Victoria Beckham Is A Jackass
Well she would've been a jackass if I heard this first. For now we'll just savor that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you hear a wonderful tale such as this.
From tomorrow's National Enquirer.
Three of Victoria Beckham's credit cards were rejected at a popular West Hollywood mall recently, according to an eyewitness, and that's when Posh got scary. She was at the Abercrombie & Fitch at the Grove in late April and headed to the checkout counter with $12,000, and a customer shopping says 3 credit cards were rejected when the salesperson tried to ring up the purchase. The eyewitness adds, "Victoria said there must be something wrong with the store's computer and said she should go somewhere else to shop. The nervous cashier tried to explain that it wasn't her fault, but Victoria snapped at her: never mind, take this one!"
The purchase was completed on the fourth attempt but the drama was far from over. Victoria insisted her packages be delivered to her home, but store workers said the most they do was help her load her car; Victoria furiously backed up her Lincoln Navigator to the shop's front door. After her packages were loaded Victoria demanded they do it over because it wasn't done correctly. After the employees packed her car for the second time she jumped in and roared off. As she took off the shopper says they (the employees) broke into applause!
(The only question I have about this story is whether Victoria Beckham actually drives.)