"Now who wants to hop right up here and let The Hoff autograph your breasts?"
A closeup of Bernadette Peters and she still looks good. She will be 60 in February.
Who here enjoyed Secretary?

Ties with Ellen Barkin for the least able to move.

That is a very hard way to walk down the street. Kind of like the Katie Holmes duck walk.

#1 "Say hello to my little friend. Me"
#2 Erik Estrada hosting a donut eating contest. Well it's probably slightly better than being the celebrity bingo caller at a senior home.
#3 "What white guy? There was no white guy on ChiPs. Just me."

Nothing says woman of the year, quite like lots of cleavage, hot pants and a phallic symbol.

Pam Anderson is a very lucky woman isn't she?

Who was it that said Sandra Bernhard was sexy?

Liv Tyler and Kate Bosworth. That's a whole lot more than an air kiss to the cheek.

Thanks to egotastic, justjared, and IDLYITW for the pics.
It's the sequins on the hotpants that elevate the look from everyday "just going to the bodega for a pint of milk" Posh insanity to "Glamazon of the Year" insanity.
ReplyDeleteLadies, I hope we've all been taking notes. Class dismissed.
Does anyone else think the pic of Bernadette Peters and the other lady looks like the Olsen twins in about 20 years?
ReplyDeleteYeah ... that old saw about power corrupting absolutely? I never thought it applied to the flesh ... but I see I was wrong!
ReplyDeleteUh...whoa on the Kate & Liv smooch. That would be an awesome hollywood hook-up...and i'm straight!
"Now who wants to hop right up here and let The Hoff autograph your breasts?" LOL!!
ReplyDeleteMy thought on the Posh pic is she posing like she's gonna stick that award some place else. Maybe Becks' bum? And Bernedette is 2 years younger than Liza, but Liza looks like Bern's mother. They both had to have plastic surgery but I guess we know who went to the better surgeon.
wow, good for bernadette p.!
ReplyDeleteThe Olson Twins TODAY Anon 12:57 LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteWow...Bernadette has always been one of my very favorite stars. She has some dark circles under her eyes, but who doesn't, especially at 60, but daummm, she looks HOT at 60!!!
That's so funny, I thought the same thing about Liv and Kate and I'm straight too...that said...I have straight friends and family that like to kiss like that too...a little icky for me, but oh well, to each his own.
Liza Minelli and Ellen Barkin even look alike these days.
ReplyDeletePosh looks like she went to a tanning salon in OompaLoompaville.
ReplyDeleteWith the exception of Kate & Liv I now can see why reality stars are so popular.
ReplyDeleteBTW-Kudos to Maggie for allowing her child to eat when and where everyone else can.
ReplyDeleteMmmm... Secretary w/James Spader. Do you treat your secretary like that EL?
ReplyDeleteDorothy, I love Secretary! Great movie, Maggie was good in it too. Too bad James didn't stay that sexy...(tear drop slowly rolling down my cheek.)
ReplyDeleteYeah I'll admitt I have a things for wannabe Brat Packers. Did someone say Andrew McCarthey?
I am astounded, literally speechless.
ReplyDeleteWhy? Bernadette Peters. I had no idea. I thought she was mid to late fourties at most!
I first saw her in a Cameron Mackintosh DVD about 9 years ago which would have made her 48/49 at the time.
I thought she was in her 20s....shocked doesn't cover it.
Tracee... I still remember watching Less Than Zero in the theatre. I never got the McCarthy thing, but I even considered writing jailhouse letters to RD,Jr...
ReplyDeleteAnd Spader used to wet my gusset quite a lot back then (although more so for Sex, Lies & Videotape than for Less Than Zero where he was quite the nasty). Howevs, poor Spadie does seem to be fighting the hotness now. But to this day, the voice alone can still make me all ootsy.
ReplyDeleteI'm not too embarrased to say that I definitely have to agree with you on the Andrew McCarthy thing. My husband always makes fun of me for it, but I always thought he was sooooo cute...just the kind of guy I always dated in high school...the smart, rich, good looking kid that was a bit insecure on the inside. LOVED him in St. Elmo's fire!
Bernadette is brilliant - but ppl thank her plastic surg. okay?!
ReplyDeleteShe is fabulous - other older hollywood types should take note...
oh i alwyas had a thing for the incredibly Smarmy Spader...ahh memories.
ReplyDeleteam really on the gay kick today but liv tyler has always, even with the husband and baby, given me the serious lesbian vibe. heard rumors about kate b. too. she did date orlando after all.
ReplyDeleteJust kinda wanted to say I was a bit disappointed to see the Maggie breastfeeding. I think that crosses the line and is invasive on her personal privacy.
romc, I get the vibe too from ole Les, I mean Liv. But Kate doesn't look to be enjoying the kiss that much. She looks caught off guard.
ReplyDeleteAnon 2:19 he is smarmy isn't he? Ahh, Spader...McCarthy, the memories indeed. Less than Zero, St.Elmo's Fire, love it! I love Spader's voice too, all deep and confident-like.
Hez, gurl "Spader used to wet my gusset quite a lot back then" I couldn't put it more eloquently myself! (Crying AGAIN, but tears of laughter.)
MM, that's the appeal of McCarthy he had the preppy looks, but the characters he played were the rich kid who was down to earth. What teenage girl didn't want a guy to sweep her off her feet by this bleeding heart. Ahh, my heart be still.
