Monday, June 04, 2007

Today's Blind Items

When you hold an after-party in a hotel you are just asking for trouble. This A+ list film actor who is not married but is in a relationship decided he wanted to sample several different appetizers last night. He started off with something Live'ish because she is the in thing and he wanted to see if he still had it. He had it enough to get a phone number, but no further. He then moved on to his "fallback." He always has luck with these ladies, even though this one is a little older and a first-timer. She was smitten and ready. He put the charm on and said he would be back. Going back to the age group he finds more appealing he found gold in one of the aforementioned brightly dressed people and proceeded to take her up to his room for some fun. Back in about 45 minutes and with the maid being called to clean his room, he went back to his fallback and charmed her some more. Spent the night with her as far as I know. Definitely took her up to his room.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Johnny Depp?! He was at the awards last night and isn't married!

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Jack Nicholson...drunk as a skunk!

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    The brightly colored person from the age age group he finds appealing must be someone on a Disney show or movie and obviously young.

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Johnny Depp(sadly)

    Ashley Tisdale-in high school musical as well as performing in high school musical live

    third person- no idea

  5. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Sorry. Ashley Tisdale is in High school musical: the concert. But is is sooo her. Check out her wire image pics.

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM



  7. Anonymous1:30 PM

    So many A+ stars to choose from...

    must be Dane Cook

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Oh god if it was Johnny Depp - I am jealous of any of those lucky biotches..

    Seriously - damn it to hell for Johnny - YOU MUST take one for the TEAM! LOL..

    I mean, really.. all you have to do is take him out of those hideous outfits he wears.. and viola! instant gratification..

    *heading toward a cold shower now*


  9. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I immediately thought of Jamie Foxx, but Jack Nicholson certainly is A+ List...

  10. Anonymous1:37 PM

    gross if it is jack nicholson.

  11. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Are Foxx and Nicholson in relationships right now? I must keep up!

  12. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I want to know who the women are...

  13. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Dane Cook isn't A list. He couldn't sell candy bars for a kindergarten trip, nevermind movie tickets.


  14. Anonymous1:43 PM

    this one is worded weirdly. so he got a number from an "it" girl then went to one of the high school music girls, took her up to her hotel and boned. then went back to talk to the it girl?

    is that right?

  15. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Jessica Alba or Cameron Diaz as "it" girls?

  16. Anonymous1:47 PM

    "He wanted to know if he still had it" to me implies an over the hill type, which doesn't fit Depp, who nearly everyone male or female wants to sleep with.

    For now I'm going with Nicholson, unless I can think of someone else older who was at the awards.

  17. Anonymous1:49 PM

    i think "it" girl is jessica alba or megan fox (that chick from the transformers movie)

    the girl he took up to his room must be ashley tisdale. yuck.

    a list guy? sacha baron cohen?

  18. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Bruce Willis was there .... and he's pretty well known for liking them young, I think...

  19. Are Bruce, Jack or Jamie in a relationship with anyone?

  20. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Oh yeah, Bruce Willis is a good guess.

  21. Anonymous1:57 PM

    EL wrote:
    "He started off with something Live'ish because she is the in thing and he wanted to see if he still had it. He had it enough to get a phone number, but no further. He then moved on to his "fallback." He always has luck with these ladies, even though this one is a little older and a first-timer. She was smitten and ready. He put the charm on and said he would be back. Going back to the age group he finds more appealing he found gold in one of the aforementioned brightly dressed people and proceeded to take her up to his room for some fun. Back in about 45 minutes and with the maid being called to clean his room, he went back to his fallback and charmed her some more. Spent the night with her as far as I know. Definitely took her up to his room."

    To me, this means he got a phone number from the Live'ish (what does that mean?) woman, charmed and left his older fallback (for the time being), went back to the age group he prefers and took someone who was brightly dressed up to his room. Then, he told the maid to clean it, went back to the fall back he had charmed, and spent the night with her.

  22. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I dunno think Jack Nicholson and Bruce are in relationships. I think Depp fits this better because he's "not married, but is in a realtionship."

