Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Today's Blind Items

This older, but not aging, film, but not indies, and definitely no television, married A list actor who has been featured in this space before has a wife who really knows how to get revenge. He's been in this space because of his cheating. Excessive cheating. Enough cheating where the wife is tired of it even if it does mean giving up millions. Our actor made a little boo-boo recently. Seems as if the missus got a hold of our actor's cell phone bill. So, she decided to call EVERY number on the bill and advised the person who answered that she was calling from the Dept. of Health. She advised them that our actor had contracted a sexually transmitted disease and had provided their number, but not their name as someone with whom he had sexual contact. She advised EVERY person she called that they needed to make an appointment with their doctor as soon as possible to check for possible infection. The actor got many freaked out people calling him that day, but still doesn't know it was his wife who did the calling.


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Abe Vigoda

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    "space" is repeated twice... hmm...

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Abe Vigoda is AWESOME! That rules.

    I'm thinking Costner maybe?

  4. Anonymous12:50 PM


  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    C'mon folks you're not even trying. Denzel has done TV before: St. Elsewhere anyone? Costner is a good guess. I don't think starred in a television show...


  6. Anonymous12:56 PM

    warren beaty

  7. Anonymous12:57 PM

    christopher walkin

  8. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Hahahahahahahha! That is some funny shit!

  9. Anonymous12:58 PM

    michael douglas and catherine zeta jones


  10. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Michael Douglas was on a television series with Karl Maulden way back when.....

  11. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Don't think this is Warren, since he is OLD, but it sounds like something Annette would do.

    Space - Lost in Space? William Hurt? Not married. Space Cowboys? Tommy Lee Jones? Hm, could be.

  12. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I don't see "starring" in TV, just definitely not TV. Douglas, Walkin, Beatty all have done TV. Costner or maybe Mel Gibson would work.

  13. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Thass tooooo funny! Go wifey!

  14. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I dont care WHO it is. That is CLASSIC!

  15. Anonymous1:08 PM

    nik cage

  16. Anonymous1:09 PM

    are harrison and calista married or just engaged?

    space- star wars?

  17. Anonymous1:09 PM

    The implication is that the person is at a level now where he would not do TV, not that he has never done TV. I don't think it is Tom Hanks but he is an example.

  18. Anonymous1:14 PM

    brad and ang! i can tot see her doing that.

  19. Anonymous1:15 PM sorry, but i take "definitely no television" to mean DEF NO TV....


    ps. Enty usually doesn't try to trick his readers like Ted C. I think he really just means BI bloggie space. Don't read too hard into it. :)

  20. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Brad and Angelina are not married!
    What about Coutney Cox and David Arquette? Aren't there troubles there?

  21. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I don't think it's Michael Douglas and CZJ - didn't they have a pre-nup that stated if he was caught cheating she'd get loads of dough? This BI indicates she's tired of it even though it would mean giving up millions.

  22. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Richard Simmons

  23. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Too funny!

    However, I want to meet this actor who is "not aging"....we're all aging!

  24. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "Made a little boo-boo recently" is weird language. Clue??

    Some parameters:

    1. The actor is married (not Brad, not Depp, etc)
    2. He's still in his prime
    3. The wife would have to give up millions in a divorce. Which means she is not equally successful.

    Excessive cheating means the guy is quite a pig and a repeat offender.

    And if space is a clue, it's still not Tom Hanks. But what about what's his name, John Glen, The Right Stuff. Christ, I forgot his name. The stoner who always plays the clean cut hero . . .

  25. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Kevin Spacey!

  26. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Does anyone think that "not aging" could mean that the actor might have had some work done to make him look younger?

  27. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Steve Irwin

  28. Anonymous1:32 PM

    How about Kirk Russell?

  29. Anonymous1:33 PM

    oops I mean Kurt Russell, before someone bites my head off.

  30. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sean Penn.

    He's a snob- would never ever do tv.

    Hanks started on TV.

  31. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Dennis Quaid, Right Stuff, new wife, cheated on Ryan, loves strip bars

  32. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Tom Hanks

    Born in 1956, is 51.
    Was in Apollo 13,and is the narrator of Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D. (space,space reference)
    A List
    Started a relationship with current wife in 1985 but was only divorced from first wife in 1987.
    Since it's a second wife he was wiser and probably as an air tight prenuptial, that's why she isn't divorcing

  33. Anonymous1:41 PM

    People, please quit guessing people who are not married.

    Now, just to be smart asses, I bet about ten more of you are going to say Brad, Kurt Russell, Kevin Spacey.

