MTV Movie Awards Report
This is the same person who dished for me at some other events. She doesn't know about the site. She just loves to gossip and when I can't go places she texts me all night long so I don't feel left out. She is a solid B lister in movies and television, and very attractive. AP wasn't there last night. I took out the normal texting abbreviations to make it easier to read.
I keep trying to look at Amy Winehouse's mouth to see how many teeth she's missing. You would think I would have a chance because she won't stop forcing her tongue down that guy's throat.
I can't believe they (Playboy) really offered that MTV chick $1M. She looks like a crack whore. She's pasty and just not attractive. Also you can so tell her breasts are soooo fake. Not real looking at all.
You know that Fantastic Four guy Iaon? I don't think he and his gf are a real couple. I don't know them, but it just seems staged.
Jesus. Does Disney just tell all their actors to wear the brightest damn colors possible? It's just annoying.
Michael Bay is 0-4 tonight at least. It's too hard to go up to someone and say I'm a producer or director. You want meaningless sex, those girls need to know a face. I think that's why Chris Tucker has about 20 phone numbers. He also looks like he's lost like 30 pounds. Doesn't look healthy at all.
Dane Cook just asked me for my phone number. Not a chance in hell. Too many stories.
God I want to f**k Johnny Depp. If he's not available then Sacha can have me.
Why does Adam Sandler ALWAYS have to dress like crap? Can't he put on something nice one time? Did he wear flip flops when he got married?
F to the I to the G to the H to the T. It's a fight between Josh and Fergie. They are walking out right now.
Why is Victoria Beckham famous again? She is so annoying. She has answered like 4 calls on her phone and is not quiet about it.
Zac Efron is REALLY tiny, but really cute. You can add him to the Johnny and Sacha list.
They ran out of food backstage. Half of it ended up in John Travolta. Plus he kept using his hands. Nasty.
Went to the bathroom. You can add Rodrigo Santoro to the list. I had no idea what his name was. I just asked Elizabeth (Banks) and she knew. She didn't know he was in Lost and I didn't know he was in 300. I just know he's mine if I can get him alone tonight.
By my count there are at least six guys here with women other than their wives or girlfriends. There are probably tons more, I just don't know who is who and who they do.
The thing about these things is I only know the same faces everyone else does. I have no clue who most of these people are. So when I see some guy groping his girlfriend and copping a feel, I don't always know who they are.
I broke a strap on my dress. At least it was free.