Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Today's Blind Items

This lead singer from a holier-than-thou-art family has had at least three #1 hits. Friends and family were expecting wedding invitations to show up soon. They were right because our singer had been busy making plans with his 5+ year girlfriend. Location booked, preacher reserved, the works. But isn't it weird that, when the invitations arrived, the bride's name was not that of the girlfriend everyone knew, but that of someone they had never met? Many chose not to attend the ceremony out of disapproval. All was made clear less than six months later when baby made three. Our singer had made the quick switch of brides when his very controlling, behind the scenes father hit him below the belt -- in the pocket. Seems our singer had the choice of marrying the girl he had been secretly seeing or being disowned and losing out on the family money. He chose the former and poor girlfriend got left behind.

It seems enough begging and pleading kept most mouths shut while he played devoted husband and father for a few years, the adoring wife completely oblivious to the existence of poor girlfriend. However, when it became obvious to the rest of the family that he just can't stop his wandering eye, vengeful little sister let adoring wife in on how the elaborate shotgun wedding had been planned so quickly -- she was the only detail that was added at the last minute. Now, adoring wife has made arrangements to meet girlfriend. Whether it will be a cat fight or a pity party is yet to be seen, but it doesn't look good for our husband of the year. Do I smell "irreconcilable differences"?


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    balthazar getty? (sp?) Although I don't know if he's had any #1s...

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Wow, no idea

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    One of the Hansons? Aren't they goody goody? I gotta research them.


  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Gwen and Gavin?

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Gwen and Gavin?

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    not gwen and gavin, they were married in 2002, and baby came in 2006.


  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Okay so the Hansons have two sisters. And the whole family is Mormon. Also all three boys are married, but only two have children. Taylor, the girlier looking one has been married with children for some years now. However, Isaac, the oldest, got married only in Sept. of 2006, had 300 guests at the wedding and his son was born in April of this year.

    I say Isaac Hanson.


  8. Anonymous12:20 PM

    But it seems like this was a while ago - ENT says "he played devoted husband and father for a few years." That would eliminate Isaac Hanson.

  9. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Nevermind, it's Taylor. He got married in June 2002 and his first baby was born in October 2002.


  10. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Hanson's parents don't have any money to bribe the kids with. The brothers made their own fortune.

  11. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Did Hanson have 3 #1 hits?

  12. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Have the Hansens had three number 1 hits?

  13. Anonymous12:28 PM

    taylor hanson & wife just had another kid making three...don't think it's him

  14. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The family has to be wealthy to fit.

  15. Anonymous12:31 PM

    #1-I don't know if they have 3 hits. I only know MmmmBop was #1 in three different countries.

    #2-It never says that he didn't have more children.

    #3-You got a better suggestion?

    Lazy,good for nuthin..grumble, grumble,grumble...


  16. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Do Rob Thomas and his wife have a child? Random, but just throwing it out there...

  17. Anonymous12:34 PM

    lol...sorry Tracee...I did think it was a good guess and didn't mean to diss you by saying they had another kid...just trying to add to the conversation/speculation/guessing

  18. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Seriously guys - HANSON? BALTHAZAR GETTY? CMON!

  19. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Scratch the Rob Thomas. He has a son but it's from a previous relationship - sorry :(

  20. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Anon 12:34-
    It's cool. I'm just busting balls. All in good fun!

    Besides the freakin Osmonds, who is holier than thou? Is there a country singing family out there that might fit?


  21. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights.

  22. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Has anyone considered if maybe its a country or R&B group or something? The BI doesn't say if the hits were pop hits or Top 40 - are there country or R&B groups of fairly recent vintage that might fit the bill as well?

  23. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I was thinking the Osmonds, they are the only family that comes off as holi then thou
    unless maybe the Jacksons?

  24. I'm thinking one of the gospel families, there are several.

  25. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Here's one from left field -
    Julian Casablancas?
    Are they holier than thou?

  26. Anonymous12:51 PM

    According to wikipedia, Hanson only had one #1 hit, though it was in 3 countries.


  27. Anonymous12:52 PM

    brenda, that's a good one, but he married his band manager and she'd have to know about a long-time girlfriend


  28. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Here's a gospel family: Bebe and Cece Winans. Bebe is a boy and Cece is his sister. I dunno if he's married, but I'm searching!


