Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday Links

If I've said it once, I've said it at least a million times. OK, maybe 3 or 4. If you don't want your employees publicly talking about you, get them to sign a confidentiality agreement. They will always talk about you behind your back and say nasty things that bloggers report to the rest of the world. In this episode of celebrity stupidity, Lindsay didn't get one and so it is bringing her down along with Nicole Richie.

Latest on Paris. (including her fear of toilets, which in case you are curious is CORPOROPHOBIA. It actually looks like fear of dead people, but that is the exclusive domain of Haley Joel Osment. I know I know. He says he sees them, but he was scared at first too, especially when they were roaming around the apartment at night, and he was in his tent huddled and scared. Huh. I bet Paris is doing the same thing in a way. ) Here is a quote from Sheriff Baca which validates what I was saying yesterday about suicide watch. Baca said Paris would be under close scrutiny so "there isn't anything harmful done to herself by herself, which is a great concern to me."

Photos of Julia Roberts looking VERY pregnant and ready to give birth.

Interview with Angelina Jolie. Pretty long which is good for a Sunday when you have nothing to do. I don't have anything to do either. I'm thinking about cleaning but I don't like to clean when it's a nice day. Actually I don't like cleaning when it's raining either. The beach is a possibility, but my skin is whiter than Nicole Kidman's and with my corpulence and extreme body hair, I get too many stares to have much fun. Also, after you have heard the fourth "that guy really does look like a whale" conversation from people you pass it gets old. So, what I'll probably do is to eat the three dozen Krispy Kreme donuts I bought this morning and wonder silently how come they are never available as a pizza topping. Life would be much easier if they were.


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Wow links on Saturday AND Sunday! Thanks EL!

  2. EWWY to Krispy Kreme donuts with a pizza topping.

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Nothing about the Lindsay stuff surprises me, except for...MARIAH CAREY? Ewwwww!!!

    Lindsay, girl, it was mos def time for rehab.

  4. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I've thought for a while that LL might not make it, either her or NR, both walk a thin line.


    Angelina Jolie seems to be doing a lot of interviews the past few months, at least one a week actually. And in all of them she talks incessantly about her perfect family and her perfect Brad... the women doth protest and all that.

  5. Anonymous2:39 PM

    ummm enty, i think it's 'coprophobia'.

    you've got a few too many syllables in there and a couple misarranged letters, dude.

    spelling snark meant with love,

    ps you can delete this message.

  6. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Just let the cunt parasite kill herself already.

  7. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I hope Julia Roberts' next child is better looking than the previous two. Her son is the ugliest child I've ever seen in my life (Suri Cruise as runner-up).

    Lindsay must be out of her mind if she was hitting on Mariah Carey. She could be in rehab until this time next year and it won't be long enough.

  8. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I sort of wanted to take pleasure in all of this, but I just don't. I feel bad for all of them Paris, Nicole, Linds... Their lives are so sad. It seems like such a messy downward spiral they're not able to get out of.

  9. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Why can't I ever believe a word Angelina says? For whatever reason, I have a real problem with her. Something just doesn't sit right with me wherever she's concerned. She seems so manipulative I wouldn't trust her. I think she's nuts. She's done a lot of great things but I always feel like there's an ulterior motive to it all. I guess that shouldn't matter though if the underpriviledged benefit from it.

  10. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Reading about LL and Paris and Nicole... does anyone else get the image of little girl lost stuck in their heads? I used to simply be annoyed by the way the tabs glommed all over them -- but wanting them to disappear from the tabloids is quite different from wanting them to cease their existence altogether. I really am starting to feel sorry for them. Wild, wanton, willful, wicked... why? Do they have mommy issues? What causes this in so many young people in Hollyweird?

    Anonymous today

  11. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The scary thing is that I really feel Lindsay is currently in rehab for "show". She needed to clean up her image fast before her court date on August 24. Her advisors/mother probably suggested it so her sentence will be lighter.

    Does anyone really believe a 20 year-old rich and famous drug addict WANTS to clean up? Especially right before her 21st birthday party in Vegas? She's going to be right back on drugs as soon as she's out of there.

    I hate to say it but that's what I really believe. This is just another "Wonderland" stint. People don't get clean unless THEY themselves REALLY WANT to get clean. She still has too many parties to attend and adolescent years to live out.

