Monday, June 11, 2007

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Jesus. Katie Holmes must be the biggest pot smoker on the planet if in fact she smokes pot, because we really don't know for sure do we? She ordered 96 cupcakes and a few pies to go. That is one serious case of the munchies she was having. The article also says that Tom is a big fan of the meat pies made at the same store.

Kate Moss called Amy Winehouse's husband a queer. I guess maybe he and her boyfriend Pete knew each other huh?

Britney and Kevin are getting back together. I love those Australian magazines. They will say anything. I wish I had those kind of cojones. I don't though. Mine are old and tired.

Serena Williams is joining the Kardashian/Biel big butt contest. This is a separate contest from the Britney/Kelly butt contest which is more of a freak show really.

Sienna Miller said last week she wasn't a slut. This past weekend, she said this at the Isle of Wight Festival. "I don't know which guy I should snog." She was referring to two guys she brought along. My guess is she ended up with both.


Anonymous said...

Pete was just doing that for money! There's a big difference, you know.


Anonymous said...

Brenda, love how the photo. Makes me laugh everytime!

There's no secret about Serena's butt. Mama has been rocking the brick butt for awhile. She puts Kim and Biel to shame. (Doin' my squats, right now.)


Anonymous said...

I fail to see the appeal of Sienna Miller; she is utterly average looking and has no talent. Crimany, even Tara Reid is better looking. Astounding that she has any kind of a career.


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