Monday, May 14, 2007

ZX--Rigamarole And Ballyhoo And She Has A Date Tonight (Maybe)

Hip Hip Hooray, the insurance company the sixteen year old claimed to belong to did indeed locate her under her parent's policy after swearing they had no record of anyone by that name ever having GEICO insurance. I guess I got so emotional about the hug, I forgot to get her address and phone number, nor did I notice the make and model of the car. Since it was a rental, I was only able to babble lamely, "It was a sedan. Um, color, ummmm.... Tan? Tan. Definitely tan," like Rainman. After all my suspicion and surreptitious noting of the plates, you'd think I'd be a bit more thorough, but if she doesn't say I backed into her on the freeway or something, it should be handled soon.

My gay friend called me up and said he wanted to set me up with a close friend of his, who is an extremely well known actor. I don't date actors because they're mostly a bunch of preeny, self absorbed, undereducated, insecure, unfaithful creeps, and when I haven't been impervious to their charms, I've been squashed like an eggplant.

But it was my friend's pool party after all, and this particular boy does look at you like you're water in a desert with those ethereal blue eyes and interesting foreign expressions and reckless smile, all of which melt me, so I gave him my number.

Went to dinner with my gay friend at Mr. Chow's afterward, and he started to explain how his shrink told him not to see Mr. Charisma at all because my friend is in love with him. All these bells and whistles and sirens and a firing squad went off in my head. You can't give your number to someone whom your friend is in love with. It's bad manners.

I thought he was saying, 'he's hot, he's nice, you're both single, go for it. So now I'm supposed to go for dinner with Mr. Charisma tonight. Luckily it conflicts with my capoeira class so I can get out of it, but really. Setting your friend up with your crush, what was he THINKING?

Mr. Chow's was awesome and my gay friend told me I had to dress up, so I feathered the hair and wore the clothes I managed to heist from a clothing company for going to their store opening- I swear, people talk about not whoring themselves out for products but I'll have my picture taken in the most degrading position possible if they'll give me the thing I'm modeling. You have to keep your priorities straight. Apparently you can take the girl out of the ghetto but... at Mr.Chow's, even dressed like a starlet with five waiters moving tables and competing to place my napkin gently in my lap, the ghetto shined through and they knew I'd never been there before.

"Do you know how to order here?" one of the guys asked.
"We bring you two appetizers and two entrees that are complementary to the palate."
"Oh. Goody."

I went home under the auspices of reading the five scripts I managed to put off until Sunday night. I started reading, then my phone rang and it was my best friend needing boy advice, (and I of course, am the relationship guru,) shopped for a handbag on ebay, started reading again, realized it was getting dark and I'd better take my only four legged daughter running because I was feeling especially maternal on Mother's Day, called my mom, and still have four scripts to go.

My same friend from the clutching crotch, "I'm here for Ryan Gosling," incident decided on her way to the gym yesterday morning that she needed a chocolate cupcake, ate it in the car, and was into mile three on the treadmill before someone asked her about the stain on her pants. She glanced back at her rear petrified, but the treadmill kept going and jammed her hip. Poor girl had to limp around all day, looking like she'd had an accident.


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Lelee Sobieski

  2. Anonymous11:24 AM

    You are going on the date, right? Its just a date, its not like you guys are making a commitment, so your gay friend shouldn't get mad.

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Stay away from Jude Law, ZX . . . he will only bring you heartache.

  4. ZX, I was going to weigh in with some relationship advice, but I think I probably need it way more than you...

  5. Anonymous11:57 AM

    OK I wanted to believe, even after the "photo shoot" & the Louboutins. But now - for those who've eaten at the BH Mr Chows you know they don't move tables or rearrange, no room to, they let you squeeze in but that's it. Also I can't think of one person, NY or LA, that says " my gay friend". Why? If I have to spell it out it means you don't know and are not a friend basically. It's like saying my black, Indian, etc. friend.

  6. Anonymous12:20 PM

    ^not so.

    maybe it's a regional thing? where i live, referring to your gay friend as "my gay friend" is nbd. it just is what it mystery regarding "having" to label or not to make a point, you just do if you feel like it. no biggie.

    rock on zx, and hope your friend worked off the cupcake. ;)

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Um, we WOULDN'T know if her friend is gay. We don't even know who SHE actually IS. So it makes sense to me that she spells it out for us, it pertains to her story of her potential date tonight afterall. ZX, I don't know how close you are to this friend of yours, but don't go out with the crush if you at all value the friendship, it's just not worth it.

  8. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Its not like she just threw that little info in...the fact that he's gay pertains to what she's talking about.

  9. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Nah, not buying it. Of course we're all free to believe as we choose. Actually the first sentence this friend is mentioned used the label, once was enough for "story" purposes more IS offensive and it Mr. Chow, no "S" & it is too crowded for tables to be moved. They fit you in period & intimate conversations don't happen there as tables far too close together.

  10. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Exactly. Quit trying to stir up drama where there isn't any.

  11. Anonymous12:36 PM

    12:33 - Get over it or quit reading. We're enjoying ourselves, thank you.

  12. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I am ready for the reveal... getting bored reading about an anonymous actress' life. Would be more fun knowing who she is.

