Tuesday, May 22, 2007

ZX And The World Of Gossip--Written By Ent

So last night I had a very profound thought. It almost hurt because it's so rare. ZX and I had a long talk last night about perception and gossip and hurt feelings. This blog is a microcosm of the gossip world in the sense that ZX talks about her life in front of the readers of this blog and is judged much the same way as the readers of US or Star judge Lindsay or Britney. The scale may be smaller but the result is the same. What is not the same though is that ZX has chosen to really share her life both good and bad and not just put forth what publicists want her to say or do.

The result is that she is judged as a person by what she writes. Much the same as Lindsay or Kate is judged by some mysterious powder or water bottles in a photo. We don't actually know everything that goes on in Lindsay's or Britney's life but make assumptions based on what we see. I myself have only met Lindsay twice. The first time I blogged about it and my second left my impression of her unchanged. In the two times I met her and spoke with her she was truly captivating and charming and nothing like her portrayal in the tabloids and on this site. There is more than one side to Lindsay and there is definitely more to ZX.

My idea with ZX was to let you the reader see what a typical actress goes through on a daily basis. ZX being the amazing person she is expanded on that and wanted to really share what goes on in her life and what she deals with on a daily basis. I don't think that any of us can open our lives to the world and be free of criticism for what we do, or say and certainly not for all of our actions. I for one stopped writing as much about my own life because I hated leaving myself open to criticism. It's tough to be judged and found wanting. The blog itself is a different story and I welcome the criticism and comments because it's part of what makes the blog what it is and I don't want anyone to stop taking shots at it if that is how you feel. What I do ask is that before you take a shot at ZX for her life or how she lives it, that you think about yourself and whether under the same scrutiny you would also be found wanting or deficient.

So after this call with ZX ended about 2am I decided to get some more reaction from my profound thought from those who would know.


LG: hello?
Ent: hey
LG: Jesus Christ it's 2am wtf do you want? (LG is not a night owl)
Ent: I need a ride to the jail because I have a client there who needs to get out and AP took my car again.
LG:No she didn't. You got a new car which she can't drive.
Ent: Oh yeah. Listen I was thinking and I wanted to ask you something.
LG:Call me tomorrow.
Ent: Come on. It will only take a minute.
Ent:If you don't I'll tell my readers who you played doctor with when you were a kid.
LG:If you do, I'll go on your comments section and tell them who you played doctor with then and who you want to play doctor with now.
Ent:Have a nice night sweetie. Go back to sleep. Sorry to have bothered you.

Well that didn't work but there was one more chance.

2:22am (had to use the bathroom)

AP:What do you want? (are you sensing a tone here?)
Ent:What's wrong? Is ____ spending the night?
AP:Get your mind out of the gutter, and no he isn't.
Ent:Listen I have a question for you.
AP:No, I don't know how to drive a stick so your car is safe.
Ent: I know that. Listen. Do tabloids ever get your life right? Does the world ever truly see who you are?
AP: A magazine like Vanity Fair or Rolling Stone or W gets it somewhat because they have the space and the writers to really look close and spend time with you to get a sense of who you are, but everyone else doesn't come close. For the most part it's a game. You try and get the world to see what you want them to see and the world tries to catch you doing what they want you to be doing. Neither side is going to be really happy but you try and try and hopefully you can move it your way a little by little. The problem is that if you screw up you have to start at the very beginning. That's the part that sucks. I hate starting at the beginning again and again and sometimes it makes you just want to give up. The problem is that you can't give up if you want to make a living or if you want to go outside. I hate trying to be perfect because I'm not. The problem is that even when I just go to Ralph's I have to look and act perfect and have to have a smile on my face. If I don't, or don't want to wear makeup or whatever, someone is going to notice and comment. It sucks. But at the same time it's part of me and what I have to do to make a living and to get the extra $3 on a royalty check because someone goes and rents one of my movies after seeing my picture in People or on the internet. Does that answer your question?
Ent:Yes. Thanks. So what hurts the most when people talk about you?
AP: Like I said. I hate starting over again. It hurts when I'm good and people don't believe I'm being good or people see a picture and assume the rest of the scene. It's just a moment in time and it's impossible to maintain the same expression or look all of the time. But there are just so many cameras and phones and people that if you alter your expression or stride or whatever, that is the pic that is shown. It's more frustration than hurt and it makes you want to scream.
Ent:Thanks. What are you doing this weekend?
AP:(long, drawn out story)

So ZX is filming tomorrow and I asked her to take lots of photos so you can see what she does and what she sees and to make you feel like you are on the set with her. My words were to People magazine it. Just a documentary of what her day was like from waking up until she is done filming for the day. I really don't know if she'll post again after that or if she does, whether she will open up about anything but there is always hope.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    " I really don't know if she'll post again after that or if she does, whether she will open up about anything but there is always hope." What happened to the 6/4 reveal?

