Monday, May 28, 2007

Today's Blind Items

One week from today, ZX will be revealed. So here is a hint. Ali Larter has a boyfriend.

So this A list couple but in reality B listers when it comes to movies, have employees just like almost every other Hollywood couple. When they hire a new employee that employee must sign a confidentiality agreement which basically precludes said employee from spilling everything they see. Well this Hollywood couple has some definite things to hide including guests who visit for fun and games and some kids who are not as well behaved as one would imagine. It turns out that a recently fired maid was reminded when she was fired about the confidentiality agreement she had signed and thus couldn't say anything to anyone about what had gone on in the house.

The maid said she had never signed such a thing and a check of the her file showed she was in fact correct. The person who had hired her had been filling in for someone else and had neglected to get the maid to sign the requisite form. Even though she had just been fired, the employer tried to get the maid to sign a new form right then and there. She refused. Immediately after leaving the house, her next act was to call a few tabloids to sell her story. When they realized she hadn't signed an agreement they jumped hard.

When the celebrity couple were informed of the impending scandal they were going to face, they jumped even harder. They first offered the maid a new job with a better salary, but she didn't want to go back. She finally settled for a cool $100K to keep everything hush-hush. The employee who failed to get the original signature was fired but can't do or say anything because they had been given the confidentiality agreement and signed it.


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Ashton & Demi! Hope you had a great weekend, Enty!--Did you see your two girlfriends on the same page (Us Weekly, I think) Ali & Jamie-Lynn? What am I saying? Of course you did!

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    eek...will & jada?

  3. Madonna and Guy Richie?

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    angie & brad

  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    i am not sure you it is but i think the maid sold herself cheap i mean i personally would have been getting more than 100k and i would have been in every magazine i could and would have been on any show that would let me and i would have surely wrote a book cause i would have needed millions to shut me up. btw i think it would be more ashton and demi than will and jada because will makes alot per movie and his movies are normally great blockbusters. but i would put money that its mark and jlo they make everybody sign everything.

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Tom & Katie

  7. Anonymous12:51 PM

    brad and angie are def A list, same with Will smith and jada

    perhaps ashton and demi though...

    some kids who are not as well behaved as one would imagine- does this mean that they have kids???

  8. Anonymous12:53 PM

    - Hollywood
    - A-list COUPLE (not nec married)
    - B-list movies
    - kids that we're supposed to believe are well-behaved
    - rich enough to employ lots of people

    So, more famous for being a couple than for the movies he/she/they make.


  9. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Why are you people throwing out randome couple names? READ. Bangelina aren't movie b-listers. Tomkat--are they stil making movies? Same for Madonna and Guy. Marc and Jho don't have kids in their home. His oldest lives with BabyMomma in NYC, and the younger 2 are in Miami with the ex-wife. I like the Ashton/Demi and Will/Jada guesses. They sound the most valid.

  10. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Whaddya's think about Antonio and Melanie?

  11. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Whaddya's think about Antonio and Melanie?

  12. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Scratch Will and Jada: they are A list.

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    What film ha jada done that is A List?

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner?

  15. Anonymous1:39 PM

    oops, says kidS

  16. what film have either Madonna or Guy done that would be considered A-list? THEY are A-list. Their movies, not so much!!!!!!! And they certainlly do try to make it look like their kids are so wholesome with her "no TV - no sugar, etc" rules. I, for one, find it completely nauseating that a woman who made a fortune selling SEX holds herself up as the moral authority.

  17. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I don't know if guy/madonna would spend enough time this side of the pond to be considered a hollywood couple....but she is very vocal about her child rearing.... I can't think of anyone else that talks about their kids being well behaved....or that have that squeaky clean of an outer image to worry about scandal...

  18. Anonymous2:02 PM

    for ZX:

    I think zee ex (the ex) of ali larter's bf is ZX

    gosh people, I've been saying it all along!

