Friday, June 08, 2007

Cartier Celebrates Love - aka Grope Fest 2007

Frederic de Narp of Cartier really seemed to enjoy his evening.

"If you want the free stuff, you just have to give it a little smack."
No ball and chain in sight so I guess Kimora stayed home.
"This is the best one yet."
Being in a saw mill accident and bringing her husband allowed Faith Hill to escape the groping.
"Why don't we go back behind this thing and re-enact that scene from Boogie Nights?"
"Nice soft skin."
"Just a little lower honey."
"Yep, I 'm grabbing it. Nice isn't it?"
"I don't do guys, but I've seen your "girlfriend" so I guess you do."


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    who the heck is the guy in every photo?

  2. ha ha ent, loving the usher comment.

  3. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Julianne Moore is so beautiful. She doesn't seem to age at all.
