Tuesday, June 05, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which designer is the subject of rumors within his own company that his latest stint in rehab was just a cover while he healed from cosmetic surgery?


  1. Marc Jacobs is the only high profile fashion 'habber I can think of, and today's Page Six reports he's back in the arms of his pre-hab rentboy (Marc even got his initials tattooed above his navel).

    Speculation was that he had the heroin jones... maybe he still does, but I can't see any visible signs of surgery, although he did come out of the "facility" with a great tan (and maybe some enhanced areas we couldn't see?).

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    def Marc jacobs, I figured he was doing tweak not heroin.

  3. You could be right, 9:43. We pot smokers aren't notorious for our observation skills (or memory).

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    marc jacobs

  5. Anonymous11:06 AM

    but then Marc Jacobs' myspace says he's single now and the boytoy isn't on his top 8 anymore (so too bad for the dumped tatooed rent boy).

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Wow, its gotten to the point that one would rather say they are in rehab then admit to plastic surgery. Thats very sad.

  7. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Hez said...
    You could be right, 9:43. We pot smokers aren't notorious for our observation skills (or memory).

    typical BC girl..LOL.
    MJ looks fierce no matter what he had done or did to himself..good on him.


  8. Anonymous11:45 AM

    So since Ent wrote Rehab or Plastic surgery over marc jacobs head, does that count a a reveal?? Cause that was way too easy

  9. Anonymous7:18 PM

    marc jacobs