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    ZX--not everyone who reads this blog feels the need to judge...

    EL--you do a great job with this blog, keep it up, hope one day I can help out with the Chicago correspondence.

    Oh and still please reveal on 6/4!!!

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    is zx mad or hurt about something that was posted here? i hope not cause a lot of the posters use this as a place to vent about things that have nothing to do with the blog. some people just post some stupid things because they can. a lot of it is jealousy and envy of zx's life.

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM

    The credibility factor of this blog has plummeted drastically with this post. Another poster several days ago said that no reveal of ZX will happen & I read this post as setting that up as the 11:37 quote shows.

  5. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I've really loved ZX's posts from the beginning. It puts a real face on a Hollywood that not many of us "normal" people get to see and not the People or US Weekly that publicists manufacturer. I can't apologize for comments people have written that have been nasty or in bad taste but there are people, like myself who really enjoy your posts and appreciate you being so candid and opening your life up. I hope you continue to post and that someday we will find out who the mysterious ZX is....

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    seriously, ent, please tell us she is coming back! i believe all your regulars have been supportive, and really enjoy her posts.
    i have no doubt she is a real person with real feelings. i worried about her with her intruder, laughed with her about the wheelchair incident, wished i was with her on her road trip. living vicariously through her was a trip! please tell her to come back! even though i'd love to know who she is, i wouldn't care if its never revealed, i just enjoy her posts.
    come back, ZX, you have friends here!!!!

  7. ZX don't let the hater get you down :)

    I am excited to see the possible award push movie you are in I hope it all works out for you.. it's not an eazy biz to try as many people don't even have it in them to dream that big.

  8. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I don't really read ZX's post (if I'm going to read that much text at work, it's usually work-related) but I thought it was cool that she blogged...


  9. Anonymous11:55 AM

    That sucks if someone was directly rude - most commentors here seem intelligent and there isn't a lot of looonie talk....it's horrible when one or two people can ruin it for everyone with their selfishness.

  10. Anonymous12:00 PM

    We don't even know who ZX is, so how can someone here, anon or not, say something to hurt ZX's feelings enough to stop writing. I am beginning to side with the non-believers.

  11. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I did see people on here saying negative things about ZX but it is exactly like you are saying Ent—she is just being real. They are pathetic if they want to pass judgment on someone for posting random “tid bits” about her life. It is like AP said—you can’t judge someone on limited information (even when it comes right from the source). Besides, everything that ZX has shared has been funny and I think, shed positive light on her. She should not let a few bitter internet lurkers stop her from entertaining the rest of us. In fact, she is one of the best parts of this whole blog. ZX—don’t let the haters get to you!

  12. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I'm completely with LC 11:48AM, if the reveal doesn't happen I will be entirely convinced this is fake.

  13. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Give me a break! The famous "ZX" is hurt by some posters' doubts so now she may just scrap the whole thing? How convenient! And what do false rumors and snippets of stars' lives depicted in the tabloids (and their frustration/hurt as a result) have to do with ZX's posts, which read like a personal journal, which is the point, and therefore are not false and misleading?! (Sorry for the run-on sentence). It makes no sense.

    If she wants to show everyone up and prove she is real, hurt as she is by the non-believers, then why doesn't she just expose who she is? That would show everyone, wouldn't it?

  14. Anonymous12:08 PM

    11:48 & 12 I have to go with you. Setting up the excuse before the "reveal" just smacks of people avoiding paying you back money owed. Most of us know that feeling when someone avoids responsibility by blaming someone or something else," it's out of their control". I have to admire the sheer masochism of posters though who would blame themselves for not being "good enough" and the audacity of those who blame negative posters.

  15. Anonymous12:19 PM

    i hope zx still continues to show us a little of her world. i love reading her posts. i think the whole "point" is that there were asshole comments on almost every post that she did. i really don't give a rats ass if there is a reveal on 6/4. it really does not matter either way, as long as she keeps writing.

    i guess zx really should not care, but when people keep trying to bring other people down because of their own self hate, immaturity or whatever the case may be, it wears one down. she has nothing to prove to any of us, remember that and get a life.


  16. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I for one was hell bent in just trying to figure out who Zx was. But the more I read, the more I just got swept into someone's life, fake or not. At the end of the day I knew I came to this blog for a break from the real world. For entertainment! My 8,9,10 hours at work pass a lot faster.

    Gossip is what it is. It's ugly, it's hurtful and majority of the time it's false. But we indulge because it takes us away from our "real" lives and gives us something to talk about.