  13. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I'm confused. Why would your friend try to set you up if he has a crush? Or is this entirely diffrent friend? If it was your gay friend why is he trying to hook you up with someone he is in love with? Did your friend try to hook up knowing that this actor isn't sexually "openminded"? If that's the case, I think your friend will be okay. As long as you're upfront and he's setting you up, then its fine. If the friend has no intention and thinks he has a shot of nagging this ethereal hottie I would back off.

    On the otherhand if it's another friend, stay away. Especially if the friend isn't aware yet. They'll think you and ur "gay" friend did this behind their back.

    You seem like ur having fun regardless and that's why we read your blog at our boring 9 to 5 jobs! Oh and thanks for mentioning chocolate cupcakes. They're my kryptonyte.


    P.S. Blog posters: Do you really have to suck every fun, intereseting moment out of this site? Are you the same people who at a party sit in the corner and complain about the food, drinks and music when you have no intention of eating or dancing?

    BTW she didn't say Mr. Chows, she said at Chow's. Apostrophe "s", learn how to use one. Anyway, people refer to it like that.

    If you think it's BS than find a new site to go to and harass the folks there.

  14. Anonymous1:41 PM


  15. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Hip, gay & actuallyeat@MrChow said...


    Go find another site to post BS items and feel special.

  16. Anonymous2:52 PM

    1:12 You are obviously one of the posters who feels that only their opinion counts. Sad & idiotic statements like "BTW she didn't say Mr. Chows, she said at Chow's. Apostrophe "s", learn how to use one. Anyway, people refer to it like that" only reinforce your lack of education and manners. Grammar sites are available on the Net and TMZ ( I'm sure a big source of your knowledge) regularly lists the restaurant as Mr. Chow. I wouldn't want for anyone to think your ignorance and hate represent the regulars here.

  17. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Well lets see - since it was also ZX's first time, she probably didn't exactly know proper name & grammar. Worse things have happened. It seems to me she is not very Hollywood and perhaps indulges in the silly pap spots only rarely. Give the girl a break.

    And also - I tried to hook up my ex with my best friend because I was in complete denial that I had feelings for him. Luckily she wasn't feelin' it so I snagged him for a few years. It happens.

  18. Anonymous4:27 PM

    good call on leelee sobieski, on tmz it says she was at mr. chows


  19. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Jeez, I guessed Leelee over a month ago and everyone discounted that one. I still think it sounds good!

  20. Anonymous5:17 PM

    ava cw, I've lived in LA for almost 15 years and work in the industry and I know PLENTY of people who use them term "my gay friend."

    My gay friend David would tell you this to be true.

  21. Anonymous5:58 PM

    than god our friend ZX is strong enough to ignore all the idiot anons who complain about everything.

    i love her stories, don't care if she's real, famous or a reasonable facisimile.

    anything to eat up time on a boring day!

  22. Zx, would you ever date a fat mexican?

  23. Anonymous10:28 PM

    aw, wizard! i'll bet she might! she sounds like a lot of fun!

  24. Anonymous4:14 AM

    you do capoeira? that's really random, i was watching a documentary on it the other day. my question is whether mr. charisma A) knows he's the object of your gay friend's affections, and B) swings both ways. if he knows the friend likes him, then he's a douche for wanting to get involved with you (regardless of being 100% hetero), and will probably end up crushing you (like eggplant, silly)

  25. 1. I think she used the term "my gay friend" to differentiate him from the cupcake friend she talked about later.

    2. Calling him "my gay friend" helps make the story about the blind date setup a little funnier.

    3. ZX, date an actor? Don't do it. Actors are slime.

    4. Oh, wait. You're an actor too, aren't you? Oopsie.

  26. Forgot...

    5. Not Leelee Sobieski. Different bustline.

  27. Anonymous6:40 AM

    what about the whole can't take the ghetto out of the girlcomment? That does not strike me as LeeLee S. -- Perhaps were are dealing with someone else..

    Here are some guesses:

    Meaghen Good
    Gabrielle Union
    Girl from that 70's show - can't think of her name..

    hmm.. I don't know..

  28. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Maybe I'm just nitpicky, but I think I have a different understanding of the "moving tables" comment taken from my years as a struggling college student/waitress. "Moving tables" meant clearing them as soon as the previous diners left in order to seat more immediately. A la "keep it moving."

  29. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Am I idiotic and sad? Yet you seem to contradict yourself. Obviously you think your opinion counts too, since you posted. So does that make your post idiotic and sas aw well? I'm so glad I incited pity in you. Please send your sad check to:
    541 FU Street, GalNeedsMoney, CA.

    This idiotic gal who never passed 1st grade and sadly gets the meat of her information from TMZ will finally get the education she needs to post correctly.

    Thank you Louella! You have SAVED me! I will never refer to Mr. Chow as Mr. Chow's ever AGAIN. And with this war will end. Amen.


  30. Anonymous10:36 AM

    oh wow the comments are so fun to read... all we need is some mud and bikinis lol

  31. Anonymous10:36 AM

    oh wow the comments are so fun to read... all we need is some mud and bikinis lol

  32. Anonymous11:20 AM

    LMAO Defending an anonymous "actress" on an anonymous blog from an anonymous writer to anonymous commenters!

  33. Anonymous9:32 PM

    all these mishap stories are so overdone. These kind of sit-com episodes like having a giant chocolate stain on your pants at the gym is too contrived. (As are all the rest of them)

  34. Anonymous9:32 PM

