Friday, June 08, 2007

Four For Friday - Three Hours Late - I Hate IT Guys

#1. Are you an extra and want to be seen on camera more or given a bit part? This A list director who already has a bad reputation can make it happen. That is of course if you are willing to do everything he says for the entire shoot. If you do, it seems that he keeps his word and delivers. One extra was so good she even got a few lines to say and now is a regular on a hit television show.

The next two are from the friendly neighborhood accountant.

#2. Many actors enjoy strip clubs. They enjoy the attention they receive and they have the money to make sure they are treated great. Spending $10,000 in a night is not unheard of. This A/B list actor who showers infrequently loves strippers but doesn’t like going to clubs. I guess he’s shy. Anyway, what our actor decided to do was to pay three strippers to be on call 24/7. He pays them each $5000 a month to show up at his place within one hour of a phone call to them. The only day he guarantees them they will be off is Christmas and the anniversary of something important.

#3. This former A list film actor who could maybe move back up has got heat in the past for going to strip clubs. Some say it was even the reason behind at least one relationship going bust. Therefore our actor hides behind the computer. He goes online to webcam girls where he can be who he wants and do what he wants with anyone and there are no repercussions. In 2006 he spent about $50,000 on webcam girls. At $2.00 a minute that would mean he spent about 5% of the year online staring at them.

#4. It’s not only the ladies who like to give back their dinner to the porcelain throne. Seems as if this former A list television actor who has more looks than talent has been going through a dry spell lately. No one wanted to hire him anymore because he had been putting on the pounds. Too lazy to exercise, but wanting a job, our actor used a combination of diet pills and vomiting to get himself back on television this fall.


  1. I've been reading this for a while but here I go on the commenting for a first time. I think #2 is Keanu. The other 3...I have NO clue.

  2. Anonymous3:15 PM

    1. ??
    2. Keanu
    3. Bruce Willis
    4. I'd guess matt leblanc but I don't know if he's back on tv this fall - last picture I saw of him he was looking pretty bloated

  3. phew, this brit was just about to call it a night. nice ones

    1. mel gibson
    2. brad pitt or keanu as bonnie blue says
    3. charlie sheen
    4. matt le blanc - not sure if he has a show coming up this fall.

  4. Anonymous3:20 PM

    #3 is Kiefer Sutherland. #4 Matt LeBlanc

  5. Anonymous3:22 PM

    #1 Mel G
    #2 Colin Farrell
    #3 Ben A
    $4 I can only think of Matt L who is pretty but not talented...


  6. Anonymous3:23 PM

    3 ben affleck

  7. Anonymous3:25 PM

    1. I'm thinking the director of "Three Kings". I remember reading he and George Clooney had a fight on the set b/c of the way he (the director) was treating the crew. If I'm not mistaken, he's also the same guy in the YouTube video who is arguing with Lily Tomlin on the set of "I Heart Huckabees". He sounds like an a*****e.
    2. Mathew McCounaghey
    3. Ben Affleck
    5. Matt LeBlanc

  8. Anonymous3:30 PM

    #1 brett ratner or eli roth?

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    4. kelsey grammar

  10. Anonymous3:30 PM

    #2-Keanu Reeves: he always looks funky to me until of late.
    #3-Val Kilmer: just b/c of the "heat" reference
    #4-Timothy Daly, he used to be hot when on Wings and now he's going to be on that show Private Practice with Kate Walsh. I dunno if he packed on pounds though.

    I have no idea for the first Bis.


  11. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Ben Affleck makes sense for #3...everyone knows how much he likes the neked ladies - but wouldn't Jen notice if he's glued to his laptop for that much time?

  12. Anonymous3:34 PM

    1) David O. Russell
    2) Keanu Reaves
    3) Harrison Ford or Bruce Willis
    4) ???

  13. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Timothy Daly never stopped being hot. He was born hot and he'll die hot. I don't think #4 is him.

    Kelsey Grammer does have a show coming out this fall with....the woman from Gotta Love Raymond, I think. I kind of like that guess, but I don't know why.

  14. Anonymous3:44 PM

    kelsey grammer has more looks than talent? when did this happen??????????

  15. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Am I the only one that noticed the title? "Three Hours Late - I Hate IT Guys"... is this referring yet again to the BI from the other day the whole it but not it...

  16. #1: Michael Bay or Brett Ratner. This can't be Mel Gibson: I can't imagine an extra from Apocalypto or Passion Of The Christ getting a gig as hit TV show regular...

    #4: David Cross? ;)

  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Anon 3:41 AMEN on Timothy Daly.

    Dorothy - I think EL just means IT as in Information Technology. 'Cuz we ALL hate THEM!

  18. Anonymous3:55 PM

    tracee your guesses are consistently brain dead

  19. Anonymous3:55 PM

    My guesses:
    #1. Brett Ratner
    #2. Matthew Mcconaughey
    #3. Ben Affleck


    Oh- and from the MTV Awards BIs: I belive Ent meant 'LIVE' as in [livv] and not [laiv], maybe as a clue to Bruce Willis' 'Die Hard' movie.