    I agree with many above, the "it" girls are:

    Jessica Alba
    Jessica Biel
    Megan Fox

    As for the fallback, was there anyone who was wearing yellow or gold. I think this is a clue. Is Ashley wearing yellow?


  23. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Eva Mendes is an "it" girl..
    what is so charming about Bruce Willis??... eeeek.

  24. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Tracee, why gold or yellow?

  25. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Jack also acccepted his award from Jessica Alba, who was wearing a neon red dress...

  26. Anonymous2:04 PM

    ooooh and Alba does have a thinkg for older men... could be her.. but honestly who can hook up with Jack.. thats crazy! hahahaha

  27. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Jack was most recently linked with Paz de la Huerta, not sure if they're still together or not.

  28. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Off topic, but doesn't Megan Fox look about 40? I couldn't believe she was only 21. She looks like she's been ridden hard and hung up wet.

  29. Anonymous2:09 PM

    In the post about the MTV texts, ENT's spy says something about Disney making their people dress in really bright outfits. I think the one from the preferred age group is associated with Disney somehow, but don't have any guesses....

  30. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I think it's a gold or metallic dress b/c Ent says:

    "Going back to the age group he finds more appealing he found GOLD in one of the aforementioned brightly dressed people and proceeded to take her up to his room for some fun."

    That's all. I agree with anon 2:09 about it possibly being a "disney" alum. Where was Hilary Duff? what was she wearing?


  31. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Oh Tracee, you're like a double knot spy. That gold thing went right over my head.

    Off to look for pics.

  32. Anonymous2:25 PM

    ooh bruce willis!

    likes em young (rumored to have boned lindsay hohan, and is currently hooking up with some playboy.model slut who's like 21-23) obviously his preferred age group or younger.

    the bright dressed star must be ashley tisdale she's about 21-22 yrs old.

    the live ish, it girl must be jessica alba, jessica biel, or who knows??

  33. Anonymous2:30 PM

    how 'bout someone with really golden locks or a tan...doesn't necessarily have to mean the dress

  34. Anonymous2:30 PM

    TS,it only popped out the thrid time I read it. I think it could be Ashley too. Maybe the "gold" is referring to her hair? Is she the only blonde from the High School musical folks?

    Who is Bruce involved with? Does he have a "type"? Nicholson likes women that are young,but not real young. He's likes them in their late 20s. Depp on the other hand likes the waifish girls: Winona, Jennifer Gray, Kate Moss. Going to research more. is there someone who we're overlooking in the guy arena?


  35. Anonymous2:39 PM

    tishdale is one of the stars from high school musical "the bright colored people", is about 21 yrs old. is the only blonde in the group.

  36. Anonymous2:42 PM

    there are also three girls in high school musical, one is monique some black chick, definitely not golden. the other one is the girlfriend of one of the other members of the group, zac efron.
    that leaves ashley tisdale.

  37. Anonymous2:48 PM

    ashley tisdale at the movie awards

    not sure what she wore on stage since her little group, high school musical performed last night.

  38. Anonymous2:49 PM

    okay so by the process of elimination we know the smitten girl was Ashley. Now we just need to nail down the dude and the "in" girl. I'm gonna scour the BI again and see if anything pops out.


  39. Anonymous2:51 PM

    is jessica alba that desperate for acting cred that she's willing to get it on her knees? lol

  40. Anonymous3:06 PM

    hey guys
    i know johnny depp is A+
    and Nicholson is A+
    but Willis???
    What do you guys think about him as A+?

    Am i corect in saying that totally sums it up?
    Do we have a consensus that there were no other A+ film actors there?

  41. Anonymous3:22 PM

    do not think bruce willis is A list either....especially not A+

  42. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I agree I don't think Bruce is super A-list when being compared to Depp and Nicholson. However, I think it's Depp b/c he's the only A-list who we KNOW he's dating someone...I have no idea who Jack is involved with.


