work either because she has worked with diff companies on her last 10 movies.

What about rachel mcadams?

Anonymous said...

Come on people, it's Keira Knightly.

Anonymous said...

Naomi Watts

Anonymous said...

Kirsten Dunst played a vampire in "Interview with the vampire" could explain the "good teeth"reference..

Anonymous said...

I thought this was Gwen P. and Harvey W.. But Harvey got divorced a few years back, didn't he?

Anonymous said...

I think its someone British....do they not have dentists in the UK?

Anonymous said...

You're funny brendalove! I will go with Keira Knightley. Eating disorder and British! And she's in "a-list movies" POTC


Anonymous said...

Scarlett Johansson

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to throw Kate Bosworth out there. Def thin, has great teeth, usually blond, and she's been in some great movies but hasn't necessarily stood out.
She also fits the "A/B list" clue. I'll do some more research. Her salary might not fit though...

Anonymous said...

I don't recall ever seeing keira Knightley with blond hair

Anonymous said...

Lucky, she's a raging cokehead, she doesnt have an eating disorder.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:01 ... If you're going to throw out a condescending comment like "C'mon people, it's Keira Knightly" - the least you can do is tell us WHY you think it's Keira Knightly. (i.e. What's the studio? Who's the studio boss??)

If you can't provide a little backup info, why should we listen to you?

Anonymous said...

james king

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:33 - you never saw the move, "Love Actually"? Keira was blonde in it.

Anonymous said...

Keira doesn't primarily work for the same syudios (besides the pirates movies) and more often than not she doesn't have blond hair. She is usually a brunette. I think thin is a big clue so i say no on Scarlett. She is very volumpous (sp?) and I don't think he would say thin. I agree with someone earlier that says the thin and teeth remarks points to a drug user. Not that that narrows it down.

Anonymous said...

james king was addicted to heroin, but her teeth are great. she is also pretty enough to have someone obsessed with her (unlike some of the other mentioned on this list--sorry).

Anonymous said...

Actually the BI just screams Sienna Miller but, she isn't in a list movies.

Anonymous said...

The link to the article on Cameron Diaz mentions her hair change from brunette to blonde and also has a picture of her smiling, with a caption noting that. She's paid what A listers are, but I sure wouldn't put her in the same category as Halle Barry or Nicole Kidman.

Anonymous said...

Sienna Miller is a good guess, except she's worked on films from many different studios (Universal, Weinstein, BBC Films etc.)

Anonymous said...

Suzanne Somers

Anonymous said...

Lindsay Wagner

Anonymous said...

That's a toughie TS, I really think of Cameron as A-List. The defenitions of A and B list are so confusing still. Lets see if she mainly works for the same studios.

Anonymous said...

Owen Wilson

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:34,

I take it you know her? Please don't be afraid to elaborate on details!


Anonymous said...

I got the impression the "suprisingly good teeth" comment may be suggesting she has a rumoured eating disorder. hmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

According to IMDB, Sienna's films have been with different companies so as much as I would like it to be her, I don't think it is.

Anonymous said...

Jesus people! Blanchett, Watts and Winslet are where they are through TALENT. This ho - obviously not.

Nor are those three incredibly well paid.

Slutty Sienna does not appear in A list movies and kills even the B list movies she fugs up.

Anonymous said...

TS, Cameron has not only worked on 3 shrek movies, with a tv one on the way and #4 coming out in a few years, but she has voiced many characters for Dreamworks besides the shrek movies. Hmmmmmm. I always thout of her as A list but, you have a great case.

Kip's louder half said...

Kate Bosworth

Anonymous said...

George Costanza

Anonymous said...

Man some of you people are DENSE. Keira Knightley is not usually blonde and doing 1 movie as a blonde, doesn't make it usual!

Anonymous said...

So far, no one has convinced me it's not the obvious choice...Cameron...