  20. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Well Kelsey is cute in a weird kind of way, but I would say that he's a pretty talented guy.....

    Jerry O'Connell is going to be in Carpoolers this fall on ABC - is he considered more cute than talented? I recall seeing a picture of him with Rebecca where he had bigger breasts than she did...He's not former A list TV though.

    Dylan McDermott is going to be in Big Shots on ABC.....

    Jimmy Smits is coming back to series TV with Cane on CBS...

  21. Anonymous4:01 PM

    #3...Ben Affleck. Heavily rumoured to have broken up with J.Lo because of his ripper habit--I think he was in Vancouver when the tabs caught up with him. Definitely WAS A-list...and could be again, very easily.

  22. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Kelsey Grammer has more looks than talent? when did this happen???

    No joke. Kelsey is talented. Has more money than he knows what to do with... and has at least 2 successful shows on the air that he produces. If he wanted to be on TV, all he has to do is produce it himself.

    #2 - I also thought of Keanu Reeves. He always looks so ill kept. I did see the recent pics of him on the set of his new movie looking all fine again... freshly bathed and with a haircut.

    #3 - Sadly my guess for this is also Ben A. simply cause he looks so dang miserable. So killing time on the pc being pervy would not surprise me. (I still don't think he would have ever married Jennifer G. had she not gotten pregnant.) And he did get alot of bad press for his past behavior at the topless bars.

    #4 - I don't see this being Matt Leblanc. He does not have a show on for this fall. And I would be seriously stunned if he got another TV job anytime soon. (After the whole fiasco that "Joey" was... him dumping his wife and his disable daughter... for the ugly girl on his show.) No I don't think anyone is ready to take on Mr. Leblanc this season. haha!

  23. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Tracee, how dare you slander the hotness that is Tim Daly! JK! He IS the absolute hottest dude on TV and just keeps getting better with age. I haven't seen any chubby phases but there have been a few years he stayed out of the spotlight so maybe...Last year, or maybe 2 years, he had that show "Eyes" and I was in heaven. I am so excited he is back on another show, with the bonus of Taye Diggs, yum!
    Happy to see everyone's playing nice in the sandbox today!
    Have a great weekend!
    - kellygrrrl

  24. Anonymous4:25 PM

    oops, almost everyone, 3:55.

  25. Anonymous4:25 PM

    #2.Matthew McCounaghey came to mind when reading it, but Keanu Reaves is good too.

  26. Anonymous4:26 PM

    1 - totally Brett Ratner - he's such an ass.

    2 - Can't be Keanu because I refuse to believe it. That would suck, but it does seem right. WAAAH!

    3 - Christian Slater - he's been "busted" a lot.

    4 - no clue.


  27. Oh, I could tell you Keanu stories. It's really sad. He needs to be in rehab. My friend worked with him and he's in a sad state and this is about a month ago.

  28. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Bonnie Blue - do tell - I am so interested. I heard that he was a methhead. I know every time that his sister gets worse from the cancer, he almost loses it.


  29. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Two dollars!

    I like John Cusack for #3!

    Rumored to go to strip clubs and not tip. Supposedly screwed up his relationships b/t the clubs and being a horndog.

    I love him, but I'm just sayin'.

  30. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Keanu's sister is dying of leukemia, his ex girlfriend, who was pregnant with Keanu's child got in a fatal car crash after leaving Marilyn Manson's home. Her mother tried to sue Manson, and for some reason Keanu too.

    He's had a miserable time for the last couple of years, I wonder how many people could deal with all of that, plus more? He should be off limits, just out of human kindness.

  31. Anonymous5:10 PM

    1- Brett Ratner
    2- the Wilson brothers (either one)
    3- Ben Affleck
    4- John Travolta

  32. The ex-girlfriend & baby's death must be the "anniversary of something important" he means. Poor Keanu - sounds pretty grim to be him.

  33. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Wow! I didn't know any of this stuff about Keanu. Just goes to show, if a celeb wants to keep some personal shit out of public eye, it is possible. That certainly would answer the question so many have asked: "WTF happened to Keanu Reeves?"
    Anyway, God forbid I might be attacked by the aNon Squad, but just thought I'd share one tid-bit for you peeps who think Paris going to USC Med Ctr is some cushy ride - I have gone there several times to take deposition or statement from inmates in the jail med ward, and I promise you, it is NO picnic. I was traumatized when i watched a young black inmate give birth handcuffed to a gurney in the hallway. I am not joking!!!!! It is hell! And if in fact her issue is psych, the psych ward is even worse than the lovely OB/GYN facilities. They made me take off my underwire bra b/c it could be used as a weapon. I looked really nice in my white blouse. that's hot
    have a nice weekend.
    - kellygrrrl

  34. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I think two or three could be Vince Vaughn.

  35. i'm shocked no one has suggested tarantino for number 1

  36. Anonymous7:37 PM

    For whatever reason, I'm thinking Tom Selleck for #4.

  37. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I have no clue for #4 but I don't think it's Tom Selleck. I worked at a hotel in Beverly Hills a few years ago. I checked Tom in. I recall his body type as being long and lanky. He was especially tall given that many actors in Hollywood are so short! Btw, he was very low key. No diva drama to report.

