Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Even More Links

You know I already think that Jay-Z and Beyonce are married so another engagement story doesn't do anything for me. Hell, I think they are ready to get divorced already.

Bruce Willis threatens to kill guys who date his daughters. It's okay if the ladies want to I guess. (Hayden and Rumer sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G) I'm sure the fathers of the 19 year old women you date are just thrilled as well. Of course Bruce turned down the role of Danny Ocean and that has worked out really well career wise for him.

George Michael talks about his wedding plans.

Tourists loot Sopranos locations.

Six video clips from Ocean's 13.


Anonymous said...

yeah but does Willis date 19 year old DISNEY women?

Hez said...

George Michael bought me a drink in London in 1988 and therefore can do absolutely no wrong in my books. I love that he's caring less about the press and more about being himself, which is a kinky, pot-smokin, fagadocious crooner. I couldn't be happier for him. You go, girl!

I will smoke a nice fatty in his honour on the day (okay, maybe before and after the day, too).

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Brenda - think that's a hint EL is giving us?

Anonymous said...

jay and beyonce - i refuse to believe that they are married because she doesn't strike me as the type to deny being married BUT... a PR friend of mine told me that Beyonce signed over most of her masters to Jay. First of all that's crazy to do so, but if it's true i hope she would only do that if they are married. So maybe they are...

Anonymous said...

Twisted Sister
I believe Ent is leeting the cat out of the bag with the Willis comment. He likes them young! Meow and (barf). Thanks, Ent my lunch tasted better going down than coming up!


Anonymous said...

Tracee, I think EL's giving us a nudge, too. I LOVE when he does that!

Anonymous said...

OK...I'll take the Bruce thing as a nudge, but I still don't get the rest of the BI as for "these women" "it" or the fallback...I'm still pretty confused...

Elle stuff-1/2 are gay and the other 1/2 I've never heard of...

OK...BP and PD are fine...

Anonymous said...

MM, I posted this before EL gave us more "hints" (cough, cough), which did nothing but muddle the whole thing. Sheesh!

And speaking of sheesh - is it getting old that the E! message board goes down more than Monica Lewinsky?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:14 - LMAO

Enty, I know you love me because you posted the O13 clips. Made my day.


Anonymous said...

Twisted sister,
LOL! I haven't heard a Lewinsky joke in years. Nice.


Anonymous said...

Good lord, who would ever want to date Rumer? The only Willis daughter with any chance of decent looks at all is the youngest one, and she's nothing to get excited about.

Remember when Bruce did a couple of guest spots on Friends and he dated Rachel? Lots of "younger woman" jokes, but she was probably way older than he would have liked.

Anonymous said...

LOL about Bruce Willis, VERY FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

Why Hayden in the tree?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what does Ent mean about the Hayden and Rumer thing? Do you want to enlighten us Ent?
And Hez, I'm with you on George Michael. It's so weird. Although I don't post much I read all the comments and I feel like I know you Hez. You're personality just screams out from the page. In a good way of course!(Is that too wierd to say that?)

Hez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hez said...

Thanks, bluegirl - it's not weird at all. Some days here are better than others, though. You're welcome to c'mon by my blog sometime: http://civixen.blogspot.com. Word.


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