Thursday, June 14, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which male model, who was recently in the tabloids due to his love life, had such bad paranoia due to his monster coke habit that on a weekend in the Hamptons a few years ago he slept with a kitchen knife because he was convinced people were out to get him?


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Paul Sculfor

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM


  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I'm terrible at blind items and even I can get that one! ;-)

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    That's okay, Brenda, we can still have fun by seeing twenty people posting, "Paul Sculfor?", with the occasional "Tyra Banks?" and "Twiggy?" thrown in.

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    At least he got some sleep... More than I can say for Blohan.



  6. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Where's the Parisss Lohan guess?? I'm waiting for it! lol

  7. Anonymous10:26 AM

    aniston's man friend.

    haha because i can't remember his name either!!

  8. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Even if this is just a PR-stunt relationship this guy sounds like such a wreck he'd be more damaging than helpful in the "Look at Jen, isn't she desirable?" department. This guy sounds too weird for even LiLo.

  9. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Tom Cruise?

  10. Anonymous10:39 AM

    totally calum best.

  11. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I would love nothing better than to find out Tom Cruise had a monster coke habit! It would explain so many things.....

  12. Anonymous10:50 AM

    hmmm I think its either Calum Best or aniston's new buddy...both have a history of cocaine problems.

    How often does Calum come to the states? This seems way more likely to be Paul Sculfur

  13. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Its totally Maniston's new guy. However, notice that it says a FEW YEARS AGO. It's not even relevant, everyone.

    I also noticed their first outing on Memorial Day they just drank pellegrino. What's wrong with someone in recovery?! I think the media should back-off a bit and let Jen make her own mistakes. It's not like he's Calum Best (currently partying his face off) sounds like he made a crapload of mistakes and he's trying to rectify them.

    Am I the only one who sees this?


  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Lindsey Lohan? I mean I'm just saying... coke problem. It has to be her!

  15. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Mel, I see where you're coming from, but if HIS friends are even saying he's a player - he's a player. Forget the addiction, had to be in rehab thing - being a player is an issue.

    Gee, why didn't Jennifer Aniston think to tell Angelina that she was worried about her seeing a guy who cheats on his wife?

  16. Anonymous11:25 AM

    hehehe - touche


  17. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Callum is a cokehead NOW, Paul WAS a cokehead THEN..its PS.

    cokeheads via


  18. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Naomi Campbell.

    Only messing :)

  19. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Dating someone in recovery is tricky business. Dating someone in recovery who's friends tell you he's out for your money and fame is even trickier business.

    He's hot Jen, but enjoy the hot and move on...

  20. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Calum Best

  21. Anonymous3:57 PM

    just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean that people AREN'T out to get you.....

  22. Anonymous7:04 PM

    It's Paul Sculfor. It's documented that he's been through rehab for a monster coke problem and has been clean for a couple years now.

    It's him. For sure.

  23. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Dating someone in recovery is tricky business. Dating someone in recovery who's friends tell you he's out for your money and fame is even trickier business.

    He's hot Jen, but enjoy the hot and move on...


    The girl has not had the best of luck with men, at all.

    She needs try dating older men, with a solid career, who can pay his own bills.

    Skip over all the pretty boys they are nothing but trouble. And they will f*ck around on you everytime.

  24. Anonymous7:00 AM

    You know what they say, just because you are paranoid, DOESN'T mean they are NOT out to get you

  25. Anonymous8:09 AM

    "You know what they say, just because you are paranoid, DOESN'T mean they are NOT out to get you"

    LOL! So true!

    This could be either of the above. Two models, both are known coke heads, both in the tabs for their love connection. Could the NY item be anymore more ambigious?