    I am going to go back through the old BI's and try to pin point the one this guy appeared in to try to get more clues.

  34. Anonymous1:42 PM

    People, please quit guessing people who are not married.

    Now, just to be smart asses, I bet about ten more of you are going to say Brad, Kurt Russell, Kevin Spacey.

    I am going to go back through the old BI's and try to pin point the one this guy appeared in to try to get more clues.

  35. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Great, sorry

  36. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Russell Crowe?

  37. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I officially retract Dennis Quaid, has TV credits.

  38. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I think it is Peter Scolari.

  39. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Folks it's not Tom Hanks! He got his big start in Bosom Buddies. Anyone remember him dressing in drag? It's not Tom.


  40. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Here's a key thing.....ENT doesn't say that the wife called her husband's GIRLFRIENDS......she called "people" and told the "people' that they had contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

    To me this hints at an A list actor who has been married to a beard for years and has always been involved with guys on the side, but maybe his behavior is getting so obnoxious and over the top that even the wifey doesn't want to put up with it anymore.....

    ...John Travolta?

    ...Mel Gibson?



  41. Anonymous1:53 PM

    So! Here are the guys with TV under their belt. So it's not...
    Johnny Depp- 21 Jump Street
    Tom Hanks-Boosom Buddies
    Denzel Washington-St. Elsewhere
    Mel Gibson-The Sullivans
    Will Smith-Fresh Prince of Bel Air
    Russell Crowe-Neighbours (soap opera in austraila)
    Pierce Brosnan-Remington Steele

    Still questionable?
    Matt Damon
    Ben Affleck
    Kevin Costner
    Nicholas Cage


  42. Anonymous1:53 PM

    anon 1:09 - I don't think it's Harrison - first I don't think they are getting married until this summer. And second I don't think he fits into older but not aging - he looks rough with his wine-o nose. :)

  43. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Kevin Spacey is GAY.. People come on real guesses please. Okay here are mine:

    Liam N.
    Bob Dinero
    Mark Walberg

  44. Anonymous1:54 PM

    You will be reprimanded for Hello? not knowing about "welcome back kotter" for Travolta! I also thought of Mel but I see TV on IMDB & for Costner too so back to the drawing board.

  45. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Not John Travolta he was on Welcome Back Kotter.


  46. Anonymous1:55 PM

    its true its Abe Vigota I got that call.

  47. Anonymous2:00 PM

    You guys are pretty funny today! Love the Hanks/Scolari posts, and Kiki - I got the call too! he he

  48. NOT Mark Walburg. He is not married to his partner, though does have kids...

  49. Anonymous2:00 PM

    My $$s on Costner. He is a *legendary* cheat. Warren Beatty: "not aging" ??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  50. Anonymous2:03 PM

    So this A list film actor is currently filming on location. Did I mention he is married? So our actor has two trailers on the set. One of them is the "public" trailer, which his wife and friends of his wife get to see when they visit. The other trailer is not so public. The other trailer is basically porn central. From the PC full of porn to the DVDs, this actor definitely has a thing for it. No, I'm not going to say something like gay porn. It's straight porn. Umm, there is one thing, though. He likes porn stars to come visit so he can feel like he is a porn star. They reenact some of his favorite scenes in which the visiting porn actress starred. It certainly makes his days much more interesting than everyone else's on set.

    Could this be the other one he was in? There is also the one about the A-list actor who owns the plane and has sex and drug parties on it and also the one who was caught in the first snow with his girlfriend.

  51. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Is no TV mean no TV appearances? Or was not a regular on a TV show? If it's the former, who the heck hasn't done a guest appearance on a show? Even Nicholson did apprearances.


  52. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Travolta did TV, Mel Gibson did TV in Australia.
    I can' seem to find an Aging A lister that didn't in the beginning of career didn't do Tv.

  53. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Brad Pitt has tv credits (Growing Pains), so we can rule him out--not that he was a serious candidate to begin with.

    I liked the Warren Beatty/Dennis Quaid guesses. DQ fits a little more with the "older not aging", cuz he's still gorgeous...not that I'm biased...but he always seemed a bit of a dog to me.

  54. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Denzel is a habitual cheat. My friend's pal, who's an actress, was in a movie with him and they had a hot affair--and Denzel was very married too.

    It's him.

  55. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Who had their own show:
    Heath Ledger-ROAR

    More suspects. These folks only made appearances on TV:
    Nicholas Cage
    Tom Cruise
    Dennis Quaid
    Richard Gere ( I like this one. Maybe the BI about the plane, coke and strippers.)