  19. Anonymous2:06 PM

    John Revolta and Kelly Preston
    Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker
    Courteney Cox and David Arquette
    Annette Bening and Warren Beatty
    Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick
    Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins

  20. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Madonna is not really an actress, although she likes to pretend. Her last movie, "Swept Away" was more like a C/D movie, and Guy Ritchie is well known in the UK, but not so much in Hollywood, so I'm gonna veto them.

    Jada was in the Matrix, so technically I'd go with A-list on that alone--Will hasn't made a B-movie EVER, certainly not in the last several years (Hitch wasn't B-movie, just BAAAAAD).

    I'm liking Ashton and Demi or Melanie and Antonio--both fit the A-list/B-movie clue and both have children. We all know that Demi's oldest is out partying, but we never hear about the other two...and we almost never hear about A&M's kids, so both couples fit.

    Now, question is, who's got more to hide??

  21. Anonymous2:39 PM

    This has got to be Will and Jada, the item says A list couple, so not necessarily referring to the quality of the movies they are in.

    Several words in third para are throwing me, such as COOL 100K and hush hush. Why add those adjectives?

  22. Anonymous2:44 PM

    ^Altho I agree w/ your guess, I honestly don't get what's odd about the use of cool and hush-hush? They seem like appropriate adjectives to me. Do you read something else into them?

  23. Anonymous2:49 PM

    It's Madonna and Guy. This story made the news/gossip columns several months ago. See

  24. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Demi And Ashton IMHO.

    She is control freak (her plastic surgery is only one sign of this) and Rumer is a cokehead.

    'fun and games' sexual or drug related?

  25. Anonymous3:32 PM

    ^ooooooooh, great guess.

  26. Anonymous3:36 PM

    i can't be brandilina or tomkat becuase the iside dirt on them would be worth a lot more than 100k. and thier kids arn't old enough to be well behaved or faking it. ashton and demi fit i think.

  27. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Demi and Ashton

  28. Anonymous4:44 PM

    wasn't this a big story in the tabloids a few months back? It was Madonna's maid, and she spilled that they sleep in different beds and Lourdes is a brat and then suddenly nothing. Could she have taken a payday?

  29. Anonymous5:18 PM

    does the zx hint have to do with "allegra coleman"?


  30. Anonymous5:36 PM

    def not will and jada, will is a-list not sure i'd classify jada as a-list though.

  31. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I agree this was Madonna from a few months ago, I remember reading it on Perez.

  32. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "allegra coleman"?

    Far be it for me to even INSINUATE this may be a gag, but my finals at SMC (yes, the same SMC that ZX wants to take an English class) start on Tuesday... Hmmm, one day after the big reveal. Just in time to wrap up a thesis? I guess we'll find out.

    That being said, I sincerely HOPE this is fabricated because I drive in LA everyday and don't want to have to worry about "running into" this actress someday. So if ZX turns out to be real, will you please post your schedule so I can stay far away from your make-up? Hehehe...

  33. Anonymous6:07 PM

    The story involving madonna was about her Nanny, not her maid. Considering the highly-publicised nature of that situation I dont think it would be Ents BI for today.

    I also think that this couple. whoever they are, got off pretty cheap if they only had to shell out 100k to keep their secrets quiet. I would have demanded MUCH more ;)

  34. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Tom has gay hookers come and pack his asshole in cock. Katie has men come over to fuck her. And Suri is a fucking drug addict.

  35. Anonymous7:49 PM

    vagalina jolie is not an A list actress. she's made a handful of movies and was only widely praised for her acting in one. (the one she won the oscar for.)

    she's had more misses than hits, and the hits were only moderately successful due to either her costars and/or the franchise. (tomb raider)

    she is not a good actress. she used to only get roles because she's willing to blow and/or put on a lesbo show for them. and now she has mr. pitt buying and/or banking roling her roles.

    she is not, and never will be, an A list ACTRESS.

    she is, however, an A list homewrecking asshole.

