Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Naveen Andrews In Esquire Magazine


Anonymous said...

ewww, my lunch just came right back up!

Anonymous said...

who is he? sorry - too lazy to look up ;-)

Anonymous said...

awwww poor guy. Yah, I don't see it either. His wife is Barbara Hershey.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Barbara Hershey is his on/off gf.
I don't see it either. This guys is not attractive at all.

Anonymous said...

He's not married. Just in a very uncommited relationship. I'll gladly take him over the over rated Brad.

Unknown said...

This is what the guy from Rage Against the Machine would look like all cleaned up.

Anonymous said...

He should hook up with James Woods 19 year-old girlfriend and James and Barbara should hook up.

Anonymous said...

so Zexy!!!

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of Naveen. Ent try to stick to good looking guys please. How about some Clive Owen this time?


Anonymous said...

i don't know what you guys are talking about. he's hot. isn't he the guy in the english patient? if i remember correctly he was hot in that too.

10:21 AM : he is well known for his role in lost.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps its a hint at a BI?

Anonymous said...

lucky??? are you kidding me? you'd much rather be cuddling with creepy clive owen over this guy??
(throws hands up and walks away)

Anonymous said...

Yuk...dude is not good looking at all - maybe he has a winning personality.

Anonymous said...

Clive Owen this time?


I second that emotion. Creepy? Huh? Well, to each her own.

Anonymous said...

I love me some Sayid!

Anonymous said...


What's wrong with Clive Owen, why's he creepy? I think he looks better than this guy.


Anonymous said...

i dunno, there is this vibe that i get from him. i know that he is supposed to be attractive but when i see him i feel like running away!

Anonymous said...

I like Clive too, I admit it. But this guy looks like he wants to steal my chonies (sp?)...while I'm still wearing them.


Anonymous said...

i just like that naveen looks different from what we see everyday online and in hollywood. its nice to see someone who is not jt or ryan p, etc. he's not a classic western ideal of what is attractive.

Anonymous said...

mmmmm...Naveen looks great in these pictures!

Anonymous said...

This guy is butt ugly. And it's not because of his race but simply because of his very unattractive face. Look at the 3rd photo. Yikes!

Rhianna said...

I love Navin! Sayid is one of my favorite LOST charecters, and Navin is one of my favorite actors. I won't fault anyone asking for more Clive Owen though.

Navin's great in "Bride and Prejudice" too. I do prefer the pics with his hair back away from his face. He looks very daper and British. :D

Anonymous said...

Ehh,Beauty is subjective.

I think he's sensual. Great eyes & bone structure.

Anonymous said...

wow, they actually make the guy look good.

applause to the photog cuz you know that had to be difficult...

Anonymous said...

No idea who this guy is, but he is seriously unattractive. Isn't Barbara Hershey about 100 now? Maybe it is a case of mutually poor eyesight and a decent bank account (hers).

Anonymous said...

He does have great bone structure. His hair might be a little crazy but he is hot! I don't watch Lost so I had to look him up, but I like the fact that Ent posts a diverse variety of actors and actresses on his site. It's not just white people with the occasional Beyonce or LL thrown in to the sex-appeal mix.

Anonymous said...

I've seen better photos of Naveen, whom I think is one hot number. He certainly livens up LOST in ways that Matthew Fox never will.

Its also wonderful to see a non-white actor in a photo shoot.

Anonymous said...

He's yummy. He's got a lovely British accent as well.

Beth said...

You guys are all so ridiculous. He is the absolutely most sexy man alive....

Jana said...

Naveen is hot, and REAL. He looks better with his usual trimmed beard, and for some reason the hair tech ALWAYS has to mess with his hair, which is beautiful when it is in his natural, fairly tight curls (such foolishness!)

Naveen doesn't always feel like being photographed. What celebrity does? I would gladly invite Naveen into my bed if he was having an "off" day. Time to get it on!


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