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure Kate Bosworth hasn't appeared in many movies for the same studio. As I matter of fact I know it because i looked it up. Research, people.

Anonymous said...

I just remembered that either before or after she did "Pearl Harbor", James King (now I think she's "Jamie King"?) had major, major dental work done. She was still a working model then, and the drug use lifestyle had caused physical changes that were costing her runway and picture work.

Anonymous said...

kate bosworth.

Anonymous said...

Melissa, great info! Where do you find the studio's ?

I always thought of her as being A list, too, until I read the article noting her hair color changes and her smile and I started thinking about it.

She's not really a heavyweight. She's not on the same level as the heavyweights at all. I can't see her ever winning best actress. Yet, she's always making movies and she's always pulling in huge dollars to make them - so in our minds, we assume she's A list. If you think about it, has she really surpassed someone like Drew Barrymore? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

just a little fyi, canada only has free dental for disadvantaged people. the average punter must be insured, just like with NHS in the UK. :D

Anonymous said...

scar jo and bbc films

Anonymous said...

^ita mary m.! (this bi is so juicy. love it.) i think it's cameron d. b/c everyone takes a swipe at her acne...thus assuming that the rest of her face would be bad too? don't know, just guessing, but it seems to fit, if not concretely, then intuitively...sounds as if one could say "surprisingly good teeth...given the surprisingly bad skin..."

cam has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, TS, she cannot exactly open a movie in her name (in her shoes)but she seems to fall in to a-list movies. I went to imdb and looked her up, then looked at the movies. At the bottom of the movie pages (after cast and everything) It will say the studio. And before anyone jumps me, I am saying she's a very good guess. Not that I "know: it's her :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Melissa. I went to imdb but didn't go digging far enough.

Well, based on her salary, it sure seems her scheme is paying off.

Anonymous said...

scarlett hasn't done a bit part since she was a child actor. and her roles are mostly in movies which are financed by a multitude of different studios and international finance companies. i think all of you are wrong. cameron, kiera, sienna, kate and most of the other serious guesses are all name above the title actresses. we need to look for an actress who's also in the movie, but is getting paid money much bigger than her name. somebody like emily blunt or rosamund pike ect.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if the usually blonde comment means that this actress while usually blonde is currently not. maybe...

Anonymous said...

Al Pacino?

Anonymous said...

The Holiday
Charles Angels: Full Throttle
The Sweetest Thing

I'm thinking Cameron and Columbia Pics or Gwyneth and Miramax b4 Harvey's divorce.

Anonymous said...

Claire Danes...notice in the photos she smiles but doesn't show her teeth...blond...thin

Anonymous said...

Also, Cameron has "surprisingly good teeth" considering she has horribly bad skin.

Cam is also very thin whereas Scarlett Johanssen is voluptous and a healthy size.

I've always wondered what the F with Cameron. She looks like a Sesame Street muppet.

Anonymous said...

isnt it funny how Hez isnt around today after everyone accused her of being EL...hmmmm

Anonymous said...


I just read this:

Talent firm 'dropping' Paris Hilton
Jun 12 05:31 PM US/Eastern

Paris Hilton will have to find a new agent when she gets out of jail.

The Endeavor talent agency has dropped the celebutante and reality show star, said Michael Donkis, a spokesman for the company.

"She is no longer a client," he said, declining further comment.

The Beverly Hills-based agency has represented Hilton since 2005.

Two questions. First of all, don't you have to have talent before you hire a talent agency?

Secondly, didn't someone posting here say they were from Endeavor, or is the crack starting to kick in?

kellygirl said...

3:05 - let it go

Anonymous said...

Why would you categorize Cameron's teeth as surprisingly good?
I'm asking.

Anonymous said...

seriously i need to know how many movies cause most do a couple from one company then another

Anonymous said...

Tom "Fuck Me Up The Ass" Cruise

Anonymous said...

