Monday, May 14, 2007

Today's Blind Items

So this very A List Actor was shooting in the middle of nowhere. OK, I guess it wasn't the absolute middle of nowhere because there was a strip club with a very catchy name. The strip club was the only entertainment in town and our actor did his very best to make sure every dancer had enough to live on for a year or more. He also made sure the bouncers had enough for a year also because they were the ones who supplied him with his vast quantities of coke for the entire shoot. Well it's a depressing movie so you might as well do something fun.


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    who is filming a depressing movie right now in the middle of nowhere??

  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I think the shooting already happened. So, think of a depressing movie that starred an A List actor. Probably a movie no one saw.

  3. Anonymous1:24 PM

    What's Keanu up to these days?

  4. Anonymous1:25 PM

    If is is a very A list actor, you would think someone saw it....

  5. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Jack Nicholson in 2001's The Pledge. Filmed in Reno and various little towns in British Columbia.

    Very depressing--I only saw it because a friend was related to a staff member in the credits.


  6. Anonymous1:26 PM

    well, for current releases, its not "The Ex" with Zach Braff- they filmed in LA and MYC... and its not "Fracture", they only filmed in LA- so its not Anthony Hopkins nor Ryan Gosling.


  7. Anonymous1:37 PM

    It's possible the movie isn't even out yet.

  8. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Anon 1:25...Pledge is one of my favorite movies and a fantastic guess! Very depressing.

  9. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Zach Braff isn't A list at all. Neither is Keanu.

  10. Anonymous1:56 PM

    ben affleck??? he kinda looks depressed nowadays... he's a stripper kinda guy... generous?

  11. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Other thoughts-
    Saving Private Ryan- Hanks? Damon?
    The Mission- DeNiro?

  12. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Im thinking Jude Law..he's very A List and seems to be into that kind of he looks awful lately..complete sex addict.

    oh and the Lohan thingy too.

  13. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Brad Pitt is filming the “Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons" in Donaldsonville, Louisiana but I suppose that is too close to AJ in New Orleans --why would he go to strip clubs?

  14. Anonymous2:03 PM

    This isn't a fun Blind, it could be many people. At least give us a clue.

  15. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I read it as the shooting of the movie is happening now or recently. If that's the case the movie won't be out until later this year or next year.

  16. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Could "OK" be code for Oklahoma? Such as (insert town/city here) Oklahoma?

  17. Anonymous2:16 PM

    it's leo decaprio

  18. Anonymous2:34 PM

    My first thought Leonardo DiCaprio. I thought of Blood Diamond and it was partly filmed in Mozambique, but I like the Jack guess, he's a cokehound.


  19. George Clooney is filming in the Carolinas.

  20. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Where was Babel filmed? I thought of Brad when I read this one...

  21. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Keanu is filming Night Watch (which is the title of a great Russian movie - not the same one). I heard that he was a methhead or speed freak. It depends on who is telling me. I also heard that there are no windows in the front of his house in the Hollywood Hills, but I have not seen this for myself as that sounds like a tall tale to me.


  22. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I dont think it is Brad, but he was the only one that came to mind because of Babel. Come on now kids where are all of the great guesses?


  23. Anonymous3:01 PM

    this happened in the past: "WAS shooting in the middle of nowhere."

    this blind borders on universal: an actor that likes coke and strippers - seriously?!?!

    sean penn comes to mind with anything that has to do with drugs and strippers so he is my best guess. and, he has been in plenty of depressing movies.

    jack, leo, johnny depp, jude law all like the booger sugar and naked ladies too so this is really anyone's guess.

  24. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I don't know but Leo's face is looking a little rough lately.


  25. Anonymous3:14 PM

    orlando bloom shot elisabeth town in kentucky, does that qualify as the middle of nowhere?

  26. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Its Clooney.....He did the same exact thing when he visits scottsdale AZ.

  27. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Babel was filmed in Morocco, and there is no way they would have a strip club as it is a Muslim country. The best you can hope for in a big city like Casablanca is a bar, and even that is rare. I think we should rule out Babel.


  28. Anonymous4:17 PM

    clooney's shooting in the carolinas or was does that qualify as middle of nowhere?

  29. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Elizabeth town is hardly a depressing movie (well except for the fact that Dunst is in it)

    If Depp did coke the world would know about, at least if he did it publicly and paid off strippers. He's entirely too high profile,married,kids seems to duck away from that drama.
    Then again, who knows?

    Leo (imo) is entirely too selfish to give strippers and bouncers a yearly salary. Now *he* is someone you would expect to read about.

  30. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Bruce Willis. Totally.

    Only other one that I'd really think it could be is Clooney, cause he's also well known for his generousity when it comes to his strip club visits.

  31. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Forsyth County where Clooney was shooting Leatherheads has a strip club called "Paper Moon." Anyone want to do this research for other movie locations/stars?

  32. Anonymous5:32 PM

    it occurred to me that paying the salaries for a year for several strippers as well as bouncers would run up a bill of several hundred thousand dollars. that seems a bit much even for an a list actor. we may be on the wrong track here with guesses in the united states.

    lots of depressing films have been shot in eastern europe. anyone have any ideas on a list actors that have filmed in prague? it has the catchily named Bumerang Club.

  33. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Johnny doesn't like coke, can't see the point of it. He's owned up to trying every available drug at some point, though his drug of choice these days is red wine.

    Filming a depressing movie in the middle of nowhere? Sweeny todd just wrapped after filming in London, and before that was the POTC trilogy. Hardly depressing, so unless this is going back several years, Johnny's out of it.

    Orlando has been doing POTC for the same length of time, so I would rule him out as well.

  34. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Old Blind Item about a female star dating a woman that would make our jaws drop~Pam Anderson?? Perez says she was caught making out with a chick this past weekend in Vegas. ???

  35. Anonymous6:09 PM

    "middle of nowhere" can be anywhere. i know POTC did some filming in my town (kiera supposedly bashed us in the press), so did that tom hank's airport movie, indies, TONS of stuff. sorry, i'm not up on all the strip clubs, but it could possibly as close as 60 miles from L.A.-- desert and lots of un-used aircraft hangars.

  36. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Russell Crowe filming: 