Looking At Claire Danes Makes Me Very Sleepy
Over the past week, Claire Danes has been showing up at events rather frequently. Everyday I think about posting a photo of her and saying how boring she is, but that in itself is boring and would be stooping to her level. I honestly don't know how she has managed to even have a career of even one day. She has no presence and she is more tame than that Avril Lavigne Seventeen photo spread. She can wear the most glamorous dresses or evening gowns and they look drab and dull. I can't believe a guy left his wife for her. An affair is supposed to be hot and exciting. With her it was probably New York Times Crossword puzzles and non-fat lattes. I don't know Claire Danes and think I've only met her once. Unsurprisingly there was nothing exciting about it. For all I know maybe she turns into a drunk nymphomaniac when the cameras are gone, but I think she's more like the girlfriend all guys fear. As a girlfriend, I would imagine she would be the "I don't know type of woman."
Boyfriend - "What would you like to do tonight honey?"
Claire - "I don't know."
Or, she could even be something worse.
Boyfriend - "What would you like for dinner?"
Claire - "I don't care."
Boyfriend - "Are you craving anything?"
Claire - "Anything is fine."
Boyfriend - "Isn't there anything you want?"
Claire - "Whatever you feel like."
I now present the past week of Claire Danes' life in photos.