Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Women's Filmmaker Brunch

At what age do you stop wearing the belly baring shirts? It does distract from the large head wobbling around on the long neck though, so maybe Minnie Driver knew what she was doing.
Mary Stuart Masterson was in two of my favorite 80's movies. They were really underrated but really good. Heaven Help Us and Some Kind Of Wonderful. Loved them.
Selma Blair looks really good, especially considering she was married to a Zappa. I would tend to think that would kind of freak anyone out. I guess that quiet stay in rehab last month did the trick.


  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    enty: why the bad mood? Was minnie mean to you :S

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    i can't diss minnie. as someone even taller than her, we can talk about the availability of long enough tops with the low riding pants. i'm sometimes beyonce-esque without the gorgeous body.

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Until you're thirty something you have the face G-d gave you. After you have the face you earned and deserve. Minnie must have been a true b-tch in her day...

  4. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Wait, huh? Selma was in rehab last month?

  5. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Selma's a little overdressed for BRUNCH.

  6. Whoa! Minnie is getting scary skinny.

  7. Anonymous10:11 AM

    What did Selma rehab for? I guess I'll officially stop guessing her for ZX now...KIDDING! I know it's not her.

  8. Anonymous10:32 AM

    To, "Selma's a little overdressed for BRUNCH"-

    Selma is wearing a Kate Moss for TopShop dress that probably was quite afforadable- just hard to get right now (outside of the u.k). About $100 im guessing.

    E.L what was she was addicted to, Coke? Is that how she always stayed SO thin... she didnt seem to gain weight in rehab though, but her face looks bloated like anyone who is detoxing. Please give us the gossip since her rehab seems to be relatively under the radar as far as the press its recieved... and why is that???

  9. If Minnie would actually wear her hair down, it would greatly remove that "bobble head" thing she has going on. Now on the outfit, well, Minnie seems to be in need of someone dressing her - a lady's maid or a stylist but please God get one of 'em! And one that will make you stop dressing like a 12 year-old.

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    was selma a not so recent BI?

  11. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Selma secretly went to Promises for 'undisclosed' reasons, but Google "Selma Blair" and "rehab" and some sites suggest cocaine. Seems likely.

  12. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Can we maybe connect Selma to a BI? Since everyone thinks ENT is supposed to tell us the answers maybe he's throwing a a hint.... It would be nice if people stopped only guessing Paris Hilton/LaLohan/Cameron Diaz etc. for any BI posted- so maybe Selma was one. If he tells us the answers they aren't BLIND items. We need to think outside of the same 5 or 6 dumb celebrities always guessed.

  13. Anonymous11:11 AM

    He just revealed a blind item - Mary Stuart Masterson - actress in 2 of his favorite 80's movies. What was the blind item????

  14. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Ah, I found it:
    This former A-list actress has been in two of my favorite movies. Because of this I would normally be sympathetic to her but she has gone just a bit too far. Having literally been on her own since her teenage years, this actress has battled through drug problems and high profile relationships to at least have a solid career. It is not the career that was expected of her, and if her current behavior continues, it might be the end of any career at all. She has always been able to play on her name and her work in her older films. That is all about to change. In her latest film, she attempted to seduce at least two of the married actors on the film and as many non-actors as well. She did it because she claimed she was bored and thinks it is fun to f*** with other people's lives. What she is doing is ensuring that her now sporadic work will be no work in the future.

  15. Anonymous12:43 PM

    OMG - 11:14am, hat's off to you!

  16. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Not that this has anything to do with the post, but RE Minnie Driver I have heard that she screwed her career after "Circle of Friends" by being a big C U Next Thursday and getting a huge head over her "success". Can anyone cooberate those rumours?

    Love MSM too. LOVE "Some Kind of Wonderful". Ahhhh the 80s!

  17. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Poor Minnie has always been ugly, but now she is moving into frightening territory. Belly baring shirts shouldn't be seen out of high school and middle-aged women shouldn't have long hair. Minnie, just stay home from now on.

  18. Anonymous6:07 PM

    re selma blair:
    i live the next town over from frank zappa's home town. from what i hear they're actually really nice folk, just quirky.
    in fact, in the last local elections, there was a zappa running for local office. i don't KNOW if they were related or not, but it seems highly probable to me.

    sorry, just wanted to do some name dropping.

    oh, and minnie looks better made up... she has looked STUPENDOUS in a couple of "the riches" episodes. i guess she jus' cleans up real purty.
