Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Today's Blind Items

This female reality star and now part-time actress is really starting to get some attention. She has been involved with a guy ( C list, maybe even D film and tv actor) for years. She has always kept it hush hush in interviews but has never denied him when asked flat out. Over the past year they grew closer and closer and she was ready to take the next step. However, just when she was going to say yes, a female A-lister (tv and movies) got involved which caused the guy to have second thoughts and our star to believe she was being played. After the A-lister departed, our couple worked things out or so it seemed. Earlier this month, our reality star got engaged, but has kept it totally quiet because she is afraid our guy is not quite done with the A-lister and so doesn't want to look foolish if she makes a big deal about getting engaged and then have the guy show up in the tabs with the A-lister.

No one from any of the MTV shows.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Stacey Keibler?

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Stacey Kiebler, that guy from 7th Heaven - the older brother, and Jen Aniston??

    There were rumors that they went on a date or two right before she dated Vince

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Definitely Keibler/ Stultz/Aniston:

  4. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I agree with everyone who has said Stacy Keibler. Just look at her wikipedia page. Lays it all out.

  5. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Dang folks. All of you were on the ball today! I def. agree, hard to disagree. Good job!


  6. Anonymous1:02 PM

    YAY - Pinky and Stinky!!

  7. Anonymous1:06 PM

    just head straight to divorce ct.

  8. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Yeah, totally agree!


  9. Ewww. As if the name "Geoff Stults" wasn't bad enough. His middle name is "Manton".


  10. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Who would cheat on Stacy Keibler with Jen Aniston??? I guess it must be a money-love thang.....

  11. Anonymous1:30 PM

    i guess gerri manthey from "survivor australia"
    is a left field guess. didn't even research it.
    and truthfully, i can't see her shutting up about ANYTHING.

  12. Anonymous1:30 PM

    More evidence that Aniston is the A lister is use of word "departed" as in The Departed which Brad Pitt is associated with.

  13. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Manton?! his middle name is Man-TON? Puh-lease! He'd be lucky if it weighed as much as a vienna sausage. Although he is quite beefy! LOL!


  14. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Paula Abdul maybe? The "hush hush" thing got me thinking of her song "Rush Rush," and I think she's been with a few guys on and off over the past two years, but I'm not sure who the A-lister in the equation would be.

  15. Anonymous3:46 PM

    But it says "this female reality star and now part time actress". Stacy was an actress before she was on Dancing with the Stars.
    just sayin!


  16. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Sheesh. And they say Angelina's a home wrecker!!

    Blow it out your arse, Maniston!

  17. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Makes sense to me. Good job!!

  18. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Kim (3:46)

    She was on WWE, not an actress 1st.

    so yes she qualifies for this BV.

  19. Anonymous7:15 PM

    'Who would cheat on Stacy Keibler with Jen Aniston???'

    Is that a joke?

    'Sheesh. And they say Angelina's a home wrecker!!'

    These are just rumours. And even if it was true - dating someone who is single and having an affair with someone's husband are slightly different.

    I'm disappointed that the hatred towards Jennifer Aniston is even on this decent entertainment blog. I just don't get it, what did she do wrong? I bet most of the haters used to love Friends and think she was cute but as soon as Brad committed adultery she somehow became the bad disgusts me to be honest, especially coming from other women.

  20. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Aniston rocks. Is this why we never see her on dates? How has she kept this affair under wraps?

  21. Anonymous7:38 PM

    If I were jen aniston I would be going so far out of my way not to get noticed on a date - because as soon as she finds someone it's going to be disected to death, compared constantly with brad/angie and on some sort of 'baby watch' almost immediately - and god help her if she's not pregnant in an appropriate amount of time for the loonies out there...

  22. Anonymous7:55 PM

    he was in the Break Up w/ her and Vince - he played her date that didn't work out. Sounds like ya'll got this one in record time! YAY! ~Irishstayc

  23. Anonymous8:20 PM

    "These are just rumours. And even if it was true - dating someone who is single and having an affair with someone's husband are slightly different."

    How so? Cutting anyone's grass whether they are married or in a relationship is bad.

    And aren't the stories about Angelina and Brad having an affair while he was still married just rumours also?

  24. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Tom "Fudgepacker" Cruise

  25. Anonymous10:21 PM

    interdork, afraid not. Shiloh is not a rumor. She's pretty real. And cute as a button :-)

  26. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Stacy Keibler

  27. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Erm, Maniston and Brad were separated when Shiloh was conceived.

    True story...

  28. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Erm, Maniston and Brad were separated when Shiloh was conceived.

    True story...

  29. Anonymous2:55 AM

    How can it be Jennifer & Geoff, the BI says the dating couple became closer over the past year but a female A-lister got involved. Remember Jennifer was linked to Geoff Stults through the tabloids almost 2 years ago, this was before she dated Vaughn for over a a year so that theory doesnt seem correct? Unless she's been involved with Geoff in the last 6 months since she split with Vaughn.

  30. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Oooooh snaps, 2:55! haha LOVE when people just shred a theory like that.

    sorry guys... :(


  31. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Vince and Jen were never a couple..he was just going along to shield her from more hurt from the Tabs. I mean come on..its Vince Fuckin Vaughn...he doesnt do relationships..even for Jenny Poo.
    I used to be a huge JA fan..but she is no sweetheart..a bit of a biotch.

  32. Anonymous1:44 PM

    i thought you came here to get answers??? what the hell is this? i thought ent lawyer actually told you who each person from the blind items were after so long of wondering!

  33. Anonymous2:55 AM

    disregard... i'm testing to see if this works..
