Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Morning Links

Drinking, crowds of people and a Louis Vuitton store. Guess what? Someone stole $30,000 worth of stuff at Kanye West's birthday party.

Can you feel that American Idol love? Ryan throws Simon under a bus and 23 year old Katharine McPhee gets pissed when you ask her about her 42 year old boyfriend.

Hollywood continues to think they can do better than the original. First it was Meatballs and now Fletch. Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you stop spending all your money on trash projects like Transformers and spend a dollar or two on a writer. If you did, then maybe they wouldn't be going on strike in a few months.

Knives and Bongo go together like Paris and Valtrex.

X17 has some explaining to do.

Kelly Clarkson says she's never been in love, would be a terrible mother and doesn't really want to get married. So basically she has come out and said that she's up for the whole friends with benefits thing.

Anne Heche gets four whole days a month with her son. So, to drown her sorrows she is back on the woman train.

Catherine Keener and Dermot Mulroney are done.

I don't think I've ever heard of someone riding their bike to a strip club. I guess the money you save in gas is more money for the lap dances.

Speaking of lap dances. Lindsay found a new female friend in rehab. I'm sure Samantha will be thrilled.

In more somber news, it appears that Frankie Abernathy of Real World San Diego died of Cystic Fibrosis.


Anonymous said...

I downloaded a Samantha Ronson song off iTunes called "If It's Gonna Rain" just to hear what she sounded like. It's okay, I guess. She has some music potential. If she doesn't kill herself with cocaine first.

Anonymous said...

Can someone clear this up for me? I thought the pix of Lilo and Vanessa were actually photographed at least one year ago. But it appears that they were still on her camera, from which they were stolen a week or two ago? Does anyone really carry around a years worth of stored pictures on their camera? If there were a year's worth of pictures on the camera, given lohan's love of taking dangerous and risque pictures, wouldn't you expect there to have been MUCH more on the camera? This isn't adding up for me, if these pictures were really taken a year ago, but maybe I have that part wrong. Or perhaps Lilo just enjoys carrying around the really dangerous ones and leaving them vulnerable to being stolen, just for kicks!

Anonymous said...

I call bullshit on the Hohan pictures being stolen.

Anonymous said...

So sad about the young woman from the Real World. What a dreadful disease that cuts short so many lives. My prayers for her family and anyone else afflicted with this disease.

(I have a colleague who has it and it's very difficult for her.)

Anonymous said...

Glad someone else smelled the bullshit in the Lohan photos story. If a valet allowed any customer's car to be vandalized the company would be sued (that's why valet companies are bonded and insured.)

Like all of Dina Lohan's PR lies, this one is completely bogus.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU, ENT!!! Your comment about writers made my day... Here's hoping the people who hire us are reading your blog too.

Anonymous said...

Not to be an ass, but I have some seriously crazy pics on my camera from vacations from the last 4 years. I'm just that lazy.

HOWEVER, I call bullshit too. It's just a little too rehearsed, you know? Like, if she had no idea that they were stolen, how did she know that it was from the valet at the Ivy?! She drives a convertible, it seriously could've been stolen anywhere. That said, I wouldn't doubt that X17 would eventually do this...I just dont think it was THIS time. That and what 9:40 said...thost were the only pics of interest?! Doubtful.


Anonymous said...

now i can have catherine all to myself. yessssssssssss!

Anonymous said...

I think the Kelly Clarkson comments are setting folks up so when she "comes out", it won't be such a big surprise.....

Anonymous said...

About kelly clarkson "come out" : people love her music but because she is not seen as sexy they are not really interested about her private life! lol Her statement is just for the show = it's just in case if people begin to wonder, with this comment they will remind why she's single = she's a very insecure. poor girl! wink = she can enjoy discretly her lesbianism! lol

Anonymous said...

It's really sad to hear about Frankie. Although she admitted on RW that she's pretty toxic with her body. The fact they haven't announced what the cause of death was makes me think it was more than cystic fibrosis.

Anne Heche needs to be locked up in a institutional ward. The fact that she's never really addressed the "Celestia experience" is fucking creepy. Can you imagine someone telling you they were an "angel" from a differnt planet? The cuckoo, cuckoo clock is ringing with a vengence.

Ent, there are MANY men and women who bike to strip clubs. But a celebrity riding a bike to a strip club is a whole nother story.



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