Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Today's Blind Items

ZX hint. Christina Ricci hasn't spoken to her father in almost 15 years.

Someone wrote to me and wanted me to share more singer and band blind items. The problem is that they are harder to describe. What can I say? This lead singer of a band...But anyway,

This lead singer of a band which has had several number one albums over the last two decades and recently reunited owns some trailer parks around California. Now, lots of people own trailer parks for investments so this is not unusual. What is unusual about this investment is that no one actually lives in any of the ten or so trailer parks he owns. There are plenty of trailers in the parks. Just no people. Well there is one person at each park. A man guarding the place with a gate and a gun. Seems as if our singer has a lot of love for the herb and converted every trailer in every park to grow his beloved herb 24/7. Although he has a medical marijuana card for personal use, this is a bit much. Whats more is that he has way more than even he can smoke so he ends up selling it to road managers of other groups who are hitting the road or passing by one of his trailer parks.


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Sting? My only concern is that he doesn't live in California, so I wonder how convenient this would be for him...

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM


  3. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I thought of Sting immediately, but the medical marijuana card doesn't seem to fit. He does own a home in Malibu.

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I was gonna say the Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins. They just reunited, about to put out and album and have been togther since 1988. Ent also posted a pic beside The Police.


  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    anyone who is ill who would have the "medical marijuana card for personal use?"

  6. Anonymous1:04 PM

    phil collins just reunited with genesis, didn't he?

    but he seems a bit high strung (no pun intended) to be a stoner.

  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    In California, having a medical marijuana card is not reserved for the severely ill. You just have to have a doctor sign that you have some kind of chronic condition that marijuana relieves--something there are entire clinics set up to do. So I wouldn't pay too much attention to whether the leader of the band has an illness or not--chronic back pain, fatigue, anxiety will all get you a medical marijuana card in this state.

  8. Anonymous1:08 PM

    They also hand out the card to folks who are severly depressed. And it's sometimes given as alternative to those weening off of heroin. Billy Corgan has a history of depression and "alleged" heroin use, okay I tied that togther because he used/sometimes dating Courtney Love.


  9. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Obviously Chris Robinson from Black Crowes, that band breaks up and makes up 24/7 and we all know he loves the MJ

  10. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Can't be Sting, the Police haven't had several number one albums over the past two decades. Their time was the 80s.

  11. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Duh! David Lee Roth!

  12. Anonymous1:43 PM

    After a bit more research...what about Rage Against the Machine's Zack de la Rocha? They just reunited for Coachella in April-
    And have 2 #1 Platinums (Evil Empire and battle of LA)?

  13. Anonymous1:51 PM

    the beatles

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Eddie van Halen. Mouth cancer got him medical use permission for the weed.

  15. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I think Rage is good guess, but I don't think they have been togther for 2 decades and it says several number one albums...


  16. Anonymous2:20 PM

    i've no guess as to who this is but if ent is right about this, someone from the dea or sherrifs dept. is going to read this and start looking for unoccupied trailer parks. can you sale asset forfieture, in knew you could.
    go in peace, and spread the weed my son.

  17. Anonymous2:21 PM

    i'd really like to know what licensed physicians are handing out these cards for chronic back pain. even though the voters said "yes" to medical mJ, the government said "no". in fact, it is damn near impossible to get adequat LEGAL meds for chronic back or joint pain, anxiety, or even chemo patients.
    for 2-1/2 years i had to visit a "pain mangement clinic" who allowed me to have 1 darvocette and 1 flexeril per day. and every visit asked if i was ready to stop the meds yet. they suggested bio-feedback, accupunture, hypnosis, none of which insurance paid for. until i was correctly dxd, i think i would have done anything to ease the pain.
    in fact, due to the the state we DO live in, doctors are very leary to prescribe medication. every hospital or other health facility i've been in over the last 5 years has signs posted that they will not
    prescribe demerol, which used to be the medication of choice for those of us allergic to codeine.

    and i'm not trying to piss anybody off, really, but i think that was an unfair generalization.
    but i still don't have a clue who the BL is about.

  18. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Tracee- yeah Rage has only been around since 90 or so, but still, that's almost 20 years right? And Ent could through us off with # of albums ("several"), he's done it before?

    Honestly this BI is so blandly written, no clues, nada, we could make it fit any number of people!

  19. Anonymous2:52 PM

    It's Sting.

    Rage formed in 1991 and broke up in 2000. The Pumpkins also formed around that time, so neither would have had "several number one albums in the last 20 years". A search of the Police, however, will reveal that they had some number one albums AFTER they broke up (obviously re-released material--live albums, etc--nothing new), which would fit. There's no other 20-year time frame for a reunited band with number one albums that I'm aware of--and I know music.


    I'll ask Sting when I see him in July.

  20. Is this an American band or a band form Britain? The rage one is a good guess...

  21. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Dominique Swain

  22. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Smashing Pumpkins formed in 80's. They're known for grunge, but they were actually punk/rock in the 80's.

  23. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Why didn't you know that Anon 2:52?

