Morning Links
Someone is paying the evil EL $2M to see her raggedy ass in a wedding dress. Therefore she's going to make a profit on the wedding of $2M. Yes, the wedding is costing $1M which Tony Parker is paying. However, EL is going to keep the whole $2M for herself because she's greedy, got lucky once at an audition tramp. Not strong enough huh? Can't see the venom? I'll try and think of something mean to say for later.
"My parents wanted a pre-nup and I said no, no, no."
The 25 worst movie sequels of all time.
Who among us hasn't let a stoned guy smoke some pot while giving us a tattoo. That's part of the fun isn't it?
I understand when Michael Stipe can't remember the words to It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I feel Fine). I have a lot less sympathy for Mandy Moore forgetting the words to Candy and having to find them on her BlackBerry. She only has like 30 songs and maybe 3 or 4 hits. How hard could it be?
Brett Ratner figured out a new way to get laid.