Thursday, June 14, 2007

Britney Took The Kids To Hawaii Without Permission--aka Not Smart

From David Perel's National Enquirer

Britney thumbed her nose as a custody agreement with soon-to-be ex-hubby Kevin Federline, by taking their two children on a jaunt to Hawaii and he's now vowing to take the children away from her.

Kevin hit the roof when he learned Britney was wallowing in the Pacific sun without a nanny, says sources. Britney's custody agreement with Kevin states that she can't take the boys out of L.A. County without his consent and without a nanny. (**Ent's note: so basically Britney violated a court order and was in contempt if this is true.**)

An insider reveals, "For two days Kevin was desperate to find his children." Kevin, worried over Brit's drinking, drug use, and wild behavior, had refused to give his OK to the Hawaii trip. Kevin bombarded her with phone calls, but she refused to answer. When Kevin checked the hotel Britney has used on previous Hawaiian vacations, she wasn't there.

According to an insider, when Britney finally answered her cell phone she infuriated Kevin even more when she told him she was indeed in Hawaii, sitting poolside sipping a drink. Kevin could barely control his temper. He issued an ultimatum: Get on a plane with the kids by noon on June 8 and head back to L.A. Britney deliberately missed the noon deadline, but did get on a plane later in the day. When Kevin finally got to see his boys, they were exhausted. Now Kevin is determined to gain full custody of his children by going back to court to argue that Brit is an unfit mother, with the trip to Hawaii just the most recent incident in the loopy behavior that she's been displaying. "Kevin is upset that Britney's partying hasn't stopped. She's drinking heavily, and Kevin believes she's also doing drugs," said the insider.

He urged Britney to surrender the kids to him permanently, but she said: "No way!" But based on Britney's boozing alone, Kevin believes he'll be awarded full custody when he takes her to court.

"Kevin wants Brit to take a drug test. Kevin's patience with Britney has worn thin." The insider reveled, "He's not waiting any longer. He feels he gave Britney plenty of room to show she could be a good mother. Now he feels she can't be trusted and he's going back to court right away to try to get full custody."

Kevin says, "If the court awards full custody to him and Britney loses her children, she'll have no one to blame but herself."


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    is the "insider" Shar?

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I'm on K-Fed's side...and that's sayin' something! She can't just take those kids like that.

  3. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Maybe Kevin should use SPF's extreme wedgie photos as proof of child abuse. Maybe not. Enty, I don't think you're receiving my emails...?

  4. Anonymous10:01 AM

    What's up with her left boob in this photo? It looks dented.

  5. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Ent: thank you for your legal commentary. Keep it up for those of us with no clue on what the legal issues are with some of this stuff.

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    wow! K-Fed is the responssible parent. who would of thought that?

  7. Anonymous10:17 AM

    It sounds like the wake up call Britney needs to get her life together...but then again, losing custody could also be the final straw...

  8. Anonymous10:49 AM

    How come CPS is not involved in this? She is fresh out of rehab..anyone I know who has done 30 days didnt get full custody right away and if they did there were many 'surprise visits' following..


  9. It is extremely rare for a judge to take custody away from a mother - I mean even crack ho's keep their kids. (sure makes you wonder about Anne Heche)

  10. Anonymous12:57 PM

    She did it on purpose. She doesn't want those kids. She wants to be young and carefree. Please. Stupid whore.

  11. Anonymous1:14 PM


    When someone enters drug or alcohol rehab of their own accord, the courts do not get involved, nor does DCFS. If that were the case, no one would ever go.

    I think what you're thinking of is a court mandated rehab stay, in that case, custody may be held back if the children are wards of the state. In this case, Brit went in on her own and was working out custody terms privately with KFed.

    That said, if she goes against the court mandated agreement, she could be in trouble. I really don't think a judge would take the kids away from her that easily, really. I think she will get a warning from the judge, perhaps at best. Just my opinion.

    I can't believe KFed is the responsible parent!

  12. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Does anyone know what's wrong w/Jaden? Since birth, we've seen photos of Sean everywhere. She's always in public with him, she's not shy about him being seen by paparazzi...but we NEVER seen Jaden. Has anyone ever seen a photo of him? Odd that she doesn't take the two boys in public together.

