Tuesday, June 12, 2007

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If you are willing to be a human punching bag and be verbally abused almost 24/7, then you too can be the mooching, do nothing husband of Amy Winehouse.

When you are in the presence of Beyonce, you are not allowed to talk. Breathing can only be done with permission.

Ana Ortiz got married over the weekend. I really need to watch more television because I didn't know who the hell she was at first when I read it.

Becks is going to have his own reality show. Posh and the "kids" won't be in it.

"Fans" have erected a shrine to Paris at her house. Condoms, Valtrex, and Britney Spears voodoo dolls are the items most likely to be found there.


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Why is it that in my eyes, Amy Winehouse can do now wrong. I think she is the absolute SHIT! I love her!

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    You just read an article about her being physically abusive and violent - by her own admission - and in your eyes she can do no wrong? Nice.

  3. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Ana Ortiz is 36??? Never would have guessed it.

  4. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I'm shocked by your "reveal". I thought as a republican you would hate her antics. Just goes to show that stereotypes can be wrong.


  5. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Republicans enjoy music, too ya know... We don't all sit on a porch with a rifle and a glass of sweet tea, rocking in our chairs while humming hymns. We even own radios.

  6. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Ohhhhh. Didn't know that lexi-con. I thought all republicans loved country music and beer. But that's just in Texas. *Forehead slap! LOL!

