Friday, June 15, 2007

Adrian Grenier--I Always Listen


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Thanks Ent! yummy.

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Then how about a ZX/DS update? You built up the reveal, then she leaves for Mexico and drops off the planet. The crickets are getting loud. Don't tell me she trusted the Mexican bungy cords? Maybe she got kidnaped in TJ and is being held ransom? Ryan Gosling hasn't been spotted in Mexico, has he?

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM


    god, i love you Ent...


  4. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I wish he'd eat a sandwich - too thin for my taste. However, I do understand what other girlies see in him. Plus he seems like a sweetheart with an above average iq.

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    not sure about the above average i.q. (though he does read actual books!), but he is just as cute in person. tall, too, for a celeb.

  6. Anonymous1:30 PM

    he's cute, but he looks all of 16 to me. which would just make me feel dirty if i lusted for him.

  7. Anonymous1:35 PM

    John Cusack AND Adrian Grenier... well, I can head into my weekend a happy woman...! Thanks Ent!

  8. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Obviously he likes older women...

  9. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Mystik and I are kindrid spirits...... BOTH of my boyfriends on your site today? Yummy. 'Scuse me while I go change my panties.

  10. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Thank you for making our day ENT!! Love Ya!


  11. Anonymous2:30 PM

    You don't listen, are you kidding us? If you listened, you would answer the various questions people have repeatedly raised, most recently with the DS/ZX thing!

    Where did all of her fans go? No one is even whining for a post from her? All of the ones who ripped apart anyone who doubted her?

    Also, why don't you defend your biggest supporter, Hez? What kind of man are you (oh yeah, one who sits around watching John Cusack movies all weekend, forgot).

  12. Anonymous2:35 PM

    P.S. What do you want to bet Hez posts soon (or someone else "on her behalf") saying that Ent has personally emailed her to say, stay strong, don't let them bug you, and please don't leave the site. And miraculously, soon ZX will post a quick note from Mexico but still not admit to being Dom. Swain.

  13. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Oh my gosh, get the fuck over it.

  14. Anonymous2:51 PM

    if Hez can't hack a taste of her own medicine then poo on her...she doesn't need a holla from EL.

  15. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Thanks for the fucking 'Entourage goes to Cannes' spoiler. Dickhead.

  16. Anonymous3:08 PM

    huh? where's all the hostility coming from?!

    Move to a ZX post...we're busy lusting over here... ;o)

  17. Anonymous3:39 PM

    that guy has the scariest eyebrows this side of harry hamlin.

  18. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Why does he look like a marionette?

  19. Anonymous3:56 PM

    He looks like a girl in the second photo.


  20. Anonymous4:07 PM

    His eyebrows cover half his forehead. You'd think a neighbor would be kind enough to loan him their John Deere so he could mow his forehead.

  21. Anonymous4:53 PM

    LOL!!! ^

  22. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Where's ZX?

    I don't care about the pictures you keep posting. Boring. Where's the proof ZX is Swain?

  23. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Dude, some of you guys are so grouchy.

    Don't want spoilers, stop visting blogland.

    The pictures serve a purpose. Both for the blind vices and anyway, they're entertaining. Just scroll past. Is that really that difficult?

  24. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Well, sadly the average IQ in America is only 100 (Stanford)... So it's not exactly hard to have an above average intelligence, as I mentioned earlier. I simply meant that he's not dumb as a post (otherwise known as an IQ of under 100)

    Enty, I mailed you twice yesterday, I don't know if the problem is your account, or mine.
