Saturday, June 16, 2007

NY Post Blind Items

#1 WHICH newsman and TV legend has been able to keep his skeletons in the closet for decades? He has two children out of wedlock who are now adults living in New Jersey .

#2 WHICH muscle-bound ballplayer likes to bring his wife to strip clubs, where the couple enjoys wild times in private back rooms? He doesn't mind when his wife gets blind drunk because then she can't see the fun he's having .

#3 WHICH governor is seeing so little of his wife that she's seeing a lawyer?


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    #1: Dan Rather ... Peter Jennings?? Interesting!!

    #2: No Friggin' clue...

    #3: Arnold? Only governor I know off the top of my head and the only one I'd be remotely interested in, really.

  2. Anonymous11:09 AM

    #1 is Dan Rather. The pompous, pontificating, ass-hat who throws stones at everyone else will one day be outed for the scumbag he really is.

    Also, Peter Jennings, is gone, so I don't think it would be worded that way if it were him.

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    #1 Anyone of those network news-readers

    #2 A-Rod NY Yankees

    #3 Can't be Arnold...they have an iron-clad business arrangment..and besides when it comes to divorce, thats a big no-no to a Catholic such as Maria

  4. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Many of Maria's aunts and uncles got divorces. Divorce isn't that big of a deal in the Catholic church anymore.

  5. Anonymous11:23 AM

    To Anon 11:16

    To Maria it is..
    she's the exception..ever hear one of her kids being an alcoholic? drug addict?..nope
    she saw what happenend in the Kennedy family and swore it wouldn't happen to her.

  6. Anonymous11:44 AM

    NO Arnold. That leaves 49 other governors.....

  7. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I think Arnold/Maria, too. I read on Thursday that a divorce announcement is imminent, which I have to say really surprised me.

  8. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Ed Rendell (PA) is married to a federal judge...a convenient way to meet a lawyer. I have no idea why this would be juicy though unless its because his name is being thrown around for a high-post if the dems win in '08.

    We have to consider all presidential hopefuls that are governors as well.

    Another well-known governor is Jeb Bush, who is married.

  9. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Anon 11:23 -

    Maria is raising her children differently than the rest of the Kennedy's but that doesn't mean she would never get a divorce.

    Anon 12:00 -

    I think you're misreading the blind. When he says, "...she's seeing a lawyer", it means to discuss a divorce, not to date him.

    Also, it doesn't say he's a well-known governor, so it really could be anyone.

  10. Anonymous12:24 PM

    No wonder arod's wife didn't seem to care when he was pictured out and about with strippers....nice self respect lady.

  11. Anonymous1:09 PM

    ole' man Cronkite?

  12. Anonymous1:10 PM

    NY posting, so any chance it's the NY governor - Spitzer?

  13. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Are you just saying Dan Rather because you are a Republican? Do you have any proof and/or research to backup your pompous claim?

  14. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Oh I hope its Jeb! If its not Ahnold, and its not Jeb.....who other governors would we know about? I'm not even sure who my governor is now ;-)

    Kidding, just kidding.

  15. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Anon 1:28 - I don't know who you're talking to, you didn't say. But since I was one of two people who said Dan Rather, I'll respond.

    Some people here guessed Cronkite and Peter Jennings, and a number of different Governors in answer to the blind items. Why aren't you asking EVERYONE if they have any proof to back up their claims?

    Seems you have an agenda.

  16. Anonymous2:20 PM

    (1)Geraldo, (2)Giambi, and (3)Jeb

  17. Anonymous2:23 PM

    To Anon 1:28

    I didn't guess Rather...but your still an idiot for trying to make bi#1 political.

  18. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Geraldo a newsman/legend?..cough
    maybe in his own mind!

  19. Anonymous2:26 PM

    sorry typo..."you're"

  20. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Matt Lauer -- he did his Headliners and Legends show for a long time where he interviewed politicians, celebs, and notables.

  21. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Jeb..word on the street is he has a girlfriend for awhile now

  22. Anonymous2:30 PM

    TO JJ

    interesting..but is he old enough to have kids who are now adults?

  23. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Anon 2:23 - THANK YOU!!!! And I wonder how the poster knows who is Republican or Democrat. Maybe wearing a tinfoil hat tunes her in.

    JJ, the word legends as a clue for a show title is very interesting. He's 50 years old, so he's old enough to have adult children - and his reputation for fooling around sure would make him a suspect.

  24. Anonymous2:49 PM

    "hello kitty said...

    NO Arnold. That leaves 49 other governors..... "

    9 states have women governors so that would leave 40.

    I'm going with Arnold.

  25. Anonymous2:54 PM

    "Jeb..word on the street is he has a girlfriend for awhile now"

    Damn, the streets sure are getting lame these days! LOL

  26. Anonymous3:07 PM

    jeb is florida's former guv. been out of office since the beginning of the yr. does that count?

  27. Anonymous3:23 PM

    i kind of like the matt lauer guess for number 1. looked him up & he is 49 yrs. old, older than i thought, but surely old enough to have adult children. when he & the wife broke up, there were lots of rumors re. his roving eye. i don't think anyone would be shocked over anything geraldo has in his past.