    The girl still has her twenties which is when the majority of people start using/partying in the first place. I'm reallly afraid for this girl. She doesn't care whether she lives or dies.

    (I'm also curious about this: Rumor has it that she snuck in her Blackberry and texts friends for sleeping pills. I bet she texts them to leave "stuff" at the gym in a locker for her. She has been working out at a gym daily. And I'm sure she requests privacy when she undresses. Ugh, I really want to give her the benefit of the doubt.)

  12. Anonymous5:52 PM

    the bodyguard is saying what we ALREADY know..Lindsay is a cokehead!

  13. Anonymous6:06 PM

    One of these young people will have to die from drugs before any of the current crop of celebs will curb the excess that is going on. It happens with each generation.

    Also agree with a previous poster who said Angelina is protesting too much. Reminds me of all the celebrity couples that are all over each other during public appearances then you find out their relationship was a shame arrangement.

  14. Anonymous6:17 PM

    WTF? Someone on Myspace is saying that Paris has been stabbed??? Can anyone confirm?

  15. I personally am shocked that world-renowned treatment facility promises is allowing some stupid little girl to make a mockery of their reputation. She is out of there daily even more than she was from Wonderland. She's got freshly colored and styled hair, a big Starbucks and a bunch of girlfriends as she acts like a fool on the balcony of Spectrum Club. Why would they allow this? They deal with celebrities constantly and I have never seen this out of Promises. I'm just really surprised!!!
    Hadn't heard anything about Paris. Something tells me if she was stabbed even the f'ing National Geographic Channel would cut to live breaking news. I don't think anyone can get near her in there anyway.

  16. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Yeah, the girl spreading that around finally realized it was from a fake CNN site.

  17. I thought you would have been promoting the Evan Almighty premiere!

    This young generation just drives me insane - the big deal will be one someone actually manages to grow up without falling into the downfalls of Lindsay, Paris, etc.

  18. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Anyone else shocked on how utterly beautiful (or at least photogenic) LL is even coked up? Damn, what a waste!
    And speaking of waste, I wish there was a way to not allow Dina Lohan within 500 yards of any child, puppy or kitten. Ever.


  19. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I have a huge fear of public toliets after I did cultures on public toliets when I was in my Bio-med class in college. It was so awful....I grew e-coli, staph, and just all kinds of bacteria at really dangerous and toxic levels. My professor asked where did I get all the samples and had to lie cause we were stricly prohibited from swabbing in the bathroom.

  20. Anonymous12:55 AM

    circular....agreed. I never used to think very much of her looks-wise but she is utterly gorgeous in some of the messed up photos floating around lately(especially in the pics where she is holding a knife, although I hate to admit it). Ugh. Indeed a waste.

    Robin...It is sad but all stems from the fact that these girls are self-indulgent little brats who aren't old enough to make mature decisions and are surrounded by people who never say "No" to them. I went through a stage of partying hard and being wild girl but woek up to myself and realised that I was starting to feel like crap all the time and my life was going down the toilet so I got my shit together and moved on. Its time some of these girls did the same.

  21. Anonymous12:56 AM

    ^ Woke.

  22. Anonymous4:20 AM

    hmm.. jelly filled and choc. glazed as a pizza topping huh? well, it sounds better than the shrimp, corn, sliced potato, stinky cheese and request raw egg that passes as pizza topping here. i have a few ideas on how you could whittle away those boring sunday afternoons... nudge nudge

  23. Anonymous4:27 AM

    oops. requeset... no one in their right minds (i.e. no one who's ever fought decently in a war) would request raw egg

  24. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Ego.Its all ego. Linds and Co. have got their peanut brains wrapped around the idea that their poo doesn't stink.

    Its not about being dedicated to your acting craft but rather who is seen with who and how much you can defy the law...because none of it applies to you! The craft of celebrity.


  25. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Not surprised the bodyguard is singing. With all the crap he went through I would shell out a book too. Blohan probably asked him to so her name would still be in tabs. She gets off on all of it.

    I agree with the anon that posted about her still being photographic when strung out. All of this is waste...maybe having kids do charity before they graduate isn't a bad idea. These girls needs a lesson in humility, STAT.

    I want to know what he has to say about Pitt and others behavior.That will be juicy!