  13. Anonymous4:15 PM

    @ 1:26:
    one kid for her, one for him.

    and i don't care what the law says. the judge does pretty much what he personally thinks is the best.
    i know when i was going thru a divorce, i told my lawyer (among other, much more serious things) that
    AH (assholle) was picking up child in a hot rod w/ no seat belts. he said i'd probably get a judge that was fond of his old sportscar, and would rule against me.
    granted, that was a long time ago. but it WAS after the "tougher" divorce/child support laws were in place.
    i call shenanigans!

  14. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I just find it interesting how the tide has turned since the divorce. Previously, sympathies were with Brit because K-Fed was off boozing, gambling, screwing around etc...

    Now he is supposedly the responsible one with Britney being the selfish, mental,flake.

    Something doesn't smell right here. Maybe it is just a matter of degrees of irresponsiblity and bad parenting... My sympathies are with those children.

  15. Anonymous6:58 PM

    x-17 has pictures of Jayden when they were in Hawaii

  16. Anonymous11:15 PM

    legal commentary? That's like thanking EL for blogging that Paris won't have to serve the full 45 days. Also, (for one of the posters above who commented that Britney just got out of rehab and should lose her kids because of it) another poster above is correct that when someone checks into rehab "voluntarily" it not only doesn't hurt in the eyes of the law, it helps. I'm sure ENT can confirm this.......... but checking into rehab voluntarily shows the court that you recognize there is a problem and you are trying ot get it under control. Even though everyone "knows" they are there for publicity reasons, it still says to the court that you are trying to deal with your problems. The court's position is that everyone is flawed and if you are at least giving the appearance of trying to fix the problem you are on the right track.

    That being said, Britney's last collapse came at the threat of losing her kids... If this story is true, then this is more serious. We may be in for an interesting few weeks. Paris may be yesterday's news soon.

  17. Anonymous12:56 AM

    He's responsible because hye's attacking her through a tabloid? Please if this is true he would've already taken her to court. I can't believe some are so quick to buy NE's crap/ I haven't seen that bumb Kevin w/ those boys in months. He party's & does drugs also that's why I doubt he'd ever request a drug test from her since he'sd have to be tested too.

    These trypes of rumors will keep popping up since their custody agreement was kept private.

    The "source" on this BS probably was Shar. LOL!

  18. Anonymous1:57 AM

    i agree, everyone is so quick to believe anything that comes out of the National Enquier. When its perfectly obvious Kevin and or his publicist are the ones selling bullshit stories about britney, not only making much needed cash on the side but making sure to soil her image even more than it is.

    The point is, KEvin knew and was ok with it. He's taken the kids out of LA county, his ex baby mama lives in orange county! He also took off to Vegas to party for hirthday.

    Its bs, she wouldn't have gone if it was against the law, she's terrified of losing those kids. They're probably the only thing keeping her semi sane at this point.

  19. Anonymous1:57 AM

    i agree, everyone is so quick to believe anything that comes out of the National Enquier. When its perfectly obvious Kevin and or his publicist are the ones selling bullshit stories about britney, not only making much needed cash on the side but making sure to soil her image even more than it is.

    The point is, KEvin knew and was ok with it. He's taken the kids out of LA county, his ex baby mama lives in orange county! He also took off to Vegas to party for hirthday.

    Its bs, she wouldn't have gone if it was against the law, she's terrified of losing those kids. They're probably the only thing keeping her semi sane at this point.

  20. Anonymous2:28 AM

    I have to agree that Kevin & his PR firm are selling these bullshit stories to the NE.

    I seriously doubt his sorry ass could pass a drug test. If she is forced into one... he will be too. The only thing I see him wanting is more cash.

    If he had any interest in child rearing he has two other kids that need some of that attention.

    Britney may be a scatter brain at the moment but she will always have a mean ass lawyer to stop Kevin from ever getting custody.

    The only thing that Kevin has seemed to have purchase with Britney's money is a good PR firm who keeps this kind of shit in the media. And I don't buy his act of being the "sane" one. He just is doing whatever it takes to keep his name in the papers as he works on that new Rap album. haha!

  21. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I wouldn't let her watch my plants, let alone be in charge of the care of a child. She would need a long time to prove herself to me as a responsible parent.