For a pic of Cam's smile with full teeth exposure


Unknown said...

anon 3:05,
What are you, retarded?
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Hez is not Ent. Hez is not Ent.
Get it yet?

Hez, apperently has a life, and is not on here every second of the day, unlike you apperently. Do you think you chased her away? Does that make you feel good? You have SERIOUS issues.

Anonymous said...

How about Diane Kruger. National Treasure, Troy, etc.

Anonymous said...

allison: picking fights with stranges online is like the Special Olympics.

even if you win you're still RETARDED.

Anonymous said...

Against the Cameron guess: the first movie that REALLY catapaulted her into the A-list money - Charlie's Angels - was produced by Drew Barrymore's company, Flower Films. So wouldn't they have decided to cast her?

I think the next few films after Charlie's Angels were riding off the back of that movie for Cam.

I'm more inclined to think someone with a rumoured eating disorder - Kate Bosworth was the first to come to mind but the studio thing doesn't fit.

Unknown said...

3:49 lol thats my boyfriend's favorite joke ever.

i know it is a pointless cause, but i couldn't resist this time. I mean what does that retarded anon do? scour the post to check if Hez has posted yet and then get off on the fact that she hasn't? what a lame waste of a life.

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:49 that quote was funnier two weeks ago on Just Jared!

I'm liking Diane Kruger...off to research...

kellygirl said...

Team Hezidarity

Anonymous said...

Cam Diaz is A list, simply because her movies make money. Same with Sandra Bullock. Neither can act, and they won't be picking up Oscars anytime soon, but they are A list.

The great actresses are not A list because they don't make dumb shit like Charlie's Angels. Fodder for the dumb masses.

Anonymous said...

Diaz pretty much wrote her own ticket in Something about Mary, so I agree that it isn't her. Plus the charlie's Angels thing was a Barrymore call, not some horndog married guy trying to cover his ass.

That said i don't follow films enough to even venture a guess, but I agree it's someone who certainly wouldn't get top billing, or even top 210 in the list of credits kind of billing


Anonymous said...

What is retarded is how some people assume that anyone who refers to the Hez/Ent thing is the SAME person. I wrote a comment yesterday (or two days ago, I forget) speculating on it, saying I didn't care if she was, I was just intriqued, and now I get online for the first time tonight and people are slamming someone as if THAT person wrote it and is the only one writing it.

Hez posts, with her picture, so frequently that I doubt anyone is scouring this blog to see if she is posting - it is obvious when she's not. What is somewhat weird is Allison taking the time to write her "defense" of Hez and Kellysirkus calling for team Hez or whatever (why is everything a TEAM for you people...team BAL, team IA or whatever, on and on?).

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking this could be Uma Thurman. She has been getting paid big bucks for the last 10 years and before that, under a million for just a few years. I am not sure if I would call her A or B list though. Go to IMDB to see her salary.

Anonymous said...

a couple of bad apples try to ruin everything...
wish ent would block them

Anonymous said...

If you read Hez's blog, I think she is off on a bender!

Anonymous said...

Please people. Cameron Diaz is A-list and has been for quite some time. She's one of Hollywood's highest paid actresses and has been for awhile. It's NOT her.

Start thinking less famous, less well paid. Bosworth is a great guess since she really has no box office draw yet keeps getting roles.

Anonymous said...

I made a comment yesterday about Hez being ENT, but I was totally joking around. I think Hez is for real.

Hez said...

Well, one vodka tonic last night would hardly qualify as a bender. But thanks for the concern!

And thanks for the support Allison, kellysirkus et al. The Robaxacet/double bacon cheeseburger combo I've had is kicking some serious PMS ass. And I even managed to get some chores done.

As for the BI, I hate GwyPtrow with a passion, but I'm feelin the Cam or K.Bos guesses much more.

Anonymous said...

Bosworth doesn't fit, I never hear about her getting big paydays, and the studio clue doesn't fit because she keeps working with different studios.

