Saturday, June 16, 2007

Daytime Emmy Awards

BethAnn Bonner and Bree Williamson are coming to my next party. Hell, they are a party.

If I had a girlfriend as hot as Portia, I would be smiling even bigger than Ellen.
The simulated public grope.
Starting those pregnancy rumors.
I didn't realize that Hefty also designed dresses. I'm looking for the twist ties and they are invisible.
Free shit and no Rosie makes Elizabeth very happy.
The ladies in my office go nuts over Constantine Maroulis so figured I would post his photo for you. I guess his "gang sign" is to assure everyone he's straight. Used to be the earring in the left ear, but this is much simpler.
If you ever need a good guess for any blind item from any site, this couple is a good place to start.


Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with BethAnn's head...geez that thing is HUGE!

Anonymous said...

who is this couple?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Tyra melted all the pennies found in the US Mint and made a dress out of it?..hmm

Anonymous said...

who is baldy and the blonde?

Anonymous said...

corbin bernson (was on LA Law now on USA's Psych) and amanda pays (british--used to be an actress, now an interior designer, i think)

Even if they were the answer to a BI (unless it was an exceptionally juicy one--and even then...) would we care?)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info Anon 11:14

You're right...who cares!

Anonymous said...

Yeah who cares, but who is D.E.? Maybe we care a little?

Anonymous said...

Time has not been nice to Corbin. Ew.

Anonymous said...

in the corbin pic, the lady next to him is labelled ap. AP!

Anonymous said...

The "hefty" dress...ack!

Anonymous said...

DE = daytime emmys...

Anonymous said...

Hee! Hee! In some Middle Eastern cultures, that 'sign' C.M. is doing signifies 'vagina' LOL!!! Maybe he's trying to say he's got a 'man'gina? LMBO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Both Bethanne and Bree's shoes are the hotness. Bethanne's would look better without the dress tho.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen is demonstrating perfectly what I was trying to say yesterday about butches keeping themselves hot. Yes she looks rather manly, but she's clean and cares about herself.

Anonymous said...

ah! daytime emmys, thanks mistik.

Yes, it's true, we don't care.

Kathy K said...

Yeah, how come there aren't any link names at the end of the section ... I don't know who a lot of these people are and I could always look down to match most of them up.

Ent -- we're not all so Hollywood connected that we know who EVERYONE is ... some of these people, to me, seem like 6 degrees of separation from anything I'm familiar with!

A little help ......

Anonymous said...

You're kidding about the ladies liking Constantine, right? I saw a pic of him earlier and actually said, "Who cares?"

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of or seen the first two people...who are they?

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen is demonstrating perfectly what I was trying to say yesterday about butches keeping themselves hot. Yes she looks rather manly, but she's clean and cares about herself.

She looks great. I don't know why people see her as overly "butch", she just chooses to keep her hair shortish and she prefers trouser suits but so do lots of women.

I always think she looks nice and natural. They make a sweet couple. Good to see they're still going strong.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ent--

I happen to care! Corbin was in the "Sopranos/Grey's Anatomy" show of his time, "LA Law". Never watched it, but his name was mentioned a lot. So, former A-List TV star married to a B/C-List TV star? I'm sure there is something in the archived BI lists about them. Could she be the one who called his lovers to tell them to get checked for diseases? Could he be the one who sells coke? You had a spat of BIs about former TV A listers.


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