Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Katie In A Bathing Suit To Distract The World From Tom's Secret Mission

Of course I have no idea if that's true or not. I just find it crazy that the whole world cares whether Katie is pregnant or not. Obviously Team Alien could have fueled the rumors by having Katie walk around in baggy clothes. Instead, they put her in the bathing suit. What they didn't count on was the fact that in this light, Suri doesn't look anything like her mom. The other thing that freaks me out is that there are very few people swimming or even dressed for swimming (except for the bodyguards.) It also looks like Suri is meeting her mom for the first time here. Katie has all the right expressions. Suri though acts like she is just indifferent. No screaming, but no smiles either. Also, when you look at Suri's hair without Tom actually being there it really does look like a toupee. I hate how they are always trying to distract us with the hair by combing it or brushing it in the same way as their "parents." Katie still looks 40. A good 40, but still 40. She needs to go party and get drunk one night and call Tom a freaky little old dude. Then she can go back to being Miss Priss.


  1. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I think Suri looks exactly like Katie. And as for Suri looking "indifferent" - I think she's actually just nervous about and distracted by the water. That's normal for kids her age.

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    EL - you must not have kids. You're making connections that make no sense.

  3. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I've never had any kids and I don't look that good. I would kill for her body!!

  4. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Suri is a cutie.

  5. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Suri looks like Katie but NOTHING like Tom. Check out the pic on x17 showing Tom holding Suri:

    I'm betting the real babydaddy is Tom's cousin William Mapother. Take a look at him, then take a look at Suri.

  6. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I looked at the pics before reading what EL had to say and I just thought that Katie looked so happy - I haven't seen a pic of her smiling like that in a long time.

  7. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I agree w/Twisted and Anon 7:59 - normal for a kid that age... although I do agree that it is kind of weird that no one else is in their b-day suits... but then again, strangest looking beach I have ever seen...

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I thougt it was common knowledge that the daddybaby is Josh Hartnett and Suri was actually born in February, not April.

  9. Anonymous8:56 AM

    It seems to be a beach in France where James Packer (rich Aussie Scientologist) was getting married - Tomkat were guests. Perhaps the reason others aren't in bathing suits is that they're too busy drinking and have beer bellies? Don't want any more pregnancy rumours.

  10. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I agree. Kids that age are not sure they want anything to do with "big water" Plus, she looks a LOT like Katie. Very cute.

  11. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I'm guessing we don't see anyone else with suits on because they emptied the place first and only the remaining body guards and thetans were allowed to remain.

  12. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I think I'm probably one of the few who think Suri is the spawn of Katie and Tom. I think the wide set eyes look like Tom, but when she smiles, she looks like Katie. BTW, that bathing suit looks straight out of the early 80s. I am counting down the days for when Katie finally leaves that freaky situation.

  13. Anonymous9:22 AM

    That is too weird seeing the others fully clothed...

  14. Anonymous9:27 AM

    the only thing I find strange....

    why didn't she try dipping Suri's toes in the water to see if she liked it? Why just walk out in the water and walk back out?

  15. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Brenda, she may have found Suri getting upset the closer her feet got to the water. If so, she was right to keep them out of it. Baby steps when it comes to the water thing.

  16. Anonymous9:48 AM

    God Tom is so gay..he's trying to turn her into Jackie O just like the gays that suit is Princess Di circa 1989.


  17. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Well, I'm going to be completely snarky!...that suit does not do Katie any justice and her legs really are not very nicely shaped!!

    There, done. But I said it with a smile.

    Midwest Surfer

  18. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I agree. Kids are very anxious around water, and more importantly waves, at this age.

    This clearly was a photo op for the Cruise fam, but lordy, someone get Katie a new suit. It is just HORRID.


  19. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Remember the blind item about the actress who lied to her bf saying she couldn't spend the night because she lived with her parents, but the truth is, she's actually seeing someone else? I think it was out in April. Anyway - the answer must be Hayden P. She's dating the guy from Laguna Beach, but check out these pictures of her with her birth father from Heroes. These are not "we're just friends" pictures:

  20. Anonymous10:46 AM

    God Tom is so gay..he's trying to turn her into Jackie O just like the gays that suit is Princess Di circa 1989.


    Oh way to go with the stereotypes. I am pretty sure most gays couldn't give two freaking moonbeams about looking like Jackie O. Maybe in little showbiz worlds but you must live in a small circle.

