Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Morning Links

This makes me actually like Vanessa Minnillo. So far I just think she has been okay. Beautiful but no personality. Knives, drinking and soft porn photos = personality. Not necessarily a winning personality, but at least some sign of life. Also I want to know how come none of us recognized her yesterday in the photo I posted.
Kate Hudson is just teasing me again. She did this before and I got my hopes up and then Wham! right back to Owen.

Do they make strollers for 5 kids at a time? Most people just get a postcard when they visit a foreign country. I know that sometimes we may get caught up in the moment and buy some expensive souvenir which looks nice until you get it home. And yes, there are some of us who manage to own 30-40 time shares because we just love a free vacation.

Well it couldn't be worse than that Kelly and Justin movie where they pretend to be in love and then have sex with Simon Cowell critiquing it. You didn't see that last part? Check out the easter egg on the DVD. Or maybe it was just my imagination. I have weird dreams.

I want Mike Tyson to do Bollywood movies.


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I thought it looked like her, but thought that there was NO way she would do something like that. Hmm. Guess I was wrong.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Nick needs to move on from this mess.

  3. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I think these pics are the type of "you had to be there" type thing. I'm wonder what they were going for exactly with these pics, I'm sure at the time there was some drunk logic!

  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I saw them on X17 over the weekend and thought "Damn, that sure looks like Vanessa! But there is no way she was hanging with LiHo." Wonder what Nick think about that????


  5. Don't worry - Kate & Owen will probably get back together again briefly, but there's no way they'll last long-term. I thought they might have a chance, but if he hasn't changed for her yet, he never will.

  6. I think you're confusing "not recognizing her" with "not giving two ripe, firm shits".

    Even before these photos, I could have told you Nick has some appallingly bad taste (or he's the most easily dickmatized dude in H'wood). You know the dude, Ent -- can't you find him a nice girl who is neither coke diva nor brain donor? ZX has some cute sisters...

  7. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hez, I think you meant brain RECIPIENT? Cause I certainly don't want Jessica donating her brain to anyone!

    I always wondered if Vanessa was a drunk...she's cute in a ridden hard, beauty queenish kinda way...She sounds like quite the diva (which I don't blame on her entirely, people put up with and coddle that shit)

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Re: Vanessa M.-- I thought someone did call it in the comments....Not me, of course.(sigh)

  9. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I thought it looked like her, but then I said to myself, "No, that can't be innocent prom queen Vanessa Manillo, can it? It must be someone that looks, well, exactly like her."

    The Sun Brangelina story is full of sh*t, IMHO.

  10. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Someone totally called it in the comments yesterday. Let me see if I can find who it was.

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Vanessa is a girl who gives head to get ahead.
    she was fired from her ET and TRL jobs. now she moves in with Nick.

  12. Anonymous10:15 AM

    OK...just getting past the absurdity of what the pictures actually show....

    I wish I looked like that at 4:50 a.m.!!!

  13. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Okay, Tracee mentioned it first then a couple of the annoy - I mean - anonys agreed/confirmed.

  14. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Now didn't Angelina just say in an interview not long ago that they really had to juggle to get alone time in with each of the kids? How is adopting another going to help? Oh well, I still see her as the weirdo who wears vials of blood around her neck...

  15. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I recognized her but, like the Paris photos, I didn't really give a crap. I guess Nick likes girls who are a leetle bit stoopid. That way he can be the one to explain the difference between chicken and "Chicken of the Sea".

    Cyn - I cannot get out of bed in the A.M. Someone send a personal trainer over - a GOOD looking one, please.

  16. Anonymous10:25 AM

    On Brangelina: he's about to get bokoo press and public contact promoting "Oceans 13" . That's what the 3 weeks in NYC is for. This way all eyes and talk will be on her -- and she's got yet another ball-and-chain on his ankle (Pax' name change was finalized earlier this week.) She timed this very well.

    On Manillo: now casting directors and producers will see her as someone who can handle an "edgy" (read: R-rated) role.

  17. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I wonder what Nick thinks of that?

    I think Nick's now wondering, if she's that freaky, why won't she take it in the ass?

  18. Anonymous10:32 AM

    lmfao the blade is turned away from her neck. big whooop. like we all didn't know lilo was nutty and knew how to pack on the peer pressure.

  19. Anonymous10:45 AM

    OOPS POSTED THIS IN THE WRONG PLACE BEFORE...Don't you worry ENT we got it! See below copy and pasted comments. And Hez...even though I commented yesterday about it i'm more inclined to agree w/ your take on it...waste of space Lachey lover... she probably leaked the photos cause she hasn't been in the tabloids lately LOL ~Irishstayc
    Am I the only one who thinks the girl w/ Lohan looks like Vannessa A-no-no? And no wonder all the black dudes are up on Kim, he ass is bigger than her fucking head. Something is disturbing about that photo...


    everywhere i've seen the pic of LL w/ the knife they say "her friend" w/ no name. I too swear it's Vanilla manolablahnks. Hmmmm always thought VM was a good girl... interesting. Loved the Christmas bow comment about Ryan - cracking up! ENT - hope the belly's better! ~~Irishstayc

  20. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Pinky - not all of the anon's are annoying. I show up as anon but sign my name and actually so does Tracee. just sayin... ~Irishstayc

  21. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Lindsey and V. were doing "Myspace Pics"
    This is just a kinky variation of white girls and gang signs.

  22. Anonymous10:59 AM

    i just don't really think its her and thats why no one noticed.

  23. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I think Pinky would agree - she is not referring to anyone who signs their name at end of post - no longer considered anon or annoyn

  24. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Forgiveness, Irish. As Kchal pointed out I was not referring to those who sign a name like you or JMe, or Tracee, or GGA or...you get the idea. :) It just makes it easier to comment when there's a name going on (as you do) rather than having to post something like "to anon 1:42 - the 2nd one"

    And thanks, Kchal!

  25. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I thought it was either her or Olivia Newton John's Ana daughter.

  26. Anonymous11:49 AM

    But of course Pinky though no forgiveness required. So many things to sign up for - so many passwords - that's why i'm still anon. But i totally get what you are saying. Thank you though and thanks Kchal. And totally off topic - Pinky - r u the same Pinky from Ross blog? The reason he wore those pink socks? LOL If so yay .. if not yay too LOL ~Irishstayc

  27. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Irishstayc, I know we talked about the photos looking like Vanessa, what the heck is Ent talking about? Anyway thanks for the snaps. I don't sign up either b/c it's alot of things to go through just to get an acct. This is much faster, dontch think?

    Pinky, thanks for thinking differently of the anons who sign a name. We got nothing to hide, unlike other anons. LOL!

    P.S. Vanessa's CRAZY. I don't care how cool I am with a chick if she offered to put a knife to my throat I might have to take her down, not make out with her. The end.


  28. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Sadly Irish, that is a Pinky impersonator ;)

  29. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Okay, someone answer me. I'm pretty sure she wants to get into movies anyways right? What better way to get juicy, gritty roles than to pose like this? Does these things. i'm thinking it's a ploy by her people all along.

  30. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Nice catch, whoever point out Minillo probably leaked the pic herself. --

  31. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Here, here 2:19. My thoughts exactly. We haven't seen her or Nick in the tabs and wha-la! Who do we today? A-no-no and Lachey. She gets on my last nerves and lord knows I only have one left!


  32. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I think most people didn't call it because since when have Lindsay and Vanessa ever hung out together?

  33. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Hee! Enty,you're funny.

    I didn't recognise Vanilla because I am TERRIBLE with recognising faces! I am the worst person to watch movies with. If the two male leads have the same colour hair, I'm screwed.
