Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Even More Links

Paris tried to commit suicide before she went to jail.

Ray-J is going to narrate and direct a porn film. No word on whether or not Whitney will make an appearance. Look, I'm a guy and have seen my share of porn. I can't ever recall a narrator on a porn film. It's not Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. I don't need someone off camera to tell me that a woman is getting nailed on her kitchen floor by the guy who knocked on the wrong door. If I were blind and needed play by play, I don't think I would want a husky male voice providing that play by play either.

If George Michael has an extra $100M to throw around on some fancy skull, then why the hell was he driving drunk? If I had that much money, I would have a staff of people who would carry me from one place to the other.

Candy Spelling gets richer. Vegas style. Little old ladies are little old ladies no matter the dough. They all block the slot machines and give you the evil eye if you try and invade their space. The only difference is I get mauled by the ladies playing the penny slots and Candy does her mauling while playing $50 at a time and sipping her Remy Martin.

Cameron still loves Justin.


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    A porn movie with commentary? What is it, a cockumentary?

  2. Anonymous10:35 AM

    LOL Twisted!
    You win the best post of the day award.
    That one made me LOL for real.

  3. Anonymous11:06 AM

    C'mon Paris. If at first you don't suceed try, try again.

  4. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Oh yay! I never win anything, Brenda....lol. Thanks!

  5. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Ray J is a moron and a liar. He LIED and said Trojan Condoms is sponsoring him or paid him when they have absolutely no affiliation with him whatsoever. He's a loser - Don't believe the hype about this at all - esp. if this info came out of his mouth.

  6. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Funny...no one even flenched at the "Paris tries to commit sucide." Ho hum...sucks to be racist/whorish Paris.

