Monday, June 04, 2007

Ted C. Blind Item

What can you really say about a guy like Wendell Waxer? First off, he's damn lucky. See, Wendell was attending film school on the East Coast when he was "discovered" on the streets. Wendell scored a semisweet deal acting on a network offering. Pretty fortuitous, considering our comely Wendell had no acting training whatsoever.

W2 eventually ditched school and headed for T-town with his long-term girlfriend from college. Now, keep in boo-hoo mind, the good-intentioned, blushing g-f moved out west to support her man, who promptly got a huge-ass head from his newfound stardom and dumped her ass.


Now, Ms. Dumped Derriere would surely hasten one to not only not date her creep-a-zoid old flame but also to not invite him to dinner at your pad. See, during a holiday when W.W. couldn't make it home, a good college bud of his graciously asked Wen to spend the time at his fam's place. And Wendell caused a huge fracas at his guest's house over a friggin' board game.

Apparently, mean-ass, egomaniac Wendell made his host's younger sibling bawl over a game of Scattegories. W2 promptly got booted by the host's horrified mama.

Later on down the line, after his big network debut, his same amigo from school was making a movie. And despite Wendell's pleading, he didn't think W2 was quite right for any parts and chose not to audition him. I mean, the guy had never even taken any acting classes, so it's understandable why someone might have doubts, right?

Apparently not to narcissistic Wendell, who did what any mature person would do. He stopped speaking to his former friend. Like I said, sweet.

Sounds like someone needs some attitude rehab, among other things.


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Is it just me or was that the lamest blind item ever?

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    All of Ted C's items are lame. I stopped trying to read them a long time ago.

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Jesse Metcalfe?

    (All the "and it ain't" pictures were actors from Desperate Housewives)

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I'd say this was Jesse Metcalf after knowing him at almost all fits...ESPECIALLY the bits about WW being a dickhead. However, when I knew him he was dating a guy...but he could be bi.

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Lame and easy. All of the "and it's not's" are from "Desperate Housewives", so I don't think its a big stretch for the answer to be....Jesse Metcalf. I didn't even have to think to come up with that one.


  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It is Jesse Metcalfe but Who Cares? This BI is retarded like Ted C.
    -The Lawnmower-

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Anaon 9:28 - Care to share more details about the relationship with the guy?

  8. Anonymous9:44 AM

    the "guy" is now a director in hollywood. the "guy" got dumped when Jesse Metcalf got Passions. It was big gossip for a bit in the film dept because even though we all agreed that he's a pretty pretty boy, nobody knew he was trying to be an actor, or that he was actually skilled enough.

  9. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I love how the Blind Vice is dated 06/01/07 - but that sh*t was nowhere to be seen on the E! site on that date.

  10. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Ted C's BI always make me angry because they seem to jump around and are so random. I can never follow what's being said with all the silly names that are given to people.

  11. That made my brain hurt.

  12. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Brendalove -

    It's been there since June 1. We discussed it in the forum and all decided it was Jesse M.

    See this link with the June 1st date:

  13. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Is it wrong to say the "guy's" name on a gossip blog. It's all just heresay anyway. I'm just curious because i'm wondering if we would know who this director is. Karma dictates what comes around goes around………..I hope the “guy” directs a blockbuster and Jesse misses out because he's a tool.

  14. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Naming the guy would only get him bad press. He's not a big name director, but he is talented.

  15. Anonymous10:39 AM

    A big ego in Hollywood???

    Oh my.

    That guy from Taxi?????

  16. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I didn't think she went to college--- but when ENT mentioned "rehab", it has to be Lindsey Lohan!!

  17. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Well I was upset because I couldn't find it on 06/01, but now that I've read it I'm not really upset at all.

  18. Anonymous11:59 AM

    11:04 - NO. READ before guessing at least

  19. Anonymous10:59 PM

    All the whiners and complainers of Ted's BI's don't like, don't read. Simple as that.

    I think it's probably Jesse and backs up the previous WW BI. He's been out partying again recently. So much for the rehab PR stunt!