  28. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Andy Rooney

  29. Anonymous4:02 PM

    God, you fucking right-wing bitches are at it again.


    It is Arnold and Maria (which surprised me, as well), but I doubt it will hit divorce. She'll pull something like she always does...

  30. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Good Lord - who here is right wing? And how do you know this?

    Another one with a tinfoil hat?

    Since when does guessing Dan Rather make you right wing?

  31. Anonymous4:30 PM

    To Twisted Sis 2:39

    YW...just ignore the idiots wearing tin-foil hats

  32. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Maria - on one hand I think she has been a devoted wife and mother, and the other I think a screaming phony. Trying to pretend her marriage to Arnold is above reproach. I will never forget watching her clutching her hands and bow at some Arnold governor election celebration. She is the limit and I would not be surprised it is her and Arnold having problems.

  33. Anonymous8:27 PM

    When did Matt Lauer become "legendary"? I think that is more along the lines of Rather, Cronkite, Jennings, Rooney--old school type journalists.

    Money's on Rooney...from New York and lives in Connecticut--kids live in Jersey, that's all pretty close, isn't it?

  34. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Since I was the first to guess Dan Rather, I'll address the accusation of Anon 1:28. How ironic that you accuse me of being Republican, since I'm anything but!

    I chose Dan Rather because he was the first iconic, legendary newsman that came to mind. I grew up watching him, he is/was one of THE faces of American news and has (as far as I know) a pretty straight-laced, clean image. In short- if this BI were about him I think many people would find it shocking.

    On another note- as far as Peter Jennings being deceased- I did consider that, but figured if the BI were worded to include that it might be way more obvious. I'll grant you that it's not LIKELY to be him but Rather and Jennings were the first two that came to mind and after consideration I thought I'd throw it out there. He may be dead, but he could still have kids in NJ.

    My guess is still Dan Rather, though. But I found this an interesting list of candidates:

    Love how the URL has Dan Rather in it and the comments about Bill O' Reilly are classic!

  35. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Just me -
    Love the list, but I don't think Larry King is anything but a legendary schmoozer and Bill O'Reilly is nothing but a legendary moron, so I'm surprised they added them, but maybe it was just for sport.

    Dan Rather hasn't kept his nose clean - he's gotten a lot of heat in the past for using fraudulent documents to try and report what he felt was news (which he and CBS later had to retract) and he's always had a big mouth, unlike Tom Brokaw, Walter Cronkite and Peter Jennings, all of whom I would consider newsmen and tv legends.

    Isn't the timing of this interesting, though? Rather makes some remarks about Katie Couric (another one I don't like), which crosses the line because they sound sexist, everyone gets mad, and suddenly this blind item appears? After all these years?

    Cronkite is about 90 years old, Jennings is deceased, Brokaw you never hear about and Rather just got into a big heated debate because of his big mouth. I think the timing of this has to point to Rather.

    If not him, and since they threw in Charlie Gibson, then maybe it's Bryant Gumbel. He's another one who has gotten into trouble in the past, not only for his big mouth, but for cheating on his wife.

  36. Anonymous8:13 AM

    To Just Me...

    Hope you didn't feel you needed to justify your answer...this is a gossip blog and EVERYONE is entitled to GUESS without being attacked and/or harrassed

  37. Anonymous9:50 AM

    RAther is a blow hard (and the CBS memo about Bush was correct and valid, BTW) but he harkens back to the days when anchors actually did reporting. Rather has real field experience, because he is that old, which makes the "newsman" title accurate. That's my reason for suspecting him for this BI.

    I cannot call Jennings or Brokaw or O'Reilly or King a newsman - though the rest of the world seems comfortable with the misnomer.

  38. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Anon 9:50 - I'm surprised you consider Rather a newsman, but not Peter Jennings or Tom Brokaw. All three of them were THE GUYS in the news division at each of their networks until they retired, or in the case of Peter Jennings, passed away.

    As for the memo's - I referred to this apology made by Rather:

  39. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Just to be more clear -

    I'm not defending Bush here - I HATE Bush. I'm saying Rather was wrong for presenting something as fact based on documents he said were official when they weren't at all authentic. He AND CBS were wrong to do that, which was my only point.

  40. Anonymous12:35 PM

    i'm throwing in my two cents and saying matt laur for #1, remember headliners and LEGENDS?

  41. 'Scuse me! 'Scuse me! Anonymous 9:50- Jennings was on TV reporting just about every night from Vietnam and other places around the world when I was a kid in the '60s. I was surprised when he first became an anchor, because he was always out in the field, often overseas. He very much fit the description of a newsman.

  42. Anonymous1:33 AM

    It's Geraldo for #1 and Ah-nold for #3.

  43. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I can't believe nobody guessed Stone Phillips for #1!

  44. Anonymous11:01 AM

    #1 Larry King.

    #2 A rod

    #3 Dont fuckin care, its politics.

  45. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Arod is hardly muscle bound, and its already known that when he hits he strip clubs his wife is no where to be found.

    Id say Barry Bonds, or someone of his size