I don't know about Cameron either, I can't say I think she's a great actress but she's a big box office draw for some people. Personally I find her annoying as hell though.

Anonymous said...

Natalie Portman? Not that she fits ANY of the clues...but, what the hell...

Anonymous said...

Even though Cameron is in A list movies, I still don't see her as being an A list actress. I consider true A list to be Highly Paid/Award winning such as Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchet, Gwenyth, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Renee Zelwegger, Jodie Foster, etc. Cameron has never won any awards for acting.

"How does she manage such big paydays?" None of the other actresses mentioned get the big bucks like Cameron. "Usually blond" and "thin" fits her too.

Other than Cameron, the only other person might be Jennifer Aniston, who is in a ton of A-list movies and big salary but is not known for her acting chops. I don't think Kate Bosworth has a high salary, at least I don't see her on any "money" lists.

Anonymous said...

What about Rene Z.? She has been grossly overpaid for years?

Anonymous said...

Come on guys!!! Scarlett J!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i did the imdb check on kate b, sienna, and cam. none fit nor are even close to working for Mostly the same studio. even cam with the shrek trio and charlie's angels movies still has a variety studios. given the specific wording of the clue("she primarily works with the same studio for most of her films"), we can rule all three out.

the diane kruger mention was interesting but similarly she has worked with many studios.

am trying to think of more b list type actresses...

Anonymous said...

i did the imdb check on kate b, sienna, and cam. none fit nor are even close to working for Mostly the same studio. even cam with the shrek trio and charlie's angels movies still has a variety studios. given the specific wording of the clue("she primarily works with the same studio for most of her films"), we can rule all three out.

the diane kruger mention was interesting but similarly she has worked with many studios.

am trying to think of more b list type actresses...

Anonymous said...

Take a look at this list:


How about Charlize Theron? She's so not A list, nobody even thought of her.

Anonymous said...

What about Radha Mitchell. While she's worked with a number of companies, she keeps going back to FOX when she's not doing indies. 1st film: Love and Other Catastrophes (Fox), Phone Booth (fox), Man on Fire (fox), Melinda & Melinda (Fox). Is Australian (bad teeth?). Maybe I'm just grasping at straws.

Cam Diaz was a blowout on screen in The Mask and then There's Something About Mary. She can't open, but she's still a draw.

Anonymous said...

Nicole Kidman??

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:07 - Nicole Kidman is A list.

The problem I have with this blind is the clue that she primarily works with the same studio for most of her films. There are so many divisions (like Dreamworks is owned by Paramount), that it may be confusing the issue.

I honestly think that since EL says the person is not an A lister, but gets paid an A list salary, we have to look at the list of the highest paid actresses, like the one I link to above. The only two names that look out of place are Charlize Theron and Jennifer Aniston.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Aniston isn't an actress that I would say has been in A- List movies. Maybe The Breakup, but she was the lead in that and that's only one movie of A caliber

Anonymous said...

I like the Cameron Diaz guesses.

I have never understood Cameron's appeal... and the older she has gotten the more obnoxious she has became anytime she opens her mouth.

Cameron is as bad as Jessica Alba about complaining about her great beauty. *gag* What beauty? Cameron is as one poster put it... a Muppet head. And sadly a Muppet head with bad skin.

Plus neither one of them can act... yet constantly get good roles and great pay.

Anonymous said...

Sienna Miller

Random Ramblings said...

claire danes

Anonymous said...

Scarlett Johansson- this talentless ho is everywhere!

Unknown said...

The BI reads

so not Scarjo, famously curvy

not Kiera, sorry, she's typically a brunette.

I would think this referencces either an eating disorder or drug use, in which case you can't rule out Kirstin Dunst for cosmetic reasons, even tho some people think hers look like either fangs or baby teeth.

*makes A LIST $$ even when NON A LIST, but still listed as B LIST, so probably not top billing like Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon or Renee Zelwegger as mentioned.

