Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Random Photos Part Two

Most people use the door to get to the backseat.
Or maybe she was in a hurry to get some back seat lovin' which would explain the dress falling off. Of course it could be falling off because it's way too big and she's way too lazy to care.

Wouldn't you rather have a one piece tan line rather than some huge belt like tan line?

"We're going to get paid baby."
I'm Not Obsessed said it best. More pics of Dannielynn must mean the rent is due.


Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Larry. This is a high profile child, whether he wants her to be or not. In that situation, either you have the paps hounding you to 'steal' a picture and profit themselves, or you do it yourself. Which would you chose?

Anonymous said...

Tummy control is IN at the beach, apparently.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, I haven't seen any pap pics of him and dannielynn since he moved to kentucky or where ever he lives now. Babies, honestly, are really fucking boring and people will lose interest in them if they're kept out of sight.

Anonymous said...

Uma looks good! I think a suit like that is very difficult to pull off.

Anonymous said...

Dannilynn is so cute and they both seem very happy. Larry has had so many well wishers and has had such a journey, I am sure he just wants to show off a little bit. Can you really blame him? She's adorable!

Plus, I have a little bit of a crush on Larry....He IS the most eligible bachelor in LA (next to Ent, of course!!! :))

Anonymous said...

By the way...Brit Brit is quite the mess...

I just don't get it. How can anyone be this stupid!!! Doesn't she EVER look good? If she wants to make some money, she needs to work really hard on rebuilding her image...ummm....honey....this ISN'T it! UCK!!!

Anonymous said...

Brit looks horrible! And I just can't believe she continues to wear those nasty boots. Oh the shoes I would wear if I had her money!

That suit looks like something one would wear after lipo. Ick!! Anybody know the designer????

Anonymous said...

Uma is hotter that a twenty dollar pistol.

kellygirl said...

Brtiney's dress is falling off because she is wearing it backwards. Anyone who thinks for one moment that this not 100% intentional is frighteningly naive. She did it on purpose all those times with Paris, and she's again just seeking attention. She is mentally ill. I hope those children are never left alone with her. It scares me.

Anonymous said...

kelly you're overreacting, please. the dress slipped off, accident or not it isnt a big deal.

if she wants attention all she has to do is walk outside of her house and there are 10 cars full of paparrazi there at her disposal.

I love how shallow everybody's comments are, if she fit your definition of looking good you wouldn't give a shit if her dress was slipping off. its all about looks. stop acting concerned, assholes.

Anonymous said...

Dude that pic of Uma is hella old! She does not have a broken wrist currently --that is from month-no years ago...
just sayin...

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else creeped out that Britney has 3 hands in the 1st pic???

Anonymous said...

Britney is mentally delayed. She can't help it, its who she is.

Anonymous said...

that suit may work on uma, and in l.a. but if she were to wear that in miami they'd send her packing home.

it's hella ugly. ewwwwww.

Anonymous said...

That swimsuit on Uma looks like a 1950's bra and girdle combination.

She could do better with a one piece.

Britany has lost her mind AND her manners.

Anonymous said...

I love how shallow everybody's comments are, if she fit your definition of looking good you wouldn't give a shit if her dress was slipping off. its all about looks. stop acting concerned, assholes.

I'm sorry where do you think you are Jesus.com???
Fuck off windbag..that old skank was wearing the dress ONE way when she went out and surpise! the fuckin thing was on the wrong way later that night..YOU do the math.
Once a lazy useless whore always a washed up useless whore.


Anonymous said...

ok like it or not Uma is rockin the Katherine Hepburn two piece!

If i looked that good in it id have one in e-ver-y fuckin colour.

Anonymous said...

Uma broke her wrist in December 2006, so the pics are a few months old.
I think that suit R-O-C-K-S.

Anonymous said...

if she wants attention all she has to do is walk outside of her house and there are 10 cars full of paparrazi there at her disposal.
Very true, but that is just what is so sick about her. Ten cars full of paparrazi are not enough for her--she has to expose her lady parts in order to feel like she's alive.
Sad, really.

kellygirl said...

Thanks Jax, I thought I was the only one who noticed that she turned the dress around half-way through the night. And I agree, you would think the 10 cars full of cameras right outside her door would be enough to satisfy her need for attention. It's just really hard to imagine how her logic works.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Larry. I'm glad Dannielynn is with her father, but I see him as an opportunistic SOB who wouldn't be anywhere near that baby if there wasn't the possibility of that huge settlement coming her way.

Brit is a train wreck. The girl never had class... now that she's making her own decisions, we can see she's somewhere around IQ 90.


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