Monday, June 25, 2007

Kate Moss And Pete Doherty For Cavalli


Anonymous said...

why oh why in an advertisement with known drug abusers would you photograph them wiping the coke off their nose?!

Anonymous said...

Dayum! Kate Moss looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

Kate looks stunning and I cant believe I am going to say this, but Pete looks a bit yummy as well.


kellygirl said...

Miss Bliss, I have to disagree. I think Kate has crossed the line from Waif to WTF!!! She is destroying herself and it shows!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the photoshop job they did on these two, they look amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

Kellysirkus, yeah fair enough. I see where you are coming from. I have never really seen anything special in Kate. I have always thought she was rather plain and way too skinny. These are the first pics i have seen where her face looks beautiful. Granted, its a victory for makeup and photoshop rather than genetics, but still ;)

Anonymous said...

Thankfully they covered those hideous thighs of hers.

Anonymous said...

Wow Kate has taken a page form the J-lo guide to modelling...


Anonymous said...

It's about time that the media started to glamorize hardcore drug addiction. Young drug addicts need role models too.

Unknown said...

"why oh why in an advertisement with known drug abusers would you photograph them wiping the coke off their nose?!"

Why not? Doing it in real life has done nothing but make her millions of more dollars and Pete never has to pay any consequences...

Anonymous said...

I think for every bleeding infested scab Pete has 1 kid stays off drugs..keep up the great pics! Shambles INDEED.


Anonymous said...

photoshop!!!!!!!!! Those are NOT here thighs in THIS picture. She is the blind where a 14 year old body had to be used.

Anonymous said...

Pete is one of the most disgusting, unattractive men on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Those are two very disgusting and unattractive people who have benefitted greatly from photoshop and good photographers.

Oh and lets not forget the incredibly stupid fashionistas who keep hiring them. Yes, the druggie look seems to still be in fashion.


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