Saturday, June 09, 2007

Paris Hilton On Suicide Watch?

Although I love the rumors about the herpes blisters, Paris is not the only person in jail with such a condition and that alone is not going to get her released. (Hez started the rumor and is getting the credit she deserves all over the internet.) Psychiatrists don't visit jails to dispense Valtrex. From the statements I've read and what Greta van Susteren has reported, (scroll down for video) it's obvious that Paris is on the verge of a mental breakdown. When an inmate is placed on suicide watch they are under intense scrutiny, but sometimes the inmate still succeeds. If you were an elected official would you want Paris Hilton committing suicide or suffering a complete mental breakdown on your watch? Every article and television show would be talking about what you should have done and how you as sheriff messed it up. Not a good way to get re-elected. It is a risk you have to take for an inmate who has a long jail term or is in the state prison system. It is not a risk you want to take when the subject inmate is in the county jail for a traffic offense.

In regards to the campaign contribution in a quid pro quo for release, you have got to be kidding. You really think $1000 is going to get Paris out of jail? Do you know how much the sheriff makes? How much he will make when he retires and starts consulting? How much he stands to lose for $1000? You don't think he knows that contributions are made public? Don't you think that if someone could pay $1000 and get their kid out of jail that everyone would do it? You think Paris' grandfather knew in advance last year she would be arrested and put in jail with an unfair sentence and so gave Baca $1000 to cover that eventuality? Come on.

I also stand by my turf war comments from yesterday. Yes, a judge can order someone back to jail, BUT, this is a very RARE case of that. Judges do not typically get involved in the calculation of good behavior and jail overcrowding unless someone is suing because the jails are too overcrowded. The county generally is the judge of who stays and who goes depending on the demand for space. If Paris were not Paris, she would not still be in jail. The "ridiculous" I referred to yesterday was the media coverage and not the sentence which I have already commented on before. The coverage is ridiculous. Insanely so.


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