    And why is this woman as flat as an ironing board one moment and sporting a 4-5 month gone bump the next. Is she wearing a dress with a plastic belly grafted into it or are some of these pics deliberately photoshopped. Hard to tell now on the internet.

    I think the child looks like the spit of Chris Klein. I think I believe the rumor that she isn't Tom's because he cannot have children.

  21. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Remember the blind item about the actress who lied to her bf saying she couldn't spend the night because she lived with her parents, but the truth is, she's actually seeing someone else? I think it was out in April. Anyway - the answer must be Hayden P. She's dating the guy from Laguna Beach, but check out these pictures of her with her birth father from Heroes. These are not "we're just friends" pictures:

    I'm sorry what am I looking at? Two people hugging? Umm, speaking closely? Are you implying a fling via these pictures?

    I think it's a situation that is probably innocent to be honest but that can be caught as something it's not on camera.

  22. Anonymous11:10 AM

    "I think it's a situation that is probably innocent to be honest but that can be caught as something it's not on camera."

    Damn! Steal my thunder! (LOL) Okay, okay, I'll stop thinking the naughty and get back on topic.

    But if she were my daughter....

  23. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I wasn't up with gossip this long ago, so does anyone know why Tom C. and Nicole K. divorced? It seemed like such a scandal, I only remember Tom saying Nicole 'knew what she did'. She was pregnant at one time and lost the baby. Did she cheat on him? It would coincide with the Tom C. can't have children rumor...just curious...

  24. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Robin, I don't know that it was ever revealed what the thing was that she supposedly did. People were speculating that they had come to the end of their ten years together, which probably marked the end of their contract to stay together.

    I think it's a given that she cheated on him. What else is new in Hollywood, though, right?

  25. Anonymous12:50 PM

    still no proof that DS is really ZX.

  26. Rumor is that Suri has (had) a birthmark on her forehead. That's why they waited so long to release pictures - they wanted her hair to grow over the mark. That would explain the horrible haircut. Even if it was removed, there might still be scarring.

  27. Anonymous3:06 PM

    God Tom is so gay..he's trying to turn her into Jackie O just like the gays that suit is Princess Di circa 1989.


    Oh way to go with the stereotypes. I am pretty sure most gays couldn't give two freaking moonbeams about looking like Jackie O. Maybe in little showbiz worlds but you must live in a small circle.

    ******* brother is gay, as is my best friend and 2 roomates so fuck right off with the stereotype crap..and if you noticed it was meant as a know like YOU.

  28. Anonymous5:29 PM

    9:51 am...

    yeah, i'm mesmerized by katie's weird, ice-skater HUGE thighs! they're not flabby, just muscular and really really wide. bizarre.

  29. Anonymous6:24 PM

    To: anonymous 12:50 PM

    Give it up already! Get over it! Seriously!

  30. Anonymous6:51 PM

    The pics look completely normal to me. Suri is a bit odd looking imo but her reaction to the ocean is fairly standard for a 14 month old kid.
    As for not many people swimming - the beach is owned and in front of the hotel they are staying at for James Packers wedding. James is an Australian billionaire and he rented out the entire hotel for his guests. That may explain why there aren't as many people around as usual.

  31. Anonymous8:15 PM

    "Suri though acts like she is just indifferent. No screaming, but no smiles either. "

    Not all little kids are smilers either. I've got one that was the most solemn little thing in the world. She wasn't unhappy, just thinking. No one's mentioned an obvious reason for Katie to cut her hair either....Suri pulling on it.

    Ok, I've played nice, now can I just say that I really hope her hair grows out soon, the new cut doesn't flatter her one little bit.

  32. Anonymous9:33 PM

    that is a very tall baby... especially for 1 year... must get the height from her mom lol

  33. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Katie Holmes has the grossest legs and she is pigeon-toed, which is fine generally, but funny when Tom Cruise likes to tout her as a goddess. His gayness is hysterical to me.

  34. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Katie's I-will-feign excitement-by-sticking-my-tongue through-my-teeth-when-I-smile because-I-am-trying-to-look-cute face is simply repulsive! Katie's gross looking body, the herpes lips, the matching baby haircut (because they do NOT look alike in any other way)and the creepy marriage to a controlling 'MO with small man syndrome is just too much. That whole family is disgusting.