    Even those who comment that this is BS or its fake you all have to admit that you have been entertained, why not just enjoy it instead of making this arena your own personal bitchy stomping ground?

  17. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I have to say - if I was ZX I dont think I would 'reveal' myself either - I would love to know who she is but at the same time putting myself in her shoes, I wouldnt say - and you know what - there have been SO MANY 'negative' anons on her posts saying just mean things under their anonymous label - would you say these things to a persons face - no, I would say not as most of you can't even login w/a name... and you are entitled to your opinion - you think it was all fake and a setup - then fine - you are allowed to believe whatever you want. I personally enjoyed the posts and think it took a lot of balls to put your personal journal online for people to critique and comment.

  18. Anonymous12:26 PM

    This site has claimed for awhile that ZX is a real, LIVE actress in Hollywood that would be revealed in May, no wait, June. So when people question the validity of this claim it is NOT self-hate, immaturity or their "own personal bitchy stomping ground". Insulting those who question why or expounding your beliefs doesn't change that basic fact at all.

  19. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Ent, Did you record and then transcribe AP's (and the other's) conversation? That was pretty good, especially at that early hour!

  20. awww.. don't let one rotten apple spoil the barrel. Real or not, I don't really care. I anjoy Ent and ZX's posts for what they are, a nice break from my work day. Keep on writing guys!

  21. oops, I ment enjoy, not anjoy, excuse the laboutin

  22. Anonymous12:38 PM

    LC, I can tell you like to stir the pot. And no one is trying to insult those who want to question the blog.

    But obviously you believe this is your personal bitchy stomping ground because all you seem to do is bitch, while tearing into others. Here's your soap box back.


  23. Anonymous12:43 PM

    ZX's feelings are hurt. What did she think would happen when she put herself out there like this? Did she expect no critcism after posting on a blog like this. She can take the rejection of being turned down for roles but not some stupid comment posted here. I'm not buying this load of crap.

  24. Anonymous12:47 PM

    touche lc and all of you bitching about the reveal.... there will be a reaveal. are you satisfied?


  25. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I am definitely in the minoroty here, but I almost dont want a reveal. I love the ZX stories and once we know who she is she will be forced to censor. a la the Hollywood Spin Machine, or risk payback for being honest.

    And why wouldnt they push back a reveal on something that is generating buzz?

    Haters are everywhere. Ignore and delete.

    East Coast Lurker and big fan.

  26. Anonymous1:00 PM

    hey could zx be drew barrymore?

    whenever I hear zx I think, zee ex. the ex?

    she broke up with fabrizio moretti awhile back...

    guys just chill, its fun to guess and whatever

  27. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Anon 12:02

    Why dont you start a blog, post about details of your life and have random people day after day comment on how immature, fake, uncleaver, boring, and stupid it is.

    Something tells me you wouldnt blog anymore either.

    And people, please understand what you read before you comment, just because ZX wont post anymore, doesnt mean she cant be revealed. After all, Ent knows who she is. He said in the first line he will reveal her on 6-4-07.

    Stupidity bugs me

  28. That was a really great post, Ent. Maybe one of the best since this blog began.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this stuff and asking the questions that I would have asked of people like LG and AP. I do feel differently about "celebrities" since I started reading your blog, and that's a credit to your efforts to humanize what the rest of us merely see as cannon fodder.

    Sure, there are always going to be straight up nasty bitches obsessed with their own sense of entitlement, like Manhands and Leah Remini, no talents coasting on looks like Chad Michael Murray, and those who engage in pathetic DJ AM/Kate Walsh-style showmances, but for every one of those, there's a nice normal person like LG or ZX that would probably fit right in with most of us in just about any setting, and that's important to remember as we sharpen our knives for another day of slicing and dicing.

    Anyway, this is why I love this blog and this is why you are the shit. I don't care about the reveals, I DON'T CARE about your identity or ZX's or AP's... I don't even fucking care if it's an ARG! Posts like this one are exactly the reason this blog is my fave beyond Lainey, Trent or even the daily hilarity of Dlisted or WWTDD.

    And as for the fat egomaniac at the coffee shop... sugar, he doesn't even orbit the same solar system as you.

    xo Hez

  29. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Enty tries to bring you a slice of Hollywood, and what do you say? a) he's not real b) his BIs are made up c) his writing contest for all the wannabe writers was...something so ridiculous I can't remember what it was and d) ZX is not only an illusion, she's a mean one at that. You're a rude bunch, aren't you.