  56. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Anon 2:16
    99.9% of actors in hollywood are cheaters, but this BI isn't referring to Washington. He starred in a TV show.

  57. Anonymous2:24 PM

    More Tv credits
    Matt Damon - The Good Old Boys
    Ben Affleck - Hands of a Stranger
    Kevin Costner - "Amazing Stories"(1ep)
    Nicholas Cage - Industrial Symphony No. 1
    Liam Neeson - Sworn to Silence
    Mark Walberg - The Substitute
    Warren Beatty -"Kraft Television Theatre"
    Denis Quaid - Dinner with Friends
    Denzel Washington - "St. Elsewhere"

    That leaves Mr NO TV What so ever and Married : Robert De Niro

  58. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Kevin Costner was in a film called "Revenge" with Anthony Hopkins...

  59. Anonymous2:28 PM

    It sounds like Costner, but he's not been married to the current wife all that long, and from what I've seen of her she's not the brightest person out there (talked with her a few times at parties). This bit of revenge might be over her head.

    Still, he's one of the scummiest guys out there (remember the massage story at the Scottish lodge on his honeymoon?) so I wouldn't be surprised if it is him.

  60. Just tossing out some possibilities not mentioned before:

    Kevin Bacon
    Andy Garcia
    Forest Whitaker

    I really like the Costner guess.

  61. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I was thinking Robert DeNiro.

  62. Anonymous2:32 PM

    maybe costner's wife had some post partum rage....didn't she just give birth a few weeks ago? Who would get their cell bill delivered to their house and not accountant?

  63. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Going out on a limb here...

    How about Richard Gere?

  64. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Tv credits

    Kevin Bacon - "Search for Tomorrow"
    Andy Garcia - "Archie Bunker's Place" .
    Forest Whitaker - "The Shield"

    And De Niro still stands alone

  65. Anonymous2:43 PM

    matt and ben did project greenlight on tv. also "THIS SPACE" refers to the previous BI about the married actor who tells his wife that there are no phones allowed on the golf course when he goes golfing, but the golfing is a ruse for him schtupping half of california

  66. Anonymous2:52 PM

    OK...I'm down with Pinky now on the Costner guess. He golfs a lot and was in the movie called Revenge. We all know what a scumbag he is. I actually knew someone years ago who slept with him when he was married to his first wife and he gave her his gold chain as a "remembrance." Yuck! Even though I totally LOVE him!

  67. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Sean Penn did 1 or 2 episodes of Friends. He was Phoebe's sister's boyfriend.

  68. Anonymous2:55 PM is the link to the original post which i mentioned previously

  69. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I think def Sean Penn. Remember last week he was about to bail Eve out of jail until the paps caught him. He is A list, older and I dont think he has ever been on TV...


  70. Anonymous2:57 PM

    so is SeanPenn and Eve more than friends ?
    i have to say its between Kevin C and Warren B excessive cheating is the big hint.

  71. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I'm going with Denzel. Well known for his cheating.

  72. Anonymous3:00 PM

    When did De Niro get married? Oh yeah, he's not. He got a divorce in 1999 and has been single since. It's not him.

    I like the Kevin Bacon and the Richard Gere guess. Kyra would nip that in the bud!


  73. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Kevin Costner's wife just had a baby a few weeks ago, I think she is a bit too busy to be calling everyone whose # was on his phone bill.

  74. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I like the Costner guess.

  75. Anonymous3:11 PM

    People. help me because I don' understand,
    what part of "and definitely no television" is unclear.

  76. Anonymous3:12 PM

    The actor from "The Right Stuff" I was thinking about was Ed Harris, but there are much better guesses here, and I dont' know a think about Ed Harris's personal life.

    On the TV thing - I suspect when ENT says No TV he means was never a main on a show. Everybody does cameos on shows they like, or their friends work on or whatever.

  77. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I like Gere, just because he was in the movie Unfaithful. So...yeah!

  78. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Dennis Quaid (sp?) Meg Ryan's ex husband, he remarried a couple of years ago.

  79. Anonymous3:19 PM

    De Niro is married

    Grace Hightower (17 June 1997 - present) 1 child

  80. Anonymous3:21 PM

    VEry A List people..think!
    Kevin Costner is NOT A list anymore.
    Spacey is Gay.
    Robert Deniro ALWAYS BEEN a cheater.

  81. Anonymous3:21 PM

    what's with all the whores sleeping with married guys?

  82. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Sounds like Sean Penn and Robin Wright is def the type to take out revenge

  83. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Costner and his happy endings..ewwww

  84. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Sean Penn was also on an episode of Two and a half Men a few seasons ago...I like Quaid for this, he just seems the type. And maybe no tv means currently not in the past.