  24. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Red Hot Chili Peppers... didn't they spend some time apart before their most recent album?

  25. Anonymous3:38 PM

    can i be a road manager? this aint that big...weed should be legal...i see nothing wrong with what this singer's doing...

  26. Anonymous4:03 PM

    some guy; Umm yea were from the DEA and we read on Blog 'Crazy Days and nights' that there was a trailer park that war a front for green house weed.

    May we come in???

  27. Anonymous4:49 PM

    and as a post script to my earlier rant, i absolutely agree it should be legalized. i don't care if the govt. makes money on it or not. just legalize it for heaven's sake.
    its not a coincidence that jamaica is the only nation that doesn't have the nuclear bomb.

  28. Anonymous5:00 PM




  29. Anonymous5:17 PM

    This is an excellent blind item.

    I have no serious guess, except to say that there is no way it is Sting.

  30. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Even with a doctor's "recommendation", most counties in Calif. will only allow one person to grow ten(ish) plants. Whoever it is will go to jail, possibly prison, if they are caught. But they're probably smart enough to have the security guard do the time for them. Damn, if they are that rich, grow the shit in the basement of their mansion for god's sake!!!!!!

  31. Anonymous5:44 PM

    EL Thanks for doing the countdown to the reveal by eliminating the most guessed actresses.

  32. Anonymous6:09 PM

    This is such a fun blind item! I have no idea who it can be but the thought of several deserted trailer parks full of weed like that... If I was the night watchman I would totally hit that LOL!

  33. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Dave Matthews...but anyway.

  34. Why, thank you, narc. We aim to please.

  35. Anonymous7:05 PM

    can i get directions?

  36. Anonymous7:49 PM

    to anon 4:03 PM

    dave, no dave's not here.

  37. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I'm not into the whole research activity so I haven't fact checked my guess, but maybe it's nobody mentioned so far. I don't think it is...but what about Axl? Guns isn't quite old enough for the clue, but I like the idea that Axl is just Trailer Trash enough to have his own trailer park fulla weeeed, dude! I know I KNOW GnR hasn't gotten back together - - I"m just trying to stoke the thinking a bit yalls. As for Sting, I say too urbane, too snotty, too erudite, too 'cool' to smoke the herb nowadays. Thoughts?

  38. Anonymous8:30 PM

    off topic...I'm searching for the blind item about the country singer hiring whatever male 'escorts' are called to visit the hotel room for a couple hours. I'm searching the archives & can't find it...can you help?

  39. Anonymous8:52 PM

    off topic...I'm searching for the blind item about the country singer hiring whatever male 'escorts' are called to visit the hotel room for a couple hours. I'm searching the archives & can't find it...can you help?

    I recall that BI. I always thought it was Garth Brooks... for too many reasons to list. haha!

  40. Anonymous8:54 PM

    whoever he is, he's fucking BRILLIANT.

    growing pot at Trailer Parks......loves it.

  41. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I found the country/Garth thing...finally got smart & did the "search blog" thing. ;-)

  42. Anonymous8:57 PM

    eddie van halen isn't lead singer in a band... he's lead guitar.

  43. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Anon 8:10, I'm also a huge GnR fan and wondered about Axl too...GnR technically never really broke up, just the talented people have left- leaving only Axl and his botox and wigs.

    And I could see him doing this trailer thing too...

  44. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Bon Jovi , lol

  45. Anonymous10:46 PM

    It's not Billy Corgan- he lives in Chicago. The item said "he has way more than even he can smoke", which I understood as the BI would have to live nearby.

  46. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Vince Neil?

  47. Anonymous3:49 AM

    I was thinking Vince Neil too - could get a medical card for pot for all his cosmetic surgery pain and stuff.

  48. Michael Stipe comes to mind with me.

  49. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Glenn Frey or Don Henley

  50. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Speaking of Christina Ricci, remember awhile back Ent posed a BI about a young celeb who recently had face work. He hinted that she had a recent movie out and was unhappy with her looks when she screened the film. She had a face lift and now she has to smile all the time because her lift is too tight. Recently in all the mags, (since Black Snake Moan) she smiles all the time and her face is extremely tight. People said it was Rose McGowen but it seriously looks to be Miss Ricci. Just Saying.


  51. W. Axl Rose had a few #1 albums with Guns'n Roses and they reunited lately - minus all the other members though but still, the band is called Guns'n Roses now.

    Although: Would anyone actually be shocked if it were Axl?

  52. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Axl owns the GNR name.

    He's also completely insane.

  53. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Vince Neil... Motley did reunited a few years ago to come out with a tour and CD....

  54. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights.

  55. Anonymous12:35 PM

    If "But Anyway" is a clue, Blues Traveler sang that. Everything fits except "several number one albums." Argh.

  56. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Remember in some cases number one album can be referring to the singles released. So every song that hit number one could be what Ent is referring to.


  57. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Ah, good point Tracee. Then John Popper gets my vote. He's been arrested for gun and marijuana possession and has plenty of health problems (he had angioplasty and gastric bypass--the band took a break when he had a near-heart attack.) Now they're touring again.
