Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Random Photos

Britney Spears and Kelly Clarkson- Battle of the big butts. No, it's not Kelly, and if it wasn't for that rat's nest on Britney's head I wouldn't recognize her. This butt doesn't look like the one from yesterday.

Nothing snarky. I just really like this photo of Cillian Murphy. I know he's probably ordering a non-fat misto with chocolate, but I like to think he's trying to get into character.

It won;t do you any good Heather. Hostel II isn't that great.

Yes Stephen it's time to work out. Even 17 year olds have their standards.

It's a jail. She isn't going anywhere.
I thought Heath Ledger was playing the Joker.
I think the photo says it all.


Anonymous said...

Jack Nicholson called. He wants his ass back.

Anonymous said...

Still laughing! Love the pic of Posh!!

Anonymous said...

WTF is up w/ Britney's ass? Did she have a butt double for the beach money shot?! God I just want her to move back to Lousiana, move into a trailer, eat her cheetoes, smoke her methols in peace, like any good white trash gurl.


Anonymous said...

Maybe she's the new spokesperson for grapefruit.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Brit butt shot. I feel so much better about my own ass now.


Anonymous said...

Gurl, you are on today! BTW, thanks for getting "sheesh" in my head. I've said a million times already today. SHEESH!


Anonymous said...

Tracee, it's a good thing I didn't say, "For shit's sake" or something worse, then.

I know, I'm a bad influence...lol.

Anonymous said...

I spy Brendalove!

Anonymous said...

LOL..where is our fav attentionwhore???

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S what Becks sees in her!
Aa (ano) leather Daddy.

lj said...

wow, ent, thanks so much for putting the names of people in almost all the pics. despite your many fans you still respond to feedback. : )

Anonymous said...


I have a special fondness for his chain corset thingie!

Anonymous said...

I betcha do gurl, I bet you do! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Why does SoCal sound familiar?

Cyn - getting old


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