*PRIMARILY WORKS WITH 1 STUDIO but not always... I'd bet her same-studio pictures are in WAY better movies than her others in the beginning-middle of her career.

Also, isn't one of the studios now run by a woman, therefore somewhat eliminating itself from the running if this item is really recent?

some of these guesses are way left field, although whomever guessed Owen Wilson slmost made me spit mojito on my monitor.

Anonymous said...

It can't be ScarJo, she's simply someone you would think of as "thin" so the BI wouldn't describe her as so. It'd say "curvy" or something.

Charlize, no. She has an Oscar.

I'm inclined to think its someone who is lesser well known, like another poster said...not a big name, but someone still earning fairly highly? Although the bit saying earns as much as any A list star confuses me, no one on the list sounds like they could be them. Maybe they're getting paid on the downlow?

Anonymous said...

I think it's more likely to be Jennifer Aniston than Charlize Theron. Theron won an oscar so that's why she's paid A-list money.

schneefloeckli said...

Excellent points Mia!

Now the list copied from above and added awards:
1. Nicole Kidman, $16 million-$17 million
[Won Oscar. Another 32 wins & 45 nominations]
2. Reese Witherspoon, $15 million
[Won Oscar. Another 30 wins & 23 nominations]
3. Renee Zellweger, $15 million
[Won Oscar. Another 20 wins & 34 nominations]
4. Drew Barrymore, $15 million
[Nominated for 2 Golden Globes. Another 21 wins & 37 nominations]
5. Cameron Diaz, $15 million
[Nominated for 4 Golden Globes. Another 16 wins & 41 nominations]
6. Halle Berry, $14 million
[Won Oscar. Another 26 wins & 43 nominations]
7. Charlize Theron, $10 million
[Won Oscar. Another 20 wins & 22 nominations]
8. Angelina Jolie, $10 million
[Won Oscar. Another 18 wins & 27 nominations]
9. Kirsten Dunst, $8 million-$10 million
[Nominated for Golden Globe. Another 14 wins & 22 nominations]
10. Jennifer Aniston, $8 million
[Won Golden Globe. Another 19 wins & 39 nominations]

I think we can rule out all of these women. Julia Roberts is missing on this list, which made me google it. This only lists recent best paid actresses [I'm guessing this is 2006] but I think we should be looking for the whole list. I googled it but couldn't find it anywhere. The only thing I found was a list on Wiki with the highest paid roles.

Anonymous said...

Guys, Enty has already given the answer to this one. It's write here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=461236&in_page_id=1773

This is the link that Enty provided below. Read the article... It mentions hair colour, AND check out that teeth photo. I think we have a winner!

Anonymous said...

Oops sorry, from 4:13 above, I meant "it's right here"

Anonymous said...

.... anybody I have to Google to even figure out who she is is NOT an A-lister, IMHO

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:13 - I already referenced that article in my argument FOR Cameron Diaz, but it's not exactly persuading the non-believers.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's Lindsey Lohan? She's sometimes blonde.


Anonymous said...

Parisss, I don't think it's Lohan, because the blind says she's "usually" blonde.

Anonymous said...

I like the Cameron guess...she started out as a "model" and pics surfaced after her big hit What about Mary, but she really didn't "make it" modeling and hasn't had a movie that she carried on her own since the aforementioned. She is certainly no Julia Roberts, and the like, that sell and carry the movie! Really, Julia, and the like, must be insulted!

Midwest Surfer

Anonymous said...

what about kate hudson?

Anonymous said...

Agree with SA (5:23). This is not a BI about someone w/ top billing, but instead is about an average actress who is listed further down in the credits, but still gets paid as much as the leads.

I really think you are looking too high up in the credits for this when you guess Cameron Diaz or Kiera Knightly (sp?).

I don't have the time or energy to research it, but this one will take some serious research and work to find out who is in the middle of the credit list (or whatever it is called) but is still being paid as well as those at the top.