  29. Anonymous1:02 PM

    sorry that i'm not much help, might there be a lead singer named guggenheim?

  30. Anonymous1:03 PM

    why can't it be an Osmond? There's a little sister, there's lots of family money, they do seem to fit. I don't know about the 3 hits, but otherwise why not?

  31. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Note the phrase 'isn't it weird'. That was one of the Hansons' songs. It's Taylor - he was the lead singer.

  32. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Speaking of gospel fams, maybe Kevin Max who used to be w/ DCTalk and went solo? They were serious top sellers in religious rock/pop. His current wife is popping out Kid #2, but Kid #1 was born only a few months after they were married...maybe his fam has big buck$?

  33. Anonymous1:06 PM

    It's not any of the Hansons. Taylor's wife was his first serious girlfriend -- dated for something like 2 years before they married. Isaac has been dating his wife since 2003, with only one serious girlfriend before, who cheated on HIM. Zac also married his first serious girlfriend -- dated for 5 years before they were married.

  34. Anonymous1:06 PM

    donny osmond has been married since 1978

  35. Anonymous1:07 PM

    This is what I found about Bebe Winans on his website:

    As a member of gospel music royalty, BeBe’s success is truly a family tradition. The seventh of 10 children, BeBe began his career as a background singer for his famous brothers (The Winans) before teaming with sister CeCe Winans in 1987 for an amazing run of smash hits and platinum-selling albums. BeBe has also recorded songs with such entertainers as Stevie Wonder, Brain McKnight and Whitney Houston.

    *Also he went solo, seperating from singing with his sister. He's married but I can't nail down when.


  36. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I am laughing at myself right now because I thought it said holier than thou ART family. So I am thinking, art family, how do we know if someone is into art?


  37. Anonymous1:11 PM

    kim - I read it the same way - onus on the art family...why I guessed a getty (family $$)

  38. Anonymous1:14 PM

    i'm sorry, but i immedietly thought jacksons.
    i know the kids were raised jehovah's witness' but then again, i can't imagine joe jackson making that kind of demand while MJ and latoya have already sullied the "family name". and they had more than 3 #1 hits, i'm sure.

  39. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Anon 1:11 - I think you were onto something with Balthazar Getty, but I don't think it's him, but def someone along those lines. He is in a band, but the band has not had any big hits...

  40. Anonymous1:28 PM

    What about one of the Zappas? Okay they're not goody goody, but maybe something fits?


  41. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Well lets keeping thinking jacksons, but what about those 3 sons of jermaine (i think it was jermaine). Didnt they have a group for awhile, 3T?? I dont know if they had 3 #1s but jermaine certainly has the means to pull his $$$.

  42. After a lot of thinking, I really think this might be Scott Stapp. his family is very religious and he "got religion" after his dad leaned on him for all his drug use in college. He was married for about 18 months previously, but he was dating some other girl for years when he suddenly up and married the Miss USA chick and they had a baby girl right away. He also has 4 younger sisters.

  43. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I'm thinking the Winans Family for this one. Bebe and Cece are brother sister and did a lot of work together...she is the younger of the two...

    Bebe is married with 2 children.

    The family has a TON of money. I'm sure Pops Winans, the family patriarch would definitely control a good portion of the family money and the behavior of the family would be of paramount importance to him both spiritually and financially.

  44. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I think Stacy nailed it....

  45. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Scott does not work: On February 10, 2006, Stapp married Miss New York USA 2004 winner Jaclyn Nesheiwat in Miami, Florida. This is his second marriage and her first. They welcomed their first child, a baby girl named Milan Hayat Stapp, on January 4, 2007.[2] He was previously married to Hillaree Burns for 16 months before divorcing in 1999. He has a son from the first marriage, Jagger Stapp.


  46. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Hmm, am stumped. But I like the D.C. Talk dude guess. Hot looking guy AND he likes being the gospel bad boy. I think it's him.

  47. Anonymous2:02 PM

    im going with the Hansons...shame after all this time i thought we were finally rid of those whiny assholes.