  43. Could "Live'ish" be a reference to someone lip-synching (or known for it)?

  44. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I agree with Hez..."Live'ish" & lip-synching. Plus, the concert thing they're doing is "High School Musical LIVE!". Wondering if he tried to hit up one of the other (not Ashley) High School Musical girls, got a number, charmed the fallback, then hit "gold" with Ashley Tisdale.

    I'm not reading the "it" part the way that some are on the board - I'm seeing as he wanted to see if he still had it, like does he have the same ability that he has been known to have with the women? Which to me possibly says Nicholson, eeewwww...

  45. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I think its Bruce Willis....That man is a dirty dirty old man. And Bruce likes the little girls. That Ashley girl doesnt look like a skank, but if its her I think we have the new crops of Linseys sprouting up. But what about Mike Meyers? I mean he got an award at that show, so for that night he is A+list, Plus his movies combined have made more than Jacks, Depps, and Willis...Do we just not think of him cause he is so extremely FUG? Screw it I am going for Meyers now.

  46. Anonymous3:47 PM

    amanda b. had new "golden" locks..

  47. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Mike Myers....maybe be the Liveish comment was referring to his SNL days

  48. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Mike Meyers is already the subject of a blind item indicating he's gay. It's not him.

    I can see Willis more than I can see Depp doing this. We never hear anything about Depp being a player. He's either not, or he's very discreet, in which case, I still can't see him doing this.

    Live-ish probably means what you're both suggesting - maybe lip synching or just referencing the play.

  49. Anonymous3:58 PM

    For those who never saw the blind item on Perez Hilton regarding Mike M., here it is:

    "Let us give you something to talk about! What recently divorced Saturday Night Live alum is gay? Yup, we're pretty shreked shocked too! The funnyman already has a boyfriend, and he's not that quiet about his new relationship. The star and his stud recently stunned partygoers by showing up together at a gay barbecue. "They were totally together ," a source tells us. Wow. We're all verklempt! This news is like butter! No way, you ask? WAY! P.S. This could explain why he and his plain looking former wife never had kids. "

    Not too blind, is it?

  50. Anonymous3:59 PM

    bruce willis IS A list. i know it doesn't seem like he has been in any blockbusters lately but he does have a good history and is still getting roles in movies. he was in sin city, the six sense, and is working on a new die hard movie.

    anyway this totally smells like bruce. he has a gf or at least is dating someone.

  51. Anonymous4:00 PM

    i don't know what the liveish is referring to.

  52. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Mike Myers, Jamie Fox and Bruce Willis are not A+. Its gotta be Depp or Jack.

  53. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Where is the definition of A list that EL put together for us? This clearly is a difference of opinion, so maybe we should revisit his definition about it.

  54. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Well, if its Johnny Depp, he can rest assured...HE DEFINITELY STILL HAS IT!

  55. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I doubt it's Depp. The BI says the guy wanted to see if he still had it ... Depp is hot, hot, hot and has got to know he still could pull anyone he wanted to. To me, that sentence meant someone older - like Jack or Bruce.

  56. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I do not get all the slobbering over Johnny Depp. He is a weed.

  57. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Good point, Mistik. I just can't get my head around it being Jack. I mean, it sounds like him, but did you see his ass hanging out of the hospital gown in 'Something's Gotta Give'? Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!

  58. Anonymous4:55 PM

    i know for a fact that mike Meyers is in to women.....A couple years back I went to the Elton John/Billy Joel concert at the MGM Grand in Vegas....We had awesome seats....Me and my boyfriend were seated next to Mike Meyers then wife, mike meyers the next seat over, a skinny blonde big tittied woman on his other side, and her date a random hot guy....(they were all together). I have to say Mike Meyers was the most polite celebs there so many people kept bothering him for autographs and the ushers asked him if he wanted them to block fans from sending stuff up to our row and taking his picture and he said no and signed everyones autographs and waved, etc...Well the concerts starts and half into it, my boyfriend is nugding me to spy on Mike cause he was feeling up his wife unit with one hand and with the other feeling up the silicone with the other, this went on for quite sometime. So he may be Bi, but he def. like women, as well. I was completely shocked but it was soo hilarious watching him...I became more interested in the gropefest than the actual concert.