Blegh, perhaps, a shawl is in order there Mags... I know I'm just asking for it here but I'm sooo not on Team Public Breast Feed.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I was shopping the other day and this chick flopped past me with a wee babe sucking away and when I recoiled in horror and proceeded to give her a wide berth of space within which to nurse Junior and she clearly decided to make a "statement" and follow me around the store. It was all very surreal. And more than a little gross...
ReplyDeleteI'm guilty. I'm not THAT tolerant of breatfeeding in restaurants at THE table. Okay let me rephrase that breastfeeding without any discretion. When I'm shopping ot whatever I couldn't care two grunts, but I've seen some shocking behavior:
I was at a restaurant eating and this woman had 1+ old who had teeth and all. The baby was in a high chair, and when the woman went to feed the baby she just leaned over and gave the boy "the teet." She didn't pick up the baby just leaned. The baby didn't want the teet she gave and pointed to the other teet. It suckled on the teet and then dove into it's mac n'cheese with a fork.
That experience left me scarred for life and my husband threw up, but just a little.
Bernadette looks wonderful (great skin). BTW, she lost her husband in a plane crash over a year ago.
ReplyDeleteI agree with anon @ 4:12, she has AMAZING skin. I would kill to know what her secret is. I'm sure she's had plastic surgery too, but you can't fake that kind of skin.
ReplyDeleteMeh Maggie G lives to complain about papparezzi. I wish they would grant her wish and stop taking her picture. She seems to think they do it because she's all that, not that they are following her around to hear her talk about Jake and the special man in his life.
ReplyDeleteBernadette is awesome
its easy to tell the americans in the room. Why are americans so uneasy w/ breast feeding?
ReplyDeleteI traveled in other countries a few times while my child was nursing and it was sooooo nice not to have to deal with the looks or stares when I began breastfeeding.
Its a fucking breast people and that is what they are made for - to provide all babies with the best nutrition nature can give.
Get over it and GROW THE FUCK UP.
Maybe it's just me but it seems like Maggie G. is trying to make a statement by breastfeeding in public. She's spoken up before about issues that bother her. Anyone remember the whole US 9/11 thing she said and there was a huge uproar about that. (I remember and I'm in Australia!)
ReplyDeleteI like her but I think being the sister of the incredibly hot and very mysterious (sexuality) Jakey that she's gotten a lot more attention than she originally wanted.
Liv Tyler is really touchy feely or she likes kissing girls because... (she kissed Drew a few years ago at the Oscars)
Bernadette def. looks like she's had something done but yes, it is subtle.
Sorry this is such a long post, but I kinda like Maggie G.
Anon 6:30:
ReplyDeleteThere's a HUGE difference betweenbeing discreet) using a cover-up) and just whipping your breast out for all to see. That's just TACKY. And I breast-fed BOTH my children - sometimes in public. I carried a blanket with me and usually sat in a more private area. You need to fuckin' CHILL.
On the Breastfeeding debate - I agree w/Cyn - no issues w/women doing it but discretion is appreciated - we americans are prudes -
ReplyDeleteYou cant tell me Liv didnt know papparazi were there - they ate outside and everything - I think she was trying to start the drama w/that kiss... is she promoting a movie or something???
Kate DID go out with Orlando, and so did Penelope Cruz, so I am thinking that she probably enjoyed the kiss..
P.S- SO disappointed about Samantha Ronson being a backstabber,- I really thought she was nice.
will be 60!!!?! whoa! she looks amazing! good for her.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Posh, wtf?!
Maggie maggie maggie.. breastfeeding in public? whatever, but you don't have to just wave it around!
i'm so not into public breastfeeding, hearing a baby slurping and sucking on a "teet" in public makes me want to gag. it's just not right. i'd be pissed if i was that baby and in 15 years saw pics of me on the internet sucking on my mom's boob...
Michele, if you had been breastfed, seeing yourself on the internet breastfeeding probably would not bother you.
ReplyDeleteYou all need to chill out. Agree w/ the statement that americans are prudes...but only when it comes to breastfeeding. Oddly enough in America we are all happy to see a boob in a topless bikini pic, but seeing a baby using it for its intended purpose is an issue?
Thank god for Canada.
it's just not right (in public), in MY OPINION. if you get a kick out of it, good for you.
ReplyDeletei'm not going to agree that we are prudes, that is YOUR opinion.
I love boobs. I own a pair myself. I don't mind breat feeding and I have plans to do it one day, but all I ask is a little discretion at restaurant.
ReplyDeleteIf Maggie wants to whip it out on a street corner, cool. But I'm sorry if seeing someone else's boob while I eat makes me wanna barf. Different strokes, for different folks.
Go Maggie!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say that when I posted about Maggie breastfeeding it was the disappointment in EL and other sites posting the pic's.
I have no issue with breastfeeding.
I just don’t think this is relevant to what we look for in gossip. I feel the same way about stars kids pic's being taken. It's not about them so don't show them.
In addition they are NOT on the red carpet or seeking the attention or publicity (leave that to the Lohans AND HER MOM/Hiltons/Richards they pimp them self’s and there kids 24/7) Not the ones that are just doing what all our parents did for us... being parents and spending quality time with them.
and if you get unconfortable seeing them breastfeed. TURN YOU HEAD seems simple eh?
ita fo real