    Let me just remind you of something - in both television, movies, and now the internet - there is a factor called 'suspension of disbelief' that is critical to all entertainment mediums, including this one. Those of you that prefer 'just the facts ma'am' should stick to news mediums, although these days they're just as skewed by the reporter/network/cable channel's ideologies.

    ZX, thank you for your posts and for taking time out of your life to do something that the majority of us look forward to on a daily basis. You can steal anything you want off my plate anytime you'd like - as long as you don't mind a good smackdown ;) I was excited for your reveal but my own personal thoughts on the matter are - keep your identity to yourself. Sorry, Enty, I know it would give more credibility to the blog, but some people just don't know a good thing when they've got it. And to those I say "Go piss on your own birthday cake."

    Pinky out

  30. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Haters - sorry ZX isn't the kind of person you want her to be. You'll get over it, I'm sure.

  31. Anonymous1:47 PM

    pinky, that's what i was trying to convey also. i just don't have a way with words and it came out "stick your head up your asses". i'm sick of the conspiracy theories (aka neigh sayers).

    what i don't understand is that if you don't like the blog, ent or zx, why do you come back. most important why do you comment instead of just going away and not reading it?


  32. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Enty: keep ZX anon
    Why give in? We enjoy her posts.

  33. Anonymous1:49 PM

    zx can't be drew barrymore, zx blogged about her dad recently and drew's father passed away in nov. 2004.

    don't let the jerks get you down zx.

  34. Anonymous1:53 PM

    While I'm nosey as hell (that's why I'm addicted to this site), I vote for a non-reveal. It's like when the magician shows how a trick works, sometimes it's more fun not to know.

  35. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Thanks for explaining why you haven't been writing about yourself and your life/work, ENT. I'm sorry to hear it though, because those posts were some of the best!

  36. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Why are a reveal and her continued posts not compatible? For some reason ENT determined and figured out some unique way to reveal who she is on June 4 - why all of a sudden are there all these people pleading with ENT and ZX not to reveal herself? This is so silly!

    People really want to keep reading the normal, daily life of an actress (which didn't expose much about Hollywood, if you think about it, enjoyable as it was (quick to add), and they never want to know who she is?! Why the sudden change in tide? I want to know who she is!

  37. Anonymous2:26 PM

    El, protect ZX and don't let her post anymore. She is putting herself out there too much and it is not worth it. All of us are judged each day of our lives, whether it is by the grocery store clerk or our mother-in-law. It has to be devastating to be so scrutinized and often so wrongly characterized by the public and press.

    I'm a female and I adore other strong, independent, opinionated women. But we really take the worst of it, I hate to say, from other women who are not so confident or secure. And there are waaayyy too many of them.

  38. Anonymous2:26 PM

    This blog frustrates me to no end. First ENT says we shouldn't judge people who are in the gossip rags, however, he always has some sort of snarky comment when he posts photos of them. Lindsay Lohan is a great example. Yeah, she may be sweet as pie in person, but how come every freakin gossip rag and blog says the exact same thing about her? She parties, she is unlucky in love, etc. I honestly don't know what Lohan would do without the paps following her everywhere. Come on, she is all about the publicity! She loves it, just like Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Jessica Simpson. They would be nothing without the attention.

    Second, what is the deal with ZX? I liked her posts at first, but the later ones seem to lack any sort of enthusiasm. I will be a bit disappointed if it really is Dominique Swain. I don't think she was all that great in Alpha Dog, all she did was scream at people. I have to give her props for looking good, though. I hope her next project shows more of her acting chops.

    That is just my two cents...I am ready for everyone to 'hate' on me for my comments.

    -Two Cents

  39. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I really enjoyed ZX's posts. I am hoping that they do not stop. Especially after the reveal. There are going to be mean and nasty people no matter where you are in life, typically people that are just jealous. Ignore them, ZX. Everyone else loves your posts!


  40. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Michele, they've gotten me riled up before too, and I got VERY nasty when they attacked Hez and I would do the same for you too - you're a wonderful addition to the blog, and I'm sure Enty agrees. He's definitely a man of fortitude to continue blogging after all of these rude-ies started posting. But I think it was Buns who said we should just ignore them, and I think that's what 'the regulars' (trust me, I'm going to get slammed for that) have collectively tried to do.

  41. Anonymous2:39 PM

    2:15 I'm w/ you. Prior to EL's late afternoon correction saying he would reveal, there were: OMG, doubters. It's seems to be a backlash against those who said that no reveal would mean that ZX was fake. I respect both sides and the bottom line is 6/4 will tell if fake or not. I just really don't get the slavishly believing either side, putting words/motives in others' mouths & insulting those you don't agree with. Some of these comments read like a bad high school drama run amok.