  59. Anonymous4:58 PM

    We also should remember johnnys daughter desease and all, now we can even see rumorsof he geting married....i really dont think its him...he seems like a secure enough guy, and happy with his family.
    you never know, but i really hope is not him...

  60. Anonymous5:03 PM


    what if Nicholson + Depp are legends...
    like Brando and Dean and Bogart and Grant
    like a home run... not even in the ballpark
    transcend the pidgeon hole so to speak

    Willis is A+ since when you think of Die Hard you automatically think of him, like Stallone for Rocky... and he has sequels whereby they really can't sub another actor wouldnt be Die Hard anymore

    then someone like Matthew Mc is A...
    can hold a movie on his own but doen't have his 'own' movie like Bruce has Die Hard

    I have to say i think it is Willis all the way...
    he seems like just the a-hole that would do this...
    just want to slap that look right out of his eye... ugh

    i can't see Jack successfully pulling off a quickie with the pump and timing of the viagra and all...
    and i doubt he could pull off 2 hard-ons in one night

  61. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Yep I think it's Willis too. Wasn't he the subject of a BI on this very blog because he likes to pretend (or liked to pretend) that the 21 yr old girl he was dating was Rumor's friend when they were all out together?
    Also, no doubt he would wonder if he still has 'it' since he just did a magazing layout with Demi and 16 year younger Ashton.
    Plus Die Hard is coming out later this month, and you have to admit that during the days of the other Die Hard movies, he was certainly considered A list.

    I just don't think Depp would do such a public thing and I don't think Nicholson would care if he were caught doing such a public thing.

    C'mon, Bruce Willis made out with Courtney Love. It's not like hje's known for discretion or good judgement.


  62. Anonymous5:18 PM

    ewwww the vision of jack's ass -- yikes.

  63. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Bruce participated in another forum and talked about why he wanted to do Live Free or Die Hard. The thing he said that really pushed him to do it was that he wanted to see if he could still make such a film after all these years. He's older now and he just wanted to push himself to see if he could do it. Sounds like he's having a mid-life crisis in more ways than one.

  64. Anonymous5:37 PM

    i can't see Jack successfully pulling off a quickie with the pump and timing of the viagra and all...
    and i doubt he could pull off 2 hard-ons in one night

    5:03 PM


    OMG! Best and funniest comment int this entire thread. So true as well. Who the hell thinks Jack can get it up once let alone twice in one night. bwaha

  65. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Depp has nothing to prove and never sleazed around before. He wouldn't have to play games, the slightest flirtatoin would start a queue of women at his room upstairs.

    He loves his family (though that gf of his, yikes! The queen of the undead ana teenagers "I'm so hungry I have to suck your blood. Food is evil.")

    Jack has to have UCD after all the years of drug use.

    Probably Bruce Willis, though he's hardly A+ anymore - he has to promote his movies like mad to get anyone to come.

  66. Anonymous6:02 PM

    "he wanted to sample several different appetizers last night."

    Could this refer to Depp's role in Chocolat?

  67. Anonymous6:12 PM

    he found gold- the golden ticket-charlie and the choclate factory=johnny depp.


  68. Anonymous6:16 PM

    johnny depp = nooooooooooooooo please nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  69. Anonymous6:19 PM

    wasn't this blind item about our biy johnny?

    Remember the TJ hooker blind item. No, not the William Shatner show. Although there really was nothing else on television those Saturday nights. Was it Saturday? Love Boat and Fantasy Island were Saturdays, and I know all three were on ABC. Anyway, our actor got his little vixen a work visa. Seems she is going to be a nanny for the actor and his lady. When you see the tabloid pics of the 20 year old Hispanic in the background with the kids you will have it solved.

  70. Anonymous6:20 PM


  71. 6:19 - I think we settled on Will farrel for that BI

  72. Anonymous6:53 PM

    to 6:45hmm........heard somewhere it was johnny.

    anyhoo........i definitely think that this BI is about johnny. many of the clues fit him. which sucks cuz i love him like a fat kid loves cake.

