Friday, June 15, 2007

John Cusack Overload

So Encore or The Movie Channel has been showing Say Anything all month. Well last weekend I must have watched the whole thing twice and bits and pieces of it at least four or five more times. So Say Anything begat Better Off Dead which then led me to watch The Sure Thing, and then One Crazy Summer. I ended the Cusack 80's fest with my all-time favorite 80's Cusack film which is the very underrated Hot Pursuit.


  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    cusack is god!

  2. Anonymous12:33 PM

    it pains me that he's an ass. because I so loved him.


  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    YAY, ent!
    love, love, LOVE both "one crazy summer" and "better off dead". two of our first DVD's!
    even demi was semi-hot in "summer". every time i tell somebody i'm off to do my laps, i think of the jock guy doing his "laps" with the arm floaties.
    funny stuff.
    where is savage steve these days?

  4. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "Better Off Dead"

    It's a tribute/interviews with Dan Schneider and Savage Steve Holland. And, if you're bored over the weekend, most of the rest of the website is really funny.

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Say Anything - toughest break up scene EVER. Like watching a lamb lead to the slaughter.

    And I know he loathes hearing about Better Off Dead, but it does hold up. As does Say Anything.

    I've heard the asshat stories too, and yet je l'adore.

    Dear Mr. Cusack, do try not to be an asshat. You're already interesting enough.


  6. Anonymous8:29 PM

    And that's why I named my kid, 'Nick'!

  7. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The Sure Thing is the only teen movie/romantic comedy that I'll watch. Love it!