    ~bun bun

  36. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Anon 2:44....I could just be reading too much into the wording...wouldn't call $100K exactly "cool" for A listers (couple mil at least!) and why not just say keep things quiet, rather than the hush-hush?

    I'm still not 100% sure Will and Jada are right but fits better than others guessed so far IMO!

    What about Michael Dog and CZJ???
    Be Ad!

  37. Anonymous8:53 PM

    This is Madge and Guy. Old news. The servant was suddenly silenced and everyone wondered why. It was quite a shock that she had never signed an agreement and could go to the press, given that Madge is a control freak.

    Wish the maid/servant had spilled the beans, though. She would have made more than 100K.

  38. Anonymous9:07 PM

    It's absolutely 100% Antonio B and Melanie G.
    They are kind of a freaky couple in hollywood rumor mills and have very lax standards when it comes to their children. Melanies daughter Dakota is a party pig. Mom will let her line it up and party at the house as long as she doesn't drive. I know this.
    -The Lawnmower-

  39. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I see the Allegra Coleman angle, but wouldn't this be an Allegra Coleman (or Al Coleman? Attorney Coleman? No, anyone? OK, nevermind!) doing an Allegra Coleman? (Fake creating fake)

    It boggles the mind! Oh, the deceit!

  40. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Or -Ali Larter (as Allegra Coleman) has a "boyfriend" (Ent. Lawyer). Maybe the big reveal will be more than ZX.

  41. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Hey Lawnmower- you're back!!
    How do you know this? I saw the picture of Melanie lighting her daughter's cigarette, and tend to believe you. More dirt, please! And please keep on commenting!

    Your biggest fan,

  42. Anonymous10:58 PM

    I think John Travolta and Kelly Preston. EL may have given us a hint with the pic he put in further down the page.
    Also, to narc and lawnmower man:
    Who are you guys?
    Do you work in the industry or something?
    You don't have to reply to this. I'm just curious...


  43. Anonymous11:09 PM

    ZX is on heroes ??

  44. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Several points to be made:

    1) "Allegra Coleman" was a subject of an Esquire spoof article (ten years ago?) that referred to an "it" girl named Allegra Coleman. The story was a complete fabrication and the model for the pictures of the supposed "Allegra Coleman" was none other than Ali Larter herself.

    2) Angelina Jolie won an Oscar for a bad role in a bad movie. Point is, she won the Oscar and you didn't. She is still considered A-List because of her draw power and her ability to get top billing.

    Hope this helps.


  45. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Whoever ZX is, she's appearing in some goddawful movies judging by her last post.

    Who cares who this Z-lister is?

  46. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Charming. Clearly alot of people who read this blog care and its pretty pathetic of you, Anonymous, to try and shit on their parade and to insult someone who took the time to write about themselves.

    Didnt your parents teach you basic courtesy and manners? I guess not.

  47. Anonymous3:41 AM

    ...on the allegra cole angle...will smith was in a movie that spoofed the became "allegra cole" (hitch)...he was the supermodel albert was in love with and eventually i conclude that zx isn't ali larter, and that will smith is the subject of the blind.

    just sayin'.

  48. Anonymous6:28 AM

    This was all over the place not to long ago. Madonna's "nanny" didn't sign the conf. agreement and was going to write a tell all. The secretary was fired for not getting her to sign it in the first place. Google search Madonna nanny tell all.

  49. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Could it be Lindsey Lohan? I really think she fits this BI.

  50. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Could this be Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee?


  51. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Be Adequite (why is that spelled wrong?) -
    The blind reads:

    "o this A list couple but in reality B listers when it comes to movies..."

    That may be true of Jada, but Will Smith has replaced Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks as the number one box office draw. He's definitely A list.

  52. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Anon 6:28 - YOU'RE RIGHT!! IT'S MADONNA AND GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,20014566,00.html

    Well done.

  53. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I think she did that because Blohan misspelled it in that crazy letter she wrote.

  54. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Anon 7:42 - OOOOOOOOoooooooohhhhh! Thanks for the heads up!