  73. Anonymous7:58 PM

    "he always has luck with these ladies" . . . this would suggest that this guy has a reputation for doing exactly what he did last night. Johnny Depp doesn't not have a reputation for this type of behavior. Even when he was "in" the Hollywood scene (Viper Room) - he had a bad boy reputation, but you never heard about cheating on his part. He was with W.Ryder forever (thus the tatoo) and then with Kate Moss forever after that. This has got to be someone that actually needs to prove he's still "hot" - I don't think Johnny Depp ever really cared/cares - he just does his thing and at this point his thing is to set a good example for his children. He has said as much time after time in interviews.

  74. Anonymous9:23 PM

    "C'mon, Bruce Willis made out with Courtney Love. It's not like he's known for discretion or good judgement."

    LMFAO! So so so true.

    I am also going with the Bruce Willis as the pervy old guy.

    Contrary to all the screaming about who is and who isn't A list. Bruce Willis is still consider A list.

    And lets be real honest Johnny Depp did not get himself on that list till the Pirate's movie's came out and made a shit load of money.

    Depp was always seen as a great actor... but not A-list money making one.

    Willis had a really great "money making" run of 10-15 years... and has falter in that in the last 5. But men get to have bombs and stay A list. Unlike the girls.

    To make a valid point about A+ list. Hillary Swank has gotten 2 Oscar's but is not consider A+ List. She got damn lucky, starred in good movie's that compliment her manish appearance. But she will never be consider a "hot honey" that makes movie's that make tons of money. So she can't be A+ list.

    But pervy old guys like Willis who has not had a huge money maker in years... and has no Oscars... yet is till consider A List.

  75. Anonymous9:55 PM,,20041158_4,00.html

    does this photo answer this blind item?

  76. Anonymous10:21 PM

    And Depp seems to hate Hollywood trashy girls. I just can't see him hitting on a Disney chick, who learned all her cutesy moves from US beauty pageants from infancy.

    If JD screwed around it would be some thin European who dappled in ennui and existential angst.

  77. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Ryan Gosling

  78. Anonymous11:36 PM

    no way? jack + cameron diaz + jessica alba.

    i could see jessica alba being the young girl, even though she's not one of the bright colored people (disney kids) mentioned.

    but since when i cameron diaz an it girl? since when is she a girl period? homegirl has some miles on her if you know what i mean. she hasn't been young, fresh and on top of the industry since 10 years ago at least. why do you think jt dumped her and hooked up with jessica biel?

  79. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Anybody who thinks Johnny Depp never cheated on chicks he been with don't know the story of how he met Vanessa. He cheated on Moss, she on Kravitz, ooppps baby....voila.

    In general, he's discreet and he lives in a place where plenty of famous men have mistresses and don't get press about it (ie France). So let's not be naive here. Just because a man has a "type" doesn't mean he doesn't try other things.

    Unless Jack dropped viagra, it wasn't him. Too drunk/coked and unable.

    Willis is a possibility and so is Depp. Tho I think neither have the reason to "prove" themselves w/ chicks, but both are in midlife crisis age, so either are a good match.

    This sounds like midlife crisis behavior.

  80. Anonymous12:41 AM

    ummmmm, have we all gone insane?

    johnny depp could fuck whoever he wants whenever he wants

    no one is going to REJECT johnny depp

    i'd not only let my straight bf fuck him, i'd videotape it

  81. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Anon 6:19 PM The BI you quoted involves the mystery man moving the mistress to California to watch the children. Depp and Paradis live in France with their young.

  82. Anonymous4:29 AM

    On the "kind of Live-ish" front, I'm wondering whether the non-taker was Vanessa Manillo of Total Request Live and a recent Kindness item.

  83. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Relax about Johnny! It's Nicholson for sure. These old guys aren't as old as some of you think!!

  84. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Johnny Depp for sho!

  85. Anonymous7:00 AM


    Bruce's movie is LIVE free and Die Hard...

    Just a hunch...