  48. And what in that paragraph disqualifies him? Not being snarky, just don't see it.

  49. Anonymous2:06 PM

    The article states that he had the same girlfriend for 5+ years prior to marrying the new girl.

    Scott didn't have 5+ years between marriages to have a girlfriend that long. Besides, I don't think Scott has been playing the perfect role of husband and father that well, ya know?

  50. Anonymous2:07 PM

    stacy there's an eleven month gap btwn marriage & baby. Not exactly shotgun.

  51. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Whoops...I stand corrected on the 5+ years between marriages, but certainly not the part about him not having a girlfriend during that time and him not playing the perfect husband role.

    I think this BI is about someone people would be SURPRISED about...such as one of the Winans...I'm sticking with one of them...either Bebe or Marvin, Jr.

  52. there's no real quick baby there, the children come well after the marriage, not shotgun style.

  53. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I keep thinking the dad sounds like someone like Mel Gibson - he's totally holier then thou etc...and I know it's not him, it just makes me think of his personality/religion

  54. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Guys it's really weird. I can't find out exactly WHEN Bebe got married to his wife. They have one daughter who is about 10 now? It could be him. His family is gospel royalty, so there's "family" money there. And he had several songs that became #1 hits on the gospel charts, after he went solo.

    The only thing is the date of him getting married...on IMDB it has a question mark. I'll look at his hits and see if anything fits.


  55. Anonymous2:25 PM

    This is the first Blindie since MV where I'm totally stumped, fun reading the guesses though!
    ent never did reveal MV, huh???

  56. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I'd guess one of the 2ndGen Osmonds - the only one whose marriage and birth of child dates aren't on his bio - but for that guess to work, "number ones" would have to mean "number ones in Utah."

  57. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I don't think it's Scott Stapp--anyone remember the little sex tape he made with Kid Rock not too long ago?? How about the drunken Celeb Poker fiasco? Stapp ain't got noooo religion and, if he does, well Praise the Lord and pass the tequila.

    "Even God hates Creed"

    1. Lead Singer--must be in a GROUP. Winans is out, he's a solo artist.
    2. "Many chose not to attend the ceremony out of disapproval"--this smacks of organized religion to me. The Mormans and the JW's both subscribe to 'shunning' (as do Amish and Mennonite, but I think we'll all agree those are unlikely).

    I'm stumped.

  58. Anonymous3:04 PM

    first time commenter, but the "irreconcilable differences" jumped out - the movie starred Ryan O'Neal, Drew Barrymore and Sharon Stone among others...but can't make a connection to a band

  59. Anonymous3:26 PM

    3:04...I thought that, too. Did a search on the phrase but only came up with the movie--nothing to indicate music.

  60. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Tom Cruise, only he was forced to marry his male lover

  61. Anonymous4:39 PM

    sorry, offensive joke to follow: can't be the hansons. the mormon solution would be to marry them both.

  62. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Some more info...

    "2. Follow your heart but also your gut feelings. That's what Grammy Award-winning gospel singer BeBe Winans did when he was introduced to his wife, Debra Denise, six years ago in Atlanta. Back in his hometown of Detroit a month after the initial meeting, he still couldn't get the "confident, classy, independent" lady out of his mind. He called and told her, "I don't know what's wrong with me, but I've got to come back to Atlanta to see you." Over lunch in Atlanta a short time later, he says he knew she was going to be his wife. "I wasn't head over heels in love with her because I had just met her, but I had a gut feeling," recalls Winans. And he immediately started looking for a ring and planning the wedding. "When your heart says yes, then go with it," he advises."

    sorry its not more....

  63. Anonymous4:48 PM

    how about wanya morris from boyz II men?

    i know nothing about them, but they did have three #1 records...

  64. Anonymous6:07 PM

    It's Hanson, the oldest son who just got married and had a son 5 or 6 months later.

    The boys made all their money when they were minors and their father was their manager, and the money went into a family corporation - very much like the Osmond Corp.

    The Hanson family is tight, and way too controlled. All the kids were/are home schooled with a heavily religious bias. I'm surprised to hear they are Mormon - because they act like evangelicals in a sterilized compound.