Screaming Oyster said...

Sienna Miller is an American!Shes not a real brit,shes kinda like Paltrow an American who thinks shes just supremo because she spends her days in the UK.

Anonymous said...

Katie- Sienna Miller IS from England. Not the US.

Anonymous said...

I know there is alot of debate about Hez/Ent. SO I did some serious research. There is a big clue on Hez's website that she is actually Ent. I definitely believe it now. Look closely to recent info on there- and you'll see it too.

Anonymous said...

cough it up 7:55. I'm not seeing whatever you want me to see.

Anonymous said...

Me either!

Anonymous said...

She said something about she was originally from the "left coast"....maybe ENT was a friend from her good ol' days.

Anonymous said...

What about Denise Richards?

Anonymous said...

Denise Richards isn't usually a blonde. But it could be Charlie Sheen. Dumbass.

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't matter to me how the information for this site gets uploaded...that the information is acquired and shared is what makes this site my absolute favorite.

Gotta grab my sandbucket and shovel and blow this sandbox for now...

Midwest Surfer

Anonymous said...

Jessica Simpson. Her music career is dead, so now she's on to the movies.

Anonymous said...

Sienna Miller IS American.. she was born in New York! check her IMDB profile

Anonymous said...

I have not ever thought Hez was Ent - as midwest surfer said, it doesn't matter that much to me.

However, I will say that one more than one occasion, a Blind Item has spelled words like "neighbor" with the Candanian spelling - "neighbour." I once pointed it out. My thinking is that Hez helps out from time to time with the blog.

Anonymous said...

"She was born in the USA but raised in the UK."

A quote from the same IMDB page you referenced. Dumbass.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't mad that Hez is Ent (or is one of a handful who are "Ent"). All I was saying is that I researched her site a little, and there is a very blatant connection if you look hard enough. I don't care who does it. But the way Ent slips hints in pictures, and the wording made me look closer at Hez. So I looked and found a couple hints, or what I would call proof. I'm not mad, and I'm not trying to birst anyone's bubble. If you want to look and research, you'll see. If not, it's cool too. We all like the website, or else we wouldn't read it. Hez/Ent- it's all good.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:44, interesting comment.

Jessica Simpson, according to imdb has been in four films. Dukes of Hazzard and the upcoming Major Movie Star are both by Gerber Pictures. the other two are by Sony & Lionsgate.

There are a few things that dont add up though.
She isnt "usually" a blonde in her movies. She is blonde in all of them. Although she was super skinny in Dukes, i wouldnt call her skinny now.
she hasnt had any bit parts in movies, only on tv and the tv shows were made by different studios to the films she was in.

BUT i definitely think she is the kind of actress we should be thinking about.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:56 - I am with you - I like the site and don't want to ruin it for anyone or really care if Hez writes for Ent, but for someone who is clueless about posting photos and blogs, can you explain what you mean a little more? I don't understand what you are seeing on Hez's blog!

Anonymous said...

And Nicole Kidman is an American-born Australian access.

mooshki said...

"some of these guesses are way left field, although whomever guessed Owen Wilson almost made me spit mojito on my monitor."

Ditto, except replace mojito with Dr. Pepper 'cause I'm at work.

Anonymous said...

i am a conspiracy theorist too, but i don't think hez is EL. two different temperments. it sure is nice to thrash around about this without getting castigated.

Anonymous said...

Like some others, I don't have time to do all the research but could Britney Murphy be a candidate for this one? She is B list, has a history of relationships with older men, and the blonde part fits.

Anonymous said...

Not Brittany Murphy, the studios on all her major films are all different.

