Wednesday, June 13, 2007

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Katie is taking this recruitment of Victoria just a little too seriously. Next thing you know she will be a blond with fake boobs and never wear a bra.

Now Shar says she isn't pregnant. Was she? Maybe she decided having 5 kids was too many or woke up to the fact that K-Fed would probably leave her again anyway.
Pete Wentz explains why he punched a fan. Then made out with him, and then punched him again, and then let him have a turn with Ashlee and then punched him again.
Geri Halliwell wants a second child. She is thinking about adopting. I think she should just call me. She was always my favorite Spice Girl. What woman wouldn't want a child who will be born with a baldness and obesity gene as well as a gambling addiction and a propensity to collect lighthouses made from pasta? I figure it will take about 30 seconds of her time and she likely won't feel anything. It will even be a win for me because I can get my copy of Spice World autographed.
Mel B made her kid a Murphy.


Anonymous said...

I was just looking at IMDB to see what new work Dominique Swain/ZX is doing and I was looking at her old films. Tom Siezmore is in like 3 or 4 movies with her. That is very strange. Anyone know if there is a reason for this or if it is just conicidence?


Anonymous said...

kim - I'd say that's just that DS/ZX is a c/d-list like Sizemore is. Not a comment on DS/ZX's acting ability or behavior, just the fact that she isn't a box office draw and often gets direct-to-video type roles. Sizemore could've been if he wasn't a drug-addled ass (that IS a comment on his behavior).

each of the two said...

ENT, not that i believe all that "ugly" and "fat" and "bald" crap that you dish out, but the baldness gene is passed on through the mother, so you and Ginger can have at it...

Anonymous said...

Tom let Katie wear some heels!!!!

Anonymous said...

Um, love you Ent - but please explain your collection of pasta lighthouses... I'm just curious.


Anonymous said...

I still believe that Ent is actually a woman. What really set this idea off in my head was Hez' repeated marriage proposals some months ago. Although I adore Hez 9just go ahead and hate me for it), it sounded really artificial to me.


Anonymous said...

I don't disagree about Ent being a woman, but I think the "gossip" of Hez being Ent is getting to you. Someone's trying to get into ur head with this Hez nonsense.


Anonymous said...

Enty better not be a woman..

schneefloeckli said...

WTF are lighthouses made from pasta? I think we need a pic here...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reply! I don't think Hez is Ent, only that she likes to contribute to the perception that he's a man, for some reason. I do, however, believe that someone is indeed trying to get into our heads with this Hez nonsense.


Anonymous said...



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