Monday, June 11, 2007

Morning Links

Wow what a coincidence. Paris' mom and Barbara Walters were talking when Paris just "happened" to call her mom. The next thing you know Paris gets to tell her story to the biggest suck up this side of People Magazine. Barbara Walters is like a ventriloquist dummy. Whatever the celebrity or the publicist wants said, Barbara spits out. Speaking of spitting. Nicky and Stavros visited Paris in jail. I'm sure Paris did her best to make it a conjugal visit, but Stavros may have had to wait until later with Nicky, or not. I mean Nicky does have a boyfriend and they must be close because she didn't take him to see Paris which means either Nicky wanted some alone time with Stavros or is afraid Paris will get her claws deep into her man.

18 years of child support? Eddie Murphy will soon find out.

So JFK Jr. had a shot at Madonna, but for a lack of a condom didn't close the deal. It is alleged in a new book though that he managed to close the deal with several men including those who charge for that pleasure.

A whole lot of nothing in Sopranos finale. Did you expect everyone to get killed off with no possibility of a movie? Come on.

Coke head, coke fiend, crack whore. I love those terms. When they describe your new boyfriend though, you may have to sort things through.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    EL - just based on your comments about Barbara Walters alone, I love you more today than yesterday. (but not as much as tomorrow....)

    I'm aging myself.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Paris probably only gets 2 visitors at a time. I'm sure Nachos wants to see Paris more than Nicky's BF.

  3. Anonymous9:40 AM

    And I also hope Eddie Murphy finds out that there's only a 99.9999999999 and 1/2 percent chance that is his child. F'n loser.

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I've been a diehard Sopranos fan since day one...the flash in the pan viewers will be pissed- the real fans realize the genius...there were clues throughout this season about the end- Either way Chase (the creator) couldn't make everyone happy...
    You could take the ending to mean several things- 1) that life is life, you do what you can, or that 2) things can be totally fine and then whack! it all changes in a heartbeat (my preferred version of it)...

    Either way don't rely on People mag for reviews of anything!

  5. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I am a REAL Sopranos fan, but that ending was BS! A blank screen isn't creative, it's lazy. Sorry beAdequite! I don't watch Sopranos for clues, I watch it for a diverse storyline. And he could've given any ending and I would've been appreciative, but a blank screen a la Seinfeld is weak.

    And it's an obvious ploy for the DVD that will release with 5 "possible" endings and the movie that will suck money from my hands. That's the genius in that, milking fans for more money. HBO I want my money back.

    Anniston dated Vince Vaughn. I'm sure she won't be shocked by the coke head news, I thought everyone in Ho-town did that anyway?


  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I think it's brilliant that two people who have watched the show from the start are allowed different takes on the ending...This show was never about happy endings, or any endings at all to some of the plotlines.

    Lazy is wrapping it all up neatly (Six Feet Under, IMO)...I did not like that at all.

    You gotta admit it's being talked about everywhere today, and will be for awhile, so that's pretty genius too...and yes the open-endedness for the movie (perhaps?), DVDs with other endings, etc etc is genius!

    Either way, I already miss me some Tony. Yum!

  7. Anonymous10:23 AM

    babs should just retire already she's such an embarrASSment.
    you are right EL she is the biggest Suck UP

  8. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Although I am a fan of JA, and not a Brangelina fan, I am very realistic about how the PR machinery works in Hollywood.

    I doubt she is even dating this man, I'd be surprised if she's even met him!

    Now her PR team has a perfect excuse for her to no longer be dating him. They just wanted to make sure her name was out there the week of the release of Ocean's 13.

  9. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Huh. I've seen 'candid' photos on the interwebs of this guy leaving her house this weekend carrying....wait for it....a bottle of.....SMARTWATER!!!

    True love if I ever saw it.

  10. Anonymous12:24 PM

    You're right! It's getting more attention than if they've closed a la Six Feet Under. I'm sure Chase knew he was going to get mixed opinions, but knew it would get people talking and that's exactly what were doing.

    I'm already feenin' for Sopranos, but they killed off Christopher so I'm not sure if I'll be in line for the movie. Might wait for it to come to video. Oh well, time to find a new show.


  11. Anonymous1:10 PM said...
    Paris probably only gets 2 visitors at a time. I'm sure Nachos wants to see Paris more than Nicky's BF.

    thanks for the more than obvious...

  12. Anonymous1:14 PM

    As a HBO subscriber this ending for the Sapranos SUCKED BALLS.
    Use my imagination and create my own ending? BLOW imagination didn't create the last 8 seasons nor does it have its own show on HBO..David Chase you lazy suit, shame on you for selling out the last episode to feed off the dvds...asshole.

  13. Anonymous2:11 PM

    "Use my imagination and create my own ending?BLOW imagination didn't create the last 8 seasons nor does it have its own show on HBO.." ROFL!!!


  14. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I must have missed two seasons somewhere I guess!

  15. About Jen's new man:
    TRIED to bed All Saints singer Nicole Appleton, but was so out of it on cocaine that he ended up with her band-mate Shaznay Lewis.

    He must've been really stoned to confuse these two since one is white and the other one's black... But Kate's doing Pete, so we all know what Coke can do to people's sight.

  16. Anonymous3:44 AM

    i've been a die hard fan since day 1, and was really surprised by the (lack of) ending. however, i'd like to point out that although chase couldn't give the fans what we needed, he wrote his fugly hook nosed daughter michelle chase ("hunter") into the finale. you might all remember her from the 1st few episodes of season 1, when she and meadow sang together every chance they had in hopes of creating a singing career for michelle... but woops, meadow was signed, not michelle. personally, i took the poor ending plus the cramming of his ugly daughter down my throat as a slap in the face.

  17. Anonymous2:45 PM

    EL did you see the post in the New York Times today that Catholic Religious and Civil Rights took out on Barbara Walters? I see the NYTimes a couple times a year and am happy today was one of them.
