Monday, June 11, 2007

Evan Almighty Premiere--aka Where's Ent?

See that fat, balding, man with the unwashed Walmart shirt and cheap sandals pushing the stroller behind Lauren? What do you think? Hmmmmm. What about the guy in the blue with the lovely white shoes? Speaking of lovely, Lauren is a vision.
"Honey, no one will even know you are pregnant. You look great." Office romance? Come on. Although it was interesting to see who showed and who didn't.

"Honey, your dad, the Hoff just got to sign some huge breasts. Let me show you where I did it."
"Stop yelling at me. I told you I'm going to give the DNA sample. Damn. Now I know why Babyface got rid of you."
Lazy and Lazier. The new comedy from the Farrelly brothers.
How about that old, fat guy with the sideburns?

Arden Myrin is one of my favorite actresses and she is so underrated.
The guy in the shades and black jacket on in the 100 degree heat?
Didn't shower either.
You think hot pink is my color? Notice the lovely belly and the golden tan. What woman wouldn't love that?
Wanda Sykes is the funniest woman alive.
How about the producer who dresses funny?
Did you know Steve Carell is in the movie? I thought it was only Lauren Graham. Well, Steve was good too.
How about the goober in glasses? The balding, blue t-shirt wearing guy with the serial killer stare?


Anonymous said...

the goober in the glasses-if you're speaking of the dude in the tan jacket-is kinda cute

Anonymous said...

ENT is the guy on his knees in the portapotty holding a fist full of nickels.

See you at the deposition.

Anonymous said...

How about the guy in the second photo with the glasses and the blazer? I notice you left him out of the 'what about' rant.

Anonymous said...

I think it's the guy in the glasses too. He's not bad looking and it sounds like ent is trying to make fun of himself when he is actually a good looking guy!

Anonymous said...

ENT is a black, narcoleptic, schizophrenic, pygmy, woman.

Or it's Lindsey Lohan!

Anonymous said...

Or Hez! LOL

Anonymous said...

It's totally Hez. I almost want to stop reading because it's her. But I figure this person is a split personality. ENT- funny, quirky, decent. Hez- evil bitch, with a 8th grade metality.

Anonymous said...

Oooops. Mentality. (I need to proof read better!)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rachel - the goober in the last pic looks pretty cute!

Anonymous said...

The producer who dresses funny is really cute!

Anonymous said...

Hez likes QOTSA so she's totally metality too!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Queens of the Stone Age.


Anonymous said...

Just because Hez is a stoner doesn't make her cool. At least not to most grown up people.

Anonymous said...

I said narcoleptic black woman.... do you think Wanda Sykes is really ENT?!?!?! She's funny enough to pull it off. Just the picture of her typing all of this makes me laugh!!

PinotPeep said...

12:01, Wanda Sykes would rock. Love her.

Anonymous said...

Myrin is effing funny. Every skit she's in on MadTV is hilarious! The guy in the last pic is cute. I think glasses on a man is attractive. Not on all men, but looks good on this dude.


Anonymous said...

Could you people kiss any more ass? There are attractive people in Hollywood. Do we need to point them out in the hopes that one of them may be ENT?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the "uhoh" picture from a month or two ago. I think the 'goober in the glasses' is the same guy.

Anonymous said...

My vote is for the goob.

Anonymous said...

This is anon 1:18. I found the uhoh picture (google works REALLY well if you give it enough clues).

Made this composite: I'm not sure that uhoh and goober are the same. UhOh has more of a receding hairline (and seems hotter to me).

Anonymous said...

Dammmnnnn, DnFrommn!
That's compelling stuff! It's so hard to differentiate between the two guys. I can't believe you found that photo.


Anonymous said...

enty, you are such a tease.

not that we don't like it.

for the record, i hope you wear glasses. there's just something hot about a lawyer in glasses. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't remember the "uh oh" guy, but he appears to be wearing a wedding ring in that photo! (Hence, not Ent...) Excellent composite photo by Dnfrommn, though!!

Anonymous said...

I dont think he is the guy with glasses wearing the blazer. But could he be the guy in blue with lovely white shoes?

I compared these pics to the WPT picture that Ent is in somewhere.
(so sorry about the poor picture quality. Stoopid MSPaint!)

Anonymous said...

ha! Love the Ent photos you guys are posting!

Anonymous said...

pink shirt dude, it's gotta be him.

Anonymous said...

Totally has to be blue shirt guy- like the gober in the glasses too though. Oh ENT you are a total HOTTIE!

Your adoring fan :)

Amber said...

Yeah the last guy with the glasses and tan jacket is HOT! I hope that's you haha

Anonymous said...

Um, maybe the lawyer accompanying Eddie Murphy to court?

Anonymous said...

I'm late on comments but if y'all are interested in finding out who EL is... June 1st/2nd Shemar Moore was arrested for DUI. It was when EL had food poisoning and had to pick up a client in jail. There's a way to find out with this info.

Anonymous said...

I'm going for the goober in glasses as Ent!

Regardless of who he is, he's kinda cute. I have a definite soft spot for the strawberry blondes...


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