With her new hair color, Amanda Bynes looks just like everyone else in Hollywood. I have a confession to make. I watch What A Girl Wants like once every two months. I know. I just can't help it. I love that damn Lizzie McGuire movie also.
"Marc who?"

Aaaaah. The new Pete and Kate. This should be fun.

If only someone could do something about the face.

"Hmmmm. Last time I was with a woman?"

One good pic of Ms. Mendes and I get a gofer from Viacom in the background."

"Ummm. Excuse me sir. You can't go that way."

Heidi Montag though the
Playboy shoot started last night.

Never been a big fan of Jessica Alba, but I am definitely coming around.

Never been a big fan of Jessica Biel and not really planning on changing.

"So Tyrese. When you are with a tranny, you have to keep the legs wider."