Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Morning Links

Vasectomy anyone? Well at least if K-Fed does get back with Britney, it will be exactly like the last time. Knock up Shar and then go to Britney. Speaking of Britney, her mom was blabbing away to US about this and that including what a great guy K-Fed is. Wonder if he tried to knock her up also?

Paris was dumped by her agent. Paris makes a great deal of money, but she makes most of it without agency help. Therefore she's not letting them in on her appearance money or other side deals she does. The only money they have been making are from her movie career(which is of course red hot), her television show (which is also red hot), and her singing career (can anyone say multi-platinum?). This gives them an easy out and makes agents appear like they are doing the right thing. She could kill her whole family and call herself the Virgin Mary if she had a career and they would never let her go.

Speaking of not letting go, Paris' parents visited her in jail for the first time to drop off the check from Barbara Walters and to finalize the guest list for her coming home party. People magazine got their nose out of Kathy Hilton's ass long enough to "report" on what was said between the parents and their cold and lonely child.

Kelly Clarkson fired her manager. You don't suppose Ms. Clarkson will be calling me do you?

J-Lo's assistant leaves the Dark Side to work for Skeletor's ex.

Turns out Liev and Naomi aren't married. I didn't really care if they were, and don't really care they aren't.


Anonymous said...

They dropped off a check from Barbara Walters to Paris in jail? Maybe she can deposit it for freebies in the canteen?

Anonymous said...

And btw ENT, if I were a star and I was having difficulties of any kind, I would call you. I'm not entirely convinced that you are a lawyer but you have SOME kind of "fixing things" power.


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