  38. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Hez is fug and paid my dad to let her give him a BJ

  39. Anonymous9:36 PM

    8:53 you are a child

    Hez... remember any press is good press...
    i think 8:53 has a crush on you

  40. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I thought of Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez for the 1st BL.

    2nd I immediately thought of Keanu because of the important anniversary thing.
    I have briefly met him and he was really kind. He is also a huge advocate for cancer research too.

    Not sure of the other BVs.

  41. Anonymous10:09 PM

    LO FUCKING L at 9:36 thinking this site counts as "press"

  42. Anonymous10:13 PM

    not sure about keanu...seems a bit fruity to be the stripper type

  43. Anonymous12:30 AM

    The part in Number 3 that says "Has got heat" made me think Val Kilmer... Who was in the movie "Heat" and seemed to at one point be "A List"...

  44. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Dean Cain as chubby star? He could have been considered A list during Lois and Clark, i guess.

  45. Anonymous3:42 AM

    9:36 - time to take your ball and go home.

    Midwest Surfer

  46. Anonymous3:44 AM

    So sorry 9:36, please stay and play!

    10:09...just saying

  47. Anonymous4:22 AM

    1. brett ratner is the most obvious. micheal bay and quentin tarantino are solid too.

    2. joaquin phoenix jumped out at me. the anniversary may be his brother river's death.

    3. john cusack sounds right. he is freaky and has an armpit fetish. it would not surprise me if he spent 35% of his time online.

    4. jimmy smits has a show, cane, on cbs

  48. Anonymous4:49 AM

    I found this little tidbit on the net about Brett Ratner from NY Post:
    "On the same set, horndog director Brett Ratner "sends an assistant named Scott around to every female extra, collecting phone numbers in a too obvious, not-so-suave way," the source said. "Scott commands these $150-a-day actress-hopefuls to give him their phone numbers simply because 'the director wants it.' " "

    Im going to do a bit of research to see if I can link him to a woman on a hit tv show

  49. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Here's your boy Robbie Williams getting pushed off stage!!

  50. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I'm pretty sure Keanu likes the men too. Well I in fact know a man he slept with so maybe he's just into sex of any kind.

  51. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Here's your boy Robbie Williams getting pushed off stage!!

    thanks for that..too bad its like 3 years old moron.

  52. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Keanu Reeves and the anniversary of
    his sister's death possibly?

  53. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Brett Ratner directed X3, right? The woman who played AJ's girlfriend on The Sopranos had a tiny part in that film, if I remember correctly....

  54. Anonymous7:01 PM

    #4 Ryan Seacrest

  55. Anonymous10:08 PM

    2. Keanu - the anniversary of something important is either his ex g/f's death or the birthdate of their stillborn baby.

  56. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Excellent guess for Brett Ratner for number 1 Angela!

  57. Anonymous10:42 PM

    missbliss - isn't that tidbit an answer to a BI that Ent had at one time too?

  58. Anonymous2:05 AM

    1# Oliver Stone or Michael Bay

    3# Ben Affleck or Christian Slater

  59. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Sorry lifeless cocksucker.
    it's new to me Loser.


    And if this is "EMT" talking
    With your grammar and spelling you are the dumbest lawyer around.

  60. Anonymous8:27 AM

    #1 - So many Directors do this, could be many.

    #2 - Keanu...I love him but I can see it

    #3 - I think Affleck

    #4 Def not Tim Daly - he was on "The Nine" last year - lookin FINE.

  61. Anonymous8:31 AM

    #3 Ben Affleck - got in trouble for strippers, reason for his relationship to J-Lo going bust.
    ~ Stacey

  62. Anonymous1:30 PM

    saw jerry o'connell yesterday on t.v. at the belmont stakes & was shocked at how thin he is.

  63. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I like Christian Slater for number three. He's had two marriages that ended rather abruptly...and he and Ben were together in that club here in Vancouver. And don't forget he was charged for groping some woman on the street. He has always sounded kinda pervie to me, so he's my guess for number three. Number four could be Tom Selleck. God knows the man is hot, but he really has put on some weight since the Magnum days.

  64. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Re: kellygrrl 4:23 -

    Hey! Somebody else watched Eyes! I loved that show! Kate Walsh and him had one steamy sex scene on that and one steamy kissing scene on the Grey's Anatomy segment that previewed her new show. I don't think he's ever been out of shape and is still sexy as hell.


  65. Anonymous1:18 AM

    #1 is definitely Brett Ratner. I've read stories about him being a skeeze before.

  66. #1 no idea
    #2 must be married [The only day he guarantees them they will be off is Christmas and the anniversary of something important.], so it can't be Keanu.
    #3 could be Ben Affleck
    #4 can't be Matt LeBlanc because he doesn't appear in a fall TV show. Actually, he's got nothing lined up for him... I thought Val Kilmer but it can't be him either for the same reason.
    So who'll be on a new TV show this fall, is hot an lost a few pounds lately?

  67. 1. brett ratner
    3.harrison ford
    4. brendan walsh
