Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Is She Or Isn't She Pregnant? A Closer Look At Christina Aguilera

When I look at this, I would have to say yes, but I'm no good at this game.


Anonymous said...

Yes - she's very obviously pregnant if you've seen previous pictures of her.

Anonymous said...

definitely, definitely pregnant.

Anonymous said...

I know it's the angle of the photo, but in that top pic, she looks obese.

Anonymous said...

She's definitely put on weight.

Unknown said...

Shades of Gwen Stefani, 2005.

Mos def pregnant.

Anonymous said...

i agree def prego and following in gwen's steps. doesn't want to get hassled about her dance routines while still touring and being pregnant and having all that distract from her tour. that's what gwen said about keeping mum on it till after tour ended. so bet she's thinking the same thing.
the pics of her in china with the stripe dress on (and all that great cleavage showing) that have been posted everywhere; i think show a hide of a growing belly too.
i bet she'll make a great mom!

mooshki said...

What ever happened with Nicole Richie's baby bump? Did someone tell her a baby wouldn't keep her out of jail, so she got rid of it?

Anonymous said...

That wasn't a baby bump...that was gastrointestinal bloat cuz she hadn't been able to poop in 6 months...

Anonymous said...

can't poop what's not there..

Unknown said...

If not, she's just put on some weight and the most unflattering white pantsuit in existence.

Anonymous said...

her boobs are far more fuller than normal. she's probably very early in her pregnancy and like it was said earlier, she's just trying to keep it quiet for now.

kellygirl said...

Congrats Christina! She's one of the few young celebs I actually believe will ne a good mom!

Anonymous said...

Yeah...whoever thought the Dirrrty Girrl would turn out the sanest of all those jailbait bimbettes...

Anonymous said...

yes, I saw her in concert in March and those were NOT her outfits then.


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