  85. Anonymous3:28 PM

    More on De Niro
    2004 - "re-married" his second wife, Grace Hightower, their son Elliot was born in 1998 and the couple filed for divorce shortly after his birth, although the action was never officially finalized .

    1998 - was taken in for questioning by French police and questioned for 9 hours by a magistrate, over a prostitution ring

    If the first time she didn't divorce him why now?

  86. Anonymous3:34 PM

    According to imdb, DeNiro has been married since '97. He had filed for divorce a couple years after getting married, but they worked it out and renewed their vows in '04.

  87. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Hmm, you're onto something anon 3:28. Didn't know about prostitution ring. I was wrong about him being divorced. Could be De Niro. He can't keep it in the pants. My question is why EVERY is in all caps in the BI. Is he emphasizing or is it a clue as well? Hmmm..


  88. Anonymous3:43 PM

    On Costner's wife -- this could have happened a couple of weeks ago, when she was at the end of her pregnancy. Aside from mood swings and feeling unattractive, some pregnant women get a compulsive need to put things in order and clean (nesting?) She could have invaded his study and gone through his papers.

  89. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Probably every person on the phone bill, female or male. Not necessarily that he's in to guys, they could be just guys that went with him on his escapades.

  90. Anonymous3:44 PM

    What's wrong with Nicolas Cage? He's never done TV (I checked), and he is aging, but not aged. Plus, he's married to a much less successful wife, Alice the former sushi waitress, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he turns out to be a cheater as well. Plus Nicolas Cage doesn't really do indies, he is more about the crappy blockbuster. His wife looks pretty clever too, so it wouldn't surprise me if she did something like this.


  91. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Nicolas Cage? Because he is the answer to the 05/08 about the A lister that likes to watch wife and girl hoping to join.

  92. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Antonio Banderas....please...(one woman's garbage is another woman's treasure : ) I would treasure him always, can I have him, huh? huh?

    Midwest Surfer

  93. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I don't think anything is wrong with Nicholas Cage. I like that guess. I like Nic and Kevin Costner.
    And even if recent movies haven't been the greatest, they are both still very established and definetly A-list. I am jumping on their bandwagon :-)

  94. Anonymous3:55 PM

    well nic's wife is def young enough to have the energy for they've gotta have one helluva prenup considering how quickly they got married so she might get bupkus if they split or it's all in boysuperman's name.....maybe cheating is why lisamarie bailed on him so quickly...

  95. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Well 3:52, EL makes it clear that this person is the answer to another BI, too.

  96. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Liam Neeson

  97. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Robert DeNiro did TV when he was one of the worst guest hosts SNL ever had.

  98. Anonymous4:24 PM

    nic was a host on snl as well

  99. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Antonio Banderas "does" tv - he's the voice of the Nasonex bee

  100. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I was going to say Denzel Washington. NOTORIOUS cheater and the wife has known and tolerated it for years cause she likes the money and lifestyle being his wife provides.

    EXCEPT it just dawned on me he was on St. Elsewhere.

    Michael Douglas is out too cause of Streets of San Fran.

  101. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I've read every post here.

    It's got to be Costner or Cage. Though Costner's wife just gave birth so I don't really see her having the time to do this.

    Nic's little sushi waitress wife seems like she's crafty enough to pull this off (hey, a 19 yr-old waitress marrying one of Hollywood's highest paid actors? Girl obviously has some voodoo ability to pull things off. Revenge would be sweet).

    HOWEVER, Nic did indies in his time. Raising Arizona was brilliant. And he won his Oscar for Leaving Las Vegas, another indie. I assume EL's saying the BI subject doesn't do indies *anymore*, cause Cage now just does big bidget schlock for $20 million paydays.

  102. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I would be suprised if ENT counted SNL appearances. Almost every actor worth a dime has done that show. I like the Nic guess.

  103. Anonymous5:00 PM

    why not tom cruise? he's married to a high school chick (yes, i know, not really. but she played one on tv, and it sounds like a very special dawson's episode.)

    bun bun

  104. Anonymous5:20 PM

    mad morrigan-
    that was leo dicaprio on growing pains... but i really think johnny's too busy these days to get into any trouble.

  105. Anonymous5:38 PM

    also, kurt russell did a tv series w/ tim matheson back in the early '70s. i forgot the name of it, dang it.

  106. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Both DeNiro & Nic Cage have indies galore and Cage has TV including his first SAG appearance. I liked Hez's Costner guess as well but he has several TV appearances. Stumped.