Anonymous said...

amy- I know what you mean, but I think that the different personalities are part of it. Hez can do/say whatever to get reactions, or to get people talking. But ent keeps it fairly light. I think Hez is there to get out all the nasty thoughts and frustration ent gets. Hez can say things that ent couldn't get away with. But I think there are little hidden things done to tease us. Ent does it by saying he is hidden in pic's. He also gives Hez props... it's all kind of a game in a way. So look closely at a couple of things Hez's site has, and you should see a couple clues.

tralala said...

mischa barton?
mena suvari?

Anonymous said...

Here's a conspiracy theory. What if Hez is the one starting these rumors? I mean - the girl does seem to have to be the center of attention all the time. What better way to keep her name going here even if she's not posting.

And no, I don't believe she's ENT. Different writing styles and voices. ENT is a professional, Hez is just a bitch.

Anonymous said...

I think there is something to the idea of Hez anonymously saying that Hez is Ent. How many people went and checked out her site after reading that. What clue is there? Could we get a better idea 7:55?

Hez said...

Well, thanks for all the extra traffic, Anon!

The speculation has gone from irritating to hilarious - I'm sure Ent himself will agree.

If you can find a clue, let me know, cuz I sure didn't put one there.

This should be fun. Speculate away with no fear of castigation - I'm actually finding it all really amusing. Have fun, kids! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hez (Heather W.)- I totally saw the clues. I'm not trying to spoil the fun, but I was really excited to see them. I'm not on any acid. You're a 37 year old PR person right? You have done great PR work, and I'm really impressed.

Anonymous said...

I may be over conspiracy theory-ing today, but I've been searching! Did anyone notice that the pictures we were looking at all the men to figure out ent there are also some women pictured. If you look at hez's pictures- I think I found her!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Anon 7:55 - if you have a clue, share it, because it is not obvious to everyone. Why is Ent so silent on this, anyway? Hez and Ent should figure out some sort of way to prove that they are not the same, or else someone should figure out a way to PROVE that they are the same person.

Hez said...

My shoe size is listed in a previous post here, too, if that helps.

This is really kind of fun! I'd love to see myself at a red carpet event! Wonder what I'd wear?

Anonymous said...

I've never looked at Hez's sight before. And I didn't find any clues. But the writing style does seem eerily similar. I wouldn't be shocked if this wasn't true. If it is true, it was bound to come out eventually.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you went to a Red Carpet event, Hez, there would be a third person added to that embarassing Cam/Posh silver Louboutin incident.

Oh yeah... and some killer red Chanel lipstick.


Anonymous said...

Is Hez wearing red lipstick in the photos showing ent?

Anonymous said...

talk about life imitating art! isn't that the entire idea behind gossip pages anyway?

Anonymous said...

I've never been so entertained! Thanks guys! Sorry to ruin the fun, I was Anon 7:55. I was reading some of the previous hez/ent chatter and I figured I'd send everyone into a frenzy looking for clues. Hope you got a laugh too Hez. I figured you'd be a sport about it. It was fun watching everyone's reaction. So there's no clue. But I probably got Hez some serious website traffic!! Have a great day everyone! Everyone should know anyways that ent is Lindsey Lohan! Or hez is. I forget.

Anonymous said...

I meant Hez is Lindsey Lohan. Not ent. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to ask a dim question but who is Hez?

Hez said...

Thanks, Parisss. I've been giggling all morning thanks to you! Way to yank the chain.

So I guess this means nobody actually found the clue. Heh heh.


Anonymous said...

;) You're secret is safe with me!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Someone was on the right track... Maybe back to Claire Danes?

Anonymous said...

That's funny! I think Hez is just someone who found a place to have a personality (if she was Ent., at least she would have an excuse for hanging out here from morning til night - does she work?). Plus did you see how she freaked out when she thought she had some "scoop" that Paris Hilton had anal lesions? Oh, brother- and how weird to delight in that. I think she is thrilled that people think she is Ent.

