Friday, June 01, 2007

Disney Couture Party--Seriously?

She may not be ZX, but Amy Smart still gets the top spot.
Didn't take long for Samantha Ronson to find a new victim? lover? user?
"Maybe if I click my heels three times I can get the image of Denise Richards out of my head."

"Nope. Still there."

Monet Mazur is another popular guess for ZX. I think Monet took the whole Disney/ 101 Dalmatians thing a little too far though.

"I can keep putting on makeup Maria, but you will still look like a man."

Adam Sandler and Quincy Jones find the "chair" that all men are relegated to during shopping.

Well at least Rumer is wearing a skirt. Michelle Rodriguez wears skirts also though.


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Yes, Rummer is wearing a skirt. But a paper bag over her head would be a great improvement over the whole outfit.She'll probably be interesting looking when she hits 35 but do we have to see the evolution?

  2. so bcuz Samantha isn't a celeb of the LiLo caliber there is no emergent need for intervention? That girl looks way more strung out than Britney or LinZ ever have. Doesn't she have wealthy connected parents? Where the hell are they?
    I love the pix of her in the driver's seat with LinZ passed out. She is wiping her nose in every shot and there are dried "white" snot marks all over her sleeve!

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    So, why, when there are gorgeous lesbians out there, is Samantha Ronson such a hot little snatch? Anyone?

  4. Ooooh, snarky! Nice one, Ent! (Synchronize yr watches, y'all. Renise Dichards should be up on her HIND LEGS with her DEFENSIVE CAPITALISATION within the hour. Heh.)

    Samantha Ronson looks utterly ridiculous with her relentless finger posing. Seriously. Hands in pockets, bitch. You are not "OG" or anything even close to it. You are a society girl trying to gangsta up your image so the celebutards will want to roll with you and listen to your jankity-ass iTunes "DJ"ing. Give it a rest, dawg. And come OUT, ferfucksakes, ya big puss!

    Rumer and Samantha would make a good pair tho.

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Samantha's parents most likely believe their daughter is living the "rock and roll life style" that her step daddy did and see nothing wrong with it. Or they're homophobes and ignore her for the other 4.

    lol I was thinking that too - R & S

  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Ent,'! Rumer does look a bit bull dikish. Although there's nothing wrong with that...I'm just not digging "The Warriors" get up.


  7. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Who are Samantha Ronson's parents?

  8. Anonymous11:52 AM

    mick jones from Foreigner and Anne ronson-jones - NYCers and very well off- all the kids had private schooling etc...

  9. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I'm sorry, but I personally can not look at a picture of Samantha Ronson without throwing up a little bit in my mouth.

  10. Anonymous1:12 PM

    you know, I am just still amazed this was the best Rumer could do plastic surgery wise. Does she THINK she is MORE attractive NOW? OMG she is still so FUG. Just oddly shapped head/features. All that money and still looks like a hag after surgery. Blows my mind.

  11. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Rumer is severely ugly; why are we subjected to photos of this atrocious beast? She's bad enough to crack a camera lens; while the bag over her head suggestion was excellent, I don't think it went far enough. I'm not sure putting her in a burqua would be going far enough.

  12. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Nicole Richie and Samantha Ronson have been pals for quite a few years now, actually.

  13. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Are you sure that that is not Debbie Matenopoulos. I can't separate the to manish looking celeb groupie/swamp digger.

    Annoying too no wonder Barbra fired her and her air headed view.

  14. OMG.

    some BRILLIANT person on celebitchy commented on the sam ronson picture pointing out the similarities between her and pete d.

    its genius.

  15. Anonymous8:56 PM

    God help me, but Rumer gets uglier and uglier every time I see her. You know when Conan O'Brian morphs two celebs' faces together and it looks really freaky? That's what I think of when I look at her!


  16. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Monet Mazur as apopular guess for zx? i don't remember ever reading her name in connection to zx. maybe ent trying to tell us something.

  17. Anonymous3:04 AM

    forget about monet mazur for zx, she has a kid and nothing in zx's posts would suggest that. ent is just tossing out some disinformation to try and get us to believe zx is someone other than DS.