  107. Anonymous6:13 PM

    ben affleck- older in hollywood could be a person in their thirties

  108. Anonymous6:24 PM

    IMHO I think when Ent says ‘no TV’ he means no TV acting as a character other than their self. I cannot imagine he includes in ‘no TV acting’, guest appearances on a series 'because' of their celebrity or acting 'their self' for fun or for a friend…
    Especially not SNL...
    And yes I know they act as different characters on SNL but we all know its because of who they are as a celebrity that they are allowed the honor in the first place… So Sean Penn hosting SNL would not count… or even the episode(s) of friends wouldn’t count… he was doing it for fun, right? It was tongue in cheek non?

  109. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I am really thinking it's Costner, Ent says the actor "made a little boo-boo recently" and his wife just had a baby. I shamefacedly admit to sometimes calling my baby niece "Boo-boo" -- that's why it occurred to me.

  110. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Sorry bionic bunny, but Brad was on Growing Pains also. He was one of Carols Boyfriends(Very short time) maybe 2 episodes.


  111. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I'm still stuck on "made a little boo-boo recently" as a clue, too. Nice angle on Costner having just had a baby, boobookitty.

    I was running around ideas of someone who played a doctor in the movie they were filming at the time, but the baby talk sounds of it really registers with the Costner baby thing.

  112. Anonymous8:38 PM

    didn't nic cage and his wife have a baby not too long a go.

  113. Anonymous8:40 PM

    hugh jackman?

  114. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I think kal-el is over a year at least...

  115. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Can't be Abe Vigoda. He was on "Barney Miller".

    PS. I'm going with Costner as Cage has an indie past.
    PPS. The only problem I have is how can a woman spunky enough to do that marry a Costner? Not enough money in the world!!!

  116. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I'll never understand why guys like Costner get married at all. Just be a good looking, rich pig celebrity and be what you are. Jesus.

    It worked for Jack. It will work for you. Just quit acting when the cameras stop rolling and EMBRACE YOUR INNER PIG.

    And if you have to get married, TELL HER YOU ARE A PIG AND WILL ALWAYS BE ONE. If she still marries you, c'est la vie.

    Argh. I'll hold night classes for them if it will help . . .

  117. Anonymous10:44 PM

    What about Antonio Banderas? Melanie seems crazy enough. Plus if I looked like him, I would tap anything other than her.

  118. Anonymous1:17 AM

    i have no idea. more reveals, Ent. plz

  119. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Does this maybe relate to a blind item about an actor with a secret mobile he hides from his wife? I vaguely remember something like that.

    Maybe the wife found the bill for the secret phone?

  120. Anonymous4:16 AM

    I don't think the wife is famous, Ent would have hinted at it. So I think we're looking for a actor who's wife is unknown.

    Robert De Nero is aging terribly, so it's not him. Kevin C. isn't looking too good either. We're definitely looking for an actor who looks great for his age and doesn't seem to age. I think it's Denzel.

  121. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Sean Penn - it has to be. I did think his wife knew about his habitual cheating - but maybe she's sick of it. I guess he could be worth millions.

  122. Anonymous6:10 AM

    good one, anon 4:16am. look at bobby deniro in mean streets and tell me he's aging well.

    this guy would also have the $$, a lot of the guesses here don't have that kind of it. i do like the idea of katie holmes retaliating on tom cruise that way, but that's more wishful thinking.

  123. Anonymous7:07 AM

    My husband just made a little boo boo recently, so I hope it's not him or else.

  124. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Maybe the other BI he's talking about is the one where he paid the workers at the golf course to tell his wife he was there if she calls. Kevin Costner is an avid golfer, I've seen him at Celebrity tournaments and the women go crazy over him.


  125. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I'm thinking some of the people who are making pregnancy comments never had kids. I was up and about the day after my pregnancy. In fact - the day I had my daughter I wanted to leave an hour later. Mrs. Costner certainly could have sat down and called every single one of those phone numbers. It's amazing how being really pissed off can give you a sudden surge of energy...


  126. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Not to mention when you are pregnant all your senses intensify 1000%! Including your 6th sense. It's really crazy. It could very well have been her. Even though she doesn't look very bright, being pregnant could have made her smarter, stronger and definitely more emotional. I was just pregnant last year and whewww, it was crazy.

  127. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Cuba Gooding Jr.

  128. Anonymous8:21 PM

    It can't be Richard Gere , look at his credits, he's been on television when he was on the show "Kojak" yeah m the lollipop detective guy! So it can't be Richard! Sorry!
