Morning Links
This makes me actually like Vanessa Minnillo. So far I just think she has been okay. Beautiful but no personality. Knives, drinking and soft porn photos = personality. Not necessarily a winning personality, but at least some sign of life. Also I want to know how come none of us recognized her yesterday in the photo I posted.
Kate Hudson is just teasing me again. She did this before and I got my hopes up and then Wham! right back to Owen.
Do they make strollers for 5 kids at a time? Most people just get a postcard when they visit a foreign country. I know that sometimes we may get caught up in the moment and buy some expensive souvenir which looks nice until you get it home. And yes, there are some of us who manage to own 30-40 time shares because we just love a free vacation.
Well it couldn't be worse than that Kelly and Justin movie where they pretend to be in love and then have sex with Simon Cowell critiquing it. You didn't see that last part? Check out the easter egg on the DVD. Or maybe it was just my imagination. I have weird dreams.
I want Mike Tyson to do Bollywood movies.