As for Ent, whoever this non-lawyer is, "he" doesn't try hard enough to keep up the persona because he sounds like a girl sitting on her butt in front of a computer all day (or a gay snarky man trying to be into girls). I can see these photos and get these scoops earlier on other sites where the blogger isn't ANONYMOUS. (I hate Anonymous People, why don't they just own up to who they are, right everyone?!! Ironically, in this case, it does make him lose credibility whereas in a comment section, it is stupid).

Nobody has access to that many true blinds on a daily basis, and it's boring guessing the answer to a rumor some blogger made up. No one likes to be made a fool of, like with the ZX thing and the supposed video. I suspect many of the commenters are the blog writer fueling along the conversation. Where, oh where, did all of the panting ZX lovers go, the ones who just couldn't wait to read about her latest calamity? Gone, with no questions asked. People don't like being tricked, that's why ultimately this site will implode.

(And please, ignore me because I am unmoved by your attacks just as you are mine - I don't hate, I feel disgusted and played. I don't live to comment, but I prefer Perez and Lainey, etc. because at least you know it isn't a big joke on you. And Perez is funnier when he's not mean).

Anonymous said...

Claire Danes doesn't seem to just work for one studio. She has worked with many of them. Natalie Portman has done a lot of movies with Fox. I don't know her salary though. But, I am guessing it is pretty high? This is hard because actress' salaries are not always made public!

Anonymous said...

maybe parisss is hez too.

Anonymous said...

Exactly,Rapture. We'd have no way of knowing, would we? I, for one, don't think they're the same person, though.I went to Hez's site long ago 'cause she was all over this one. She babbles endlessly, delights in making up words, (just like she does in her comments here)and is just generally caught up in the "sound" of her own voice. I don't believe she could turn it off to write as Ent. She's too hyper.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, maybe it's just me but when I think of Claire Danes, I think of red hair, like she had in My So-Called Life.

Anonymous said...

This is ri-donkey-lous! I don't think Hez is Ent. Go back a couple of months and you'll realize that peeps. Perez is a fucking ass, yet some of you believe EVERY word he says, but question everything on this blog.

I personally don't care who runs this blog. If it's Hez, cool. If not, fine. But really who cares a fat fuck? If it's Hez does that mean u will leave? This shit is juicy as a Johnny Depp getting blown by Ben Affleck and Jennifer Anniston at the same time.

Maybe you should contribute to the guesses for the BIs rather than this funky pile of "Hez is Ent" crap. Bleech!

I like the Cameron Diaz guess. She's sucks as an actress yet she's constantly starring with A-list actors. Something about Mary, Charlie's Angels, Vanilla Skies, etc. She can hardly read a teleprompter without pronouncing every syllable.


Anonymous said...

Yipeee Tracee...anon2:41, want to borrow my rose colored glasses?

Cameron Diaz seems to have a history of a wanne-be and made pictures, who is to say what else happened when she was digging to get big. My guess, CD.

Midwest Surfer

Anonymous said...

i need rose colored glasses too. cheers, 2:41! if only i can tear myself away!

Anonymous said...

I checked into Cam Diaz. I went through each production co. and their parent companies, and there are only a few repeats. Nothing abnormal and nothing that consistent. I really thought/hoped it was her. Especially since she'd done some more risque modeling before her acting took off. I really don't think it's her.
That is my contribution (and it took over an hour) after the chaos I helped create yesterday.
I'm not Hez either.
I'm not Ent either.
I could be Lindsey Lohan though!


Anonymous said...

Thinking back to this one, I think Kate Bosworth although I'm not sure about the movie companies...either her or Sienna. I will look it up later!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I forgot- I checked Sienna Miller too. They all had very varied companies who produced their movies. Kate Bosworth only had 2 repeats, which was nothing at all.

Anonymous said...

It can't be Kate Bosworth, because nearly every movie she has been in has been a bomb, so they couldn't be considered A-List. Plus, she gets her roles because of her association with Kevin Spacey. I wouldn't be surprised if she has spent time on the casting couch, though.


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