  42. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I'm a regular and I want a reveal. As much fun it is to read the blogs not knowing who it is, it would be good to see a face to match the stories.

    Now I know I said I stopped trying to figure out who ZX was, but that doesn't mean I don't want to know. We invested our time to research, read and rant about who she is. If its fake reveal. If it's an actress reveal. If it's DS,cool. I liked her in Lolita and Face Off. (Sorry that's all I've seen of her work.) Maybe I'll see more when it's confirmed.


  43. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I don't understand how EL/people can say it's a "conspiracy theory" to expect the promised ZX reveal. That's a wee bit irrational, no? Are they unaware of what that phrase "conspiracy theory" means? Wiki says:
    'A conspiracy theory attempts to attribute the ultimate cause of an event or chain of events (usually political, social, or historical events), or the concealment of such causes from public knowledge, to a secret, and often deceptive plot by a covert alliance of powerful or influential people or organizations.'
    I for one definitely don't credit this blog or writer with having that kind of power. Some people think ZX/EL fake, others don't. The world doesn't revolve around it & probably won't end either way it turns out.

  44. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Aww, ZX, we love you and can't wait for the reveal, so Enty, please don't tell us it's not coming.

    ZX, you're endearing and an enjoyable read. i'd be honored to watch your past work.

    Love ya girl!

  45. Anonymous2:56 PM

    ZX, let me just say how much i have ADORED your posts! You are honest, smart, quirky, hysterical and someone I would want to be friends with! I, too, am in the public eye (to a much lesser extent than you are).. so I DEFINITELY know where you're coming from. (Ent, thank you for your insightful post. AP told it like it is, PERFECTLY!).

    The truth is -- I don't care if you're President Bush or friggin Paris Hilton. Putting yourself "out there" is tough. Any public figure who says they are NOT affected by the negativity that ALWAYS comes with it.. is simply lying.

    Some would say, don't get into the business if you can't handle it. And they have a point. But when you sign up for this career - this is never the part they prepare you for. No acting coach can teach you how NOT to FEEL.

    ZX, you don't know me from Adam.. but thanks to your posts, I do feel like I know at least a small piece of you. And so i'll say to you what I would say to any other friend:

    Remember YOUR truth. In the end, it's all that ever mattered anyway.


  46. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Well, I didn't say I didn't WANT to know who she is, for goodness sakes: 'my name is Pinky and I'm a B.I.-Junkie' - I just feel bad that ZX feels bad and don't want her to feel pressured to do something she now may not feel compelled to do.

  47. LOL, Pinky... CDAN cuddle puddle!

  48. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I just read this in another post her & am ccing here for you dissenting opinion haters & conspiracy theorists:

    I am Anon 12:37 or whatever it was the other day - My first name is Barb and I would like to say that I am SORRY for the opinion I gave the other day where I said ZX's posts seem immature and where I expressed doubt about her authenticity. It was my opinion, only, and I didn't think I expressed any "hate" or insecurity about my life or whatever other evil things people have said I and others have done (or have in our hearts! Oh, brother!). I am a lawyer turned stay-at-home Mom who has gotten into a bad habit of reading this and other blogs too much, but I assure you that I have a full, busy life and I am not obsessing or "lurking around" trying to bring down this blog or wound ZX with my negativity or something (all this on a blog where the purpose is to gossip and say sarcastic and mean things about other people - the irony!).

    I enjoy the blog or I wouldn't read it, obviously. I even enjoy ZX's posts, but I am not interested or invested enough to work up hatred or a vendetta against her. It's so absurd I can't even believe I am writing this now.

    I am not alone in expressing some doubts, as I read many before mine. So there is not "one bad apple" amongst you, continuously posting negative things to ruin it for everyone, whether about ZX or ENT himself (talk about conspiracy theories!). I can't get over how silly this is, and I regret posting my observations, and in retrospect, I should have kept it to myself, especially seeing the environment in this comments section. I am new at this blogger commenting stuff. But I wish people would stop this ridiculous "haters" thing, which now is compounded by the latest news that ZX is so hurt by negative judgments about her that she can't even bring herself to post again. Frankly, I am a little astounded at my power (or role in it with others) to impact what an up and coming starlet thinks and does. Her sudden sensitivity doesn't fit her "devil may care" posts. But ZX, my sincerest apology. These people apparently need you, and I am looking forward to finding out who you are on June 4th.


    3:36 PM

    Kudos to the lady who took time out from real life to write this.

  49. ZX: Don't let the bastards get you down, OK? I've enjoyed reading your posts, and I'll be sorry if you leave, although I'll understand why.

  50. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I've been waiting for this or something similar EL. The tone of the comments section seems to be getting more and more negative. It makes me sad that someone is an 'idiot' for posting one thought.

    I enjoy reading ZX. I haven't commented to her posts recently because all I have to comment is a similar story or feeling. When I read her posts, it's like I'm listening to a voice mail and I have to think of a reply. And I'm not going to post my story because Brendalove is proof how well that goes. :o(

    I'd like to continue to read ZX's posts... I'd rather read them then have the reveal.

    Also, want my phone number so you can harass me at 2am?

  51. Anonymous5:19 PM

    on a side note, anyone notice how this supposedly baby-boomer aged lawyer always waxes nostaligic about the 80's? A sixty year old would never reference better off dead and molly ringwald

  52. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Aww, I feel bad for ya ZX. There are people that do appreciate the risk that you take by opening up and letting us peek into what your life is like. I find it really interesting to hear about what goes on in your life.

    I don't read the comments very thoroughly, so I'm not sure what rudeness people have been putting out..but some people are just jerks. They don't want to think about how things feel to other people. They just want to push off their own anger and dissatisfaction on anyone available...so they don't have to feel or deal with it. They don't think about other people..they just react. I call them sheep. Baaaa! teehee


  53. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Love this blog and love ZX's stories. I will never understand the anger and ugliness people can put out on these things with thier comments... why waste the time? ENT and ZX you all do what ever it is you want to do and ignore the BS sayers. Hopefully the positive people will outnumber them. smiles to all! ~Irishstayc

  54. Anonymous6:04 PM

    anon 2:56 pm: YOU ROCK, I agree with you 100%

    ZX: I think one of the downsides to blogging is that you open yourself up to criticism. Its unpleasant at times because people can be surprisingly harsh and judgemental. But I admire how you put yourself out there, flaws and all.
    I look foward to your posts, the one about the snake was classic!

    ENT: I heart you! I love your blog, keep up the good work!

  55. I really believe that a lot of celebs just attract the paps by always being at places like The Ivy etc... obviously this is a no brainer.. I know of a number of high celebs that just don't get any tabloid action because they generally don't spend most of their times courting them.. until they have something to publicise..

    as for the likes of brit and lohan - they choose to be made a joke of because it's very very easy to act like a lady - even at 24 - and still have fun..

  56. Anonymous6:23 PM

    wow with every post this blog is losing credibility.

    it might help if ENT kept his stories straight. funny how he mentioned he's only personally met lindsay twice in the same sentance which he mentioned britney. hilarious because a couple of months ago ENT was claiming he had business dealings with britney several years ago before she met kfed and that she was hilarious and smarter than she looks.

    ent also claimed to be at her nye party at pure and that he had inside info on her rehab stay.

    tsk tsk i had a feeling the writers had changed on this blog a couple of months ago. if you want to keep the charade going please keep track of all the info you spew.

  57. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Britney UPDATE - My story

    Well I hope everyone had a very fun and safe NYE. I went to Vegas, and yes was at PURE, but did NOT see what happened with Britney. I was already long gone from the club when it happened and actually did not even hear it happened until I got back to LA. The last time I saw Britney was actually right before the countdown to midnight and when we spoke she seemed fine. It was really loud and so modds and inflections were hard to read, but I did not sense an impending collapse. I tried to call who I normally call when I need some info about Britney, but the phone goes straight to voicemail. So, for now I am in the dark with the rest of you. My first guess is that it was a combination of a very long day and the heat. It was really hot inside the club and Britney's day was really long. Earlier that evening I did have a conversation with the person mentioned above that made it clear Britney had not had much rest if any for almost two days or longer and had been too busy to really eat much either. In case you have not read what happened, here is the story. I will keep you updated if I hear more.

    Posted by ent lawyer at 1:53 PM 18 comments

    I need to start off by saying that I think Britney is a great person and one of the funniest people I have ever met. The other thing is that she is very intelligent..love makes people blind and she got suckered by K-Fed plain and simple..but as a businesswoman she knows what she is doing and when I have dealt with her, she has been incredible. I have not spoken to her since she got married because she kind of withdrew from the business part of her life..Right after she got married I had some talks with one of her "people" about a new product but nothing ever came of it and I honestly think she just was not that interested in anything but marriage...I hope now that she is back doing her own thing that I will have the chance to sit down with her again and get to know all the inside info..we shall see..

  58. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Wow, truly incredible how a bunch of virtual strangers are turning on one another b/c of a BLOG ABOUT GOSSIP. That is the saddest of the sad.

    Even more incredible is that an alleged actress who has allegedly won awards and is allegedly on a current magazine cover is so hurt by some random comments on a blog - forget the fact that this busy girl has time to even weed through all the comments - that she can't come out anymore to play. Must be HARD being in The Most High Profile Industry that exists with such an easily bruised ego. Puh-leeze. A real actor would A.doubtfully have time to read all this crap and B. if they did wouldn't give a shit.

    I loved this blog for awhile but between the send in your scripts contest, the all-over-the-place which smacks of inconsistency in writing ZX posts and the "now she's a hurt little fly and may not be involved anymore" drama....

    I think there are better, saner places to spend online time. Add in a group of vitriolic harpies who attack anyone who disagrees with the belief in ZX and "enty" to which they so desperately cling and I have to wonder why anybody but them would bother anymore.

  59. Anonymous9:14 PM

    I personally think the worst Anons is really just one person.

    ZX you have an audience here that cares, as these comments prove....do your thing and to hell with the "critics".

  60. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Brenda, I agree! It's probably one troll.
    We love ZX!!!!!

  61. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I love this site and said that I was fed up with the tone and ill-will and was going away ... head hung low ... but I couldn't stay away. I'm just going to ask all the naysayers to read the news in paper print or watch it on tv because these medias won't argue back, then you will always be right! It's a win win.

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind". Dr. Seuss.

    Midwest Surfer

  62. Anonymous10:53 PM

    ZX- I love your posts.. I always look forward to seeing something new from you..

  63. ROFL Anon @ 5:19! If you still believe Ent is in his sixties, you clearly have no ear for internerd sarcasm. He's mid-to-late thirties and has said so on the Message Board. The disinformation about his age only started a few months ago as a self-deprecating joke in a post about some hot female celebrity who he said probably wouldn't give him the time of day.

    He's not short, fat, bald or toothless either. And that's not just a hunch from me and my bus pass.

    But please, feel free to believe whatever you want!

  64. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I don't blame you for feeling hurt. Like someone said before, "Just because you are an actress, doesn't mean you have no feelings. I would be hurt to.
    My mom always told me, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". I guess some people (mean anons) don't follow that advice.
    I'm also pretty sure the things that people were just OH SO OFFENDED by, were nothing worse than things that they have done or said. Get over yourselves people!

  65. Anonymous11:50 PM

    ZX, I think it would be awesome if you would just let those anons have it. SERIOUSLY, Rip them a new asshole!! May not solve anything, but i bet you would feel better!!!!!! I mean really, they were total jerks! They don't even have any idea who you are, but that didn't stop them. Bet there asses will be back here 6/4, too!!!!!!!

  66. Anonymous12:31 AM

    I ADORE ZX - she sounds smart, wry, rebellious, self-deprecating, sweet, and absolutely hilarious. Her posts are now the favourite part of the site and I would be gutted if she left because of the naysayers who are so jaded and sad they don't believe an actress would ever do a blog like this.

    ZX I LOVE YOU whoever you are (I think DS)

  67. Anonymous2:45 AM

    I do feel bad for everyone who's lives are misconstrued. I would hate if anyone started spreading rumours that I was having trouble with my boyfriend when in reality, there was nothing going on. The thing that bugged me most recently was that "scandal" where Prince William supposedly grabbed someone elses tits. He posed for a photo with a girl, and his hand is nowhere near her non-existant tits, and suddenly thats everywhere. I can't even imagine how horrible it would have been to be Kate Middleton during all that. So I am bummed if the badmouthing has been getting ZX down - don't worry ZX, we love you. Lots of people probably read this and just don't comment (I know half the time blogger doesn't let me comment for some reason) and we really really appreciate the insight into your life.

  68. Anonymous6:38 AM

    hmmmm, gossip hurting people close to you, EL? maybe rethink what you're perpetrating here.

    zx, do what you need to take care of yourself. life is too short and too hard without doing things to arbitrarily contribute to more strife. peace out xxxx xxxxxxxxx

  69. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Well, I understand where this is coming from. Half the fun of sites like this is reading comments and 'talking' to people. But most days I skip the comments now, or just scan thru them, as they tend to just get me enraged or bummed out.
    I'm sorry if ZX feels frustrated, or hurt, due to people being hateful about things they don't know about. Shoot, girl, you're busy enough as it is! I'll miss the posts and your hilarious and very not-boring antics =). Can't wait to hear if anyone's guesses about your identity are correct! Have an awesome summer!

  70. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I can't believe that I am falling back into this but this is driving me crazy. I suspect I am unwittingly participating in some weird blog war masterminded by the author, but I still have to say this:

    To all of the "regular" posters who keep exclaiming and bemoaning how ALL the negative comments and meanness has caused ZX to feel hurt and withdraw: I ask you to go to the right of the screen, click on "ZX" and read/skim through the comments to all of her posts, especially the most recent. The vast majority, if not all for some of the posts, are people either offering a guess of her identity or saying how much they identify, or got a kick out of what she wrote. My long-winded one after her "teaching her friend to drive stick" post was the first negative one in that comments section (after like, 20 positive comments) and only a few people followed with posts saying they agree. (If she's real, I guess I don't get into her friends and some of her humor, but who cares what I think?). I was attacked and the few who agreed with me were attacked (Beat it, loser; put your head up your ass, etc.). If anything, ZX should feel heartened by her many supporters and believers who love her and viciously attack anyone who criticizes her.

    Early on, a few people questioned whether she was real or really in the LA scene (Louboutin and Mr. Chow, anyone?), or found a discrepancy or two, but they were soundly ridiculed by ZX's adoring majority and people apologized to her for the "trolls" and "haters" (WTF?, to use a common internet abbreviation).

    I really don't care what people think of me on here, but my God, being called a loser, hater, troll and basically being told to get off the site, and then being in the minority and suddenly partially responsible for an actress's hurt feelings is insane. I could see if every other comment was saying mean things about her, but the errant question/negative observation, like mine, just doesn't make sense. Has she never received a negative movie review? Apparently she won't put herself "out there" anymore and she'll stop her career the first time she does! She sure isn't ready for US Weekly or The Enquirer, that's for sure!

    Since ZX closely reads the comments, her confidence should be restored by the outflowing of love (and shows of hatred to dissenters), and she should be able to confidently keep on schedule and reveal herself as planned on the 4th. I can't wait to see who she is, and I don't care if it is pushed in my face that I was wrong! I'll gladly admit it, who cares?

  71. Anonymous9:41 AM

    barb, don't fall on your sword. this social experiment became a game that got out of hand. hazy boundaries all around.

  72. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Jesus. Will someone paraphrase Barb? Like I'm going to read that much babble.

  73. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Touche', Dorothy!

    I am going to go live my life and not waste my time on this stuff anymore.

  74. Anonymous11:19 AM

    "What I do ask is that before you take a shot at ZX for her life or how she lives it, that you think about yourself and whether under the same scrutiny you would also be found wanting or deficient"


  75. Anonymous11:36 AM


    ENT please keep track of all of your info, it would help a lot in believing that this is a real blog.
    I'm still curious have you actually met Britney or not? And did this blog change writers a couple of months ago or are there several writers?

  76. Anonymous11:53 AM

    as much as i love it here, and enjoy ZX, i have to agree that things are out of hand. over the years, i've made many unseen friends on the 'net. being let into ZX's life is like that. i'm not kissing ass or "fawning" over her. i genuinely like her company.

    i don't think she's crying in her beer about you "mean" posters. i think its more of a case of doing ent a favor, and having it thrown back in her face. sorta like when i slave over dinner all day and no one shows up to eat it. the old "why do i bother?".
    i don't think she ever intended for us to love her or hate her. except for the fame thing, her days are alot like ours: intruders, snakes, car accidents,
    demanding friends. i believe that was the point.
    i also think she's young, and been through a lot.
    i don't know who she is, i honestly never heard of DS, if it is indeed her. it IS a hard way to make a living, and a lot of young actors DON'T make a living at it.
    honestly, can't we all go back to playing nice? i haven't been posting as long as hez or brenda, but i've been reading since the site started. if we're not careful, this place could go the way of THESUPERFICIAL, and i REALLY don't want to see that happen. y'all go over there to play name calling and catfight.
    thank you.

  77. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Well done Barb. I support every word. And I think your point has been proven by the comments following yours. The people on here who I once thought were warm and friendly are not. I too spoke out a couple of weeks ago and was attacked. ZX is not the only one who has felt hurt. I was a little offended by something she posted, however she was big enough to apologise. But I was stung by the spiteful comments directed at me by some of the regulars just for speaking up about something I felt was important. For this reason I've not posted under my name since.

    This is supposed to be a fun place. I have to wonder what your lives are like that you would take all this so seriously. ZX whoever she is, has chosen her life/career and I'm gob-smacked at this pity party for her. Some people don't have the luxury of choices in life.

    I'm signing off too, there's a nasty vibe around here these days. To you regulars all I have to say is you reap what you sow. Soon they'll only be you lot left, arguing amongst yourselves if you carry on this bitchfest.

    To ZX - I've enjoyed your posts and hearing about your life. I do believe you are genuine and you seem like a lovely, fun girl. Don't take things to heart. Good luck with your career.

    Ent - thanks for all the enjoyment you've provided here.

  78. Anonymous8:21 PM

    RE: Hez's long post

    Amen. Couldn't have put it better myself.