    I cannot see someone like Ashley going with Jack Nicholson....WAY too gross!!! I can however, see Bruce putting on the charms. I guess I'm alone here, but think Bruce is actually kind of hot and Johnny Depp is kind of oily.

  86. Anonymous7:26 AM

    OMG, MM!! I even wrote out that Bruce was posting about Live Free and Die Hard on another forum, and I didn't make the connection. Kudos!

    Now I'm even more convinced it's Bruce. I guess his 23 year old Playboy model girlfriend isn't enough for him.

  87. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Depp because of the gold (pirate) ref. Come on...
    Plus, he is prob traveling to promote the movie.

  88. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Johnny Depp is gross with his FAKE accent.

  89. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I would probably sleep with Captain Jack, but not Depp as himself...he definitely HAVE to wear the costume and I'd have to go shot for shot with him on the rum! LOL!!!

    I do, however, agree that Depp has NOTHING to prove...I am sure that women are constantly throwing themselves at him...he is the hottest thing on the planet right now thanks to POTC.

  90. Anonymous7:35 AM


    Is THIS your client???

  91. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I'm w/the Bruce Willis guess... he just seems like such a sleeze anyways...

  92. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Owen Wilson.

  93. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Bruce Willis is a good guess - and I agree with anon 12:41 about Johnny not having to wonder whether or not he still has it. He does, and I'm sure he knows it.

    Bruce is A+ - he's been in Pulp Fiction, Sin City, the Die Hard franchise (back to his fallback?), Sixth Sense, Armageddon, even Oceans 12. He's won a Golden Globe and a couple of Emmys.

  94. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Bruce Willis is a DOG - I've read numerous accounts of him going after the young ones. He thinks he is the shit. When he probably just smells like it.

    Cyn - Jack Nicholson couldn't be bothered with running after women. He is old and creaky, remember? (And I mean that in the BEST way, Jack.) He just goes after the ones that approach him, which, I'm sure, is enough for him. Who knows how much Viagra he needs nowadays?

  95. Anonymous11:36 AM

    jack n doesn't have to prove himself to anybody. he KNOWS he is cool. Bruce Willis would do this just for fun. It totally sounds like him.

  96. Anonymous11:57 AM

    You've all convinced me it's Bruce!

  97. Anonymous12:13 PM


  98. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I agree with Mary Mac, even though Twisted sister is the one that brought up his upcoming movie, Live Free, Die Hard. I think this BI is referring to Bruce. Ding, ding! Good job folks!


  99. Who is Bruce in a relationship with?

  100. Anonymous1:27 PM

    bruce, ashley tisdale, kate bosworth


  101. Anonymous7:13 PM

    A guess for the ladies:

    Dita Von Teese for the "Live-ish" (burlesque performer = live show?) woman

    and one of the pussycat dolls (refers to them as "these ladies")



  102. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Bruce is in a relationship? With whom?

    I think it's Depp. Everyone has forgotten that he got Vanessa Paradis by cheating on Kate Moss. Sorry to disappoint the fangirls, but St. Johnny is not perfect. He's a known cheater and a drug addict. Just beacause he plays this cool character in a movie doesn't make him one in real life.

  103. Anonymous8:35 AM


  104. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I think the "Live-ish" girl is Eva Mendes - she is in right now and in a movie called Live! which is coming out this year. As for the rest of it, I am still researching.

  105. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Which part of "wanting to see if he still had it" do you people not understand.

    Unless you've been living under a rock, Johnny Depp certainly does not have to worry about whether or not he still has it. Regardless of his past cheating behavior, I would bet the rest of my paychecks this year that it wasn't him.

    Based on the info I've read here, and even though I'm sure this BI is utter bullsiht, I'm going to go with Bruce Willis. I have no idea who the women are though.

  106. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I think 12:36 hit the nail on the head. I did a quick search on imdb and was about to post the same thing. I think Eva qualifies.


  107. Anonymous1:01 PM

    r these ladies...the girls next door?

  108. Anonymous1:51 PM

    he is also linked to charlie's angel's drew b
