Friday, June 15, 2007

Morning Links

The Celebrity 100 from Forbes.

An interview with Al Pacino.

Lindsay's bodyguard doesn't always tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. He did make $350 a day guarding Lindsay though. Now I know why her current bodyguard was the first one through the gate at Promises to see her.

Brad took Pax to the doctor. Wow. That's some big news. Brad also says he didn't know Father's Day was this Sunday. Can't wait to see his "I love dad" tie written in 20 different languages on a nice red and green background.

You kiss 2,339 asses and you end up getting the 2,340th star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

Angelina backs off from that press contract thing. That door you just heard slamming was the person being fired who thought of the idea.


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    She didn't fire the guy. She said that he intended to act in her best interest. "I wouldn't have agreed to it." But, she did defend him. I think he's not fired, but he won't be drawing up any press "contracts" soon.

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I despise Babwa more and more each day. Her support of Paris really put my hatred towards her over the edge. I used to watch 'the View' but detest it after Rosie left. Babwa is such a fake and judgemental person! Too bad middle America loves her. Yuck!


  3. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I think Jolie was just trying to keep the Brangelina factor from eclipsing the issues and message of A Mighty Heart.

    Good intentions, went too far. It's good she reversed.

  4. Anonymous11:37 AM

    i don't care if she IS trying to muddle through the press garbage.
    i've never liked her, and what sealed that deal for me
    was when she changed the little one's name. at the age of THREE. bad enough the kid doesn't speak english and left everything he knew behind, he has to learn to respond to a new name??? so, SO uncool.

  5. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Angelina is a phoney and her actions towards the press just show how she like to manipulate people. Only the press didn't bow to her demands. I'm not a big FoxNews fan but read the article on their website - they can't make that up. I just read another magazine that show how she was spinning her image different now by comparing interviews from pre- and post 2005. If you read the articles independently you would never guess they came from the same woman. She is creepy if you ask me.
    I agree with the name change thing too. She only cares about herself when she changed that poor kids name because his birth name didn't fit her agenda.

  6. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Check out this picture of the woman we all love to hate:

    I'd love to highlight that Y with a permanent marker and write 'me' next to it.

  7. Anonymous5:32 PM


    Not all of middle America. Count me disgusted with BW.

  8. Anonymous9:06 PM

    TS, that fucking vein is surreal! Vagelina's PR is starting to turn against her.

    Al Pacino looks crazy, but he's fascinating. I def. would like to sit down and have a meal with him.


  9. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Yeah, I think that pretty much confirms that AJ is Vamperella Vein-Pop in Ted's past blind items.