  55. Anonymous9:04 AM

    This certainly sounds like the Madonna story, but I am dismayed by some of the inaccuracies.

    Madonna and Guy are C listers when it comes to movies at best.

    It was a nanny not a maid.

    Madonna and Guy are not a Hollywood couple.

  56. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Am I missing this whole Allegra Coleman thing? Where did it come from? I read all of the posts below and can't find it.


  57. Anonymous9:14 AM

    with the cool and hush guesses, I thought of Gwetyth and Chris Martin... she was in a movie called Hush, COLD play, a play on the cool part....

    just 2 cents.

  58. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Gwyneth is A list when it comes to movies, so you'd have to rule them out.

  59. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I thought the ZX comment was for us to be able to rule Ali Larter out....she has a boyfriend, and ZX doesn't, so we could cross her off our guessing list.

    Also, I too have never understood why some people feel the need to crap all over everyone else's good's obvious that several people here enjoy ZX's posts, and like to guess who she could be. For some reason, that makes people want to say rude things and make fun of the people involved? Are they so unhappy in their lives, they have to try and suck the happiness out of others?

  60. Anonymous1:53 PM

    no prob twisted sis...

  61. Anonymous2:10 PM

    JOHN TRAVOLTA(sp?) and Kelly Preston

    without a doubt

  62. Anonymous2:43 PM

    my vote is for travolta and Kelly...and their autistic son..hence the gag agreement.

  63. Anonymous3:04 PM

    the first thing i thought of was ashton/demi... but actually anon 2:43 good call especially with the autistic child... he's been getting a lot of shit for "mental abuse" towards their son. and you know those scientologist keep quiet about alot of things... i would say kelly/john.... plus they probably have swingers parties, because you know travolta swings the other way!


  64. Anonymous6:43 PM

    this is old news - Madonna and Guy.

  65. Anonymous6:47 PM,,20014566,00.html


  66. Anonymous8:39 PM

    This is a good BI. I love how the couple involved here "offer" the maid her job back to make things right. haha!

    I don't think its Travolta/Preston or Cruise/Holmes simply cause they would not let anyone in their homes unless they were placed there by their "church". I don't see any normal folks making into any of their house's and those church workers aren't going to talk.

    I don't think it's Demi/Ashton simply cause everyone knows her two oldest daughters are already hitting the bars for the last year... while neither is close to being 21. Plus neither of those girls are coming off as innocent.

    I don't think it's Madge/Guy... their whole nanny issue was cover months ago. Plus those London gossip mags would have paid alot more than 100K to get that exclusive. I still think that Nanny got a book deal... And whoever made the comment about how suddenly Madonna got all moral after spending most of career being nasty and tacky...I can't agree more. Madonna just makes me want to puke. Always mouthing off about how her children don't watch TV. The only reason she don't want them watching TV is because she does not want to explain that "E! Real Hollywood Story for Madonna!" Hard to explain the "Sex" book too while telling your daughter how perfect you are... haha!

    And sadly there are lots of couple's it could be... and the only couple I have repeatedly read about having horrible acting children is Kelly Ripa. So horrible that they have been banned from a hotel or two over it. But I know she is most likely not the person in the BI.

  67. Anonymous5:10 AM

    " Anonymous said...,,20014566,00.html


    6:47 PM"

    So is linking to that specific article (cough, cough).

  68. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Goldie and Kurt?

    Midwest Surfer

  69. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights.

  70. Anonymous2:35 AM

    It's Brangelina. Brad's company is Plan B and Angelina is starring in A Mighty Heart which is a Plan B project. This is a riddle. Don't take it literally. They have to avoid being sued. The National Enquirer has just published an article about a nanny that is telling all.

  71. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I was the naysayer who was convinced that this was a recycled BI about Madge and Guy's nanny. Appears I was wrong.

    This must be the one that ent was referring to about a board that was matching current headlines to his previous BI's.