  65. Anonymous7:04 PM

    While I agree much of the BI does sort of fit with Hanson.... Taylor got married in 2002... he was only 19. The item says he had been with the other girl for 5+ years. I find it rediculous that he had had a girlfriend since he was 14 years old that he ditched to marry his wife... and they got married in his actual wife's town which would make the location previously booked out of the question....

    gotta love wikipedia

  66. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Let's have some more reveals here EL. What happened to that? It's no fun to just keep reading all these BI's without ever getting any answers ~ever. :(
    Sure shoots your credibility in the foot.

  67. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I want to say Jack Black, but I don't think his Tenacious D group had number one hits.

    Otherwise, almost everything else fits, according to Wikipedia.

    Except I don't think being a rocket scientist would make more money than his son's film career.

  68. Anonymous7:49 PM

    "Isn't it weird" - line from a Hanson song. Plus, the 'wholier than thou' is a reference to their Mormon roots. And their father does have money, they're in the oil business. It's either Taylor or Isaac Hanson.

  69. Anonymous8:36 PM

    If it was Hanson, it would have to be Taylor - the lead singer, however I remember him being with his girlfriend a while before they got married, so it doesn't make much sense.

  70. Anonymous10:34 PM

    First off, Hanson are NOT Mormons. I distinctly remember them stating this in an interview. It was on VH-1 but I can't remember which show it was.

    Second of all, I do believe that this blind item is about Taylor Hanson.

  71. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Isn´t there like a christian music chart in the US?

  72. Anonymous5:29 AM

    It's true - Hanson is NOT mormon, they're baptist. How did that get started and why did you idiots follow it for so long?

  73. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Well, it appears that the Taylor family had made a bit of money by working for an oil company but Wikipedia does say that Taylor was with his girlfriend for 2 years after they met in Atlanta in Sep 2000. Not really a quickie marriage.

  74. Anonymous5:46 AM

    "but the "irreconcilable differences" jumped out - the movie starred Ryan O'Neal, Drew Barrymore and Sharon Stone among others...but can't make a connection to a band"

    Drew Barrymore dated that Fab guy for years, he's in the Strokes, whose lead singer is.....Julian Casablancas!

  75. Anonymous5:51 AM

    You are all ignoring the obvious. It's Lindsey Lohan. She sings. And it may say it was a him, but maybe that was to throw us off of the truth.

  76. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Oh great,now i can't stop singing mmmbop.
    SO annoying.

  77. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I am totally convinced this is a Winans...wish I could figure out better which one.

    I'm guessing Marvin Jr. because he was the lead singer of the Wianans Family Phase Two. But Bebe still makes a lot of sense too. I think he was a lead singer for one of the groups for a while too and was hugely successful with his sister Cece.

    It would seem to me that Pop Winan has a really good control of the family purse strings.

  78. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Since I have one of their CD's, I know that Bebe And CeCe Winans did some work together before they went solo. It's just odd that we can't find any information about when he got married and had children. Maybe because that would make them look less than religious?

    I do know that EL uses the phrase, "holier-than-thou-art" and that Bebe and Cece did a song called, "How Great Thou Art" - so I'm thinking this a hint and it's them.

  79. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Julian Casablancas has no children.

  80. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I was thinking Brandon Flowers. Didn't he get married and the wife was preggers shortly after???

  81. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I digress. It's not Flowers b/c his wife got pregnant two years after marrying.
    However, I did find the following...
    "Taylor Hanson Marries As Pregnancy Rumors Swirl"

  82. Anonymous9:30 AM

    can't be Hanson, they only had 1 number one.

  83. Anonymous12:15 PM

    But they had number one in three different countries. I think that could be what Ent is referring to.

    It's either one of the Hansons or Bebe Winans. These other guesses are waaaay off base, except for the Osmonds because they are religious. We're looking for a family who is religious folks.

    BTW I said that the Hansosn were mormons, but the Osmonds are mormons. I was wrong. Most organized religions seem similar to me. My bad.

    Anon 5:29 I might be an idiot, but ur the douche.


  84. Anonymous11:17 PM

    It's not Marvin Jr. He has been married since 2002, and they don't have any children.

  85. Anonymous11:19 PM

    And Marvin Jr. married his longtime girlfriend, no surprise there.

  86. Anonymous8:57 PM

    could it be the rock? ha and his wife are now separating and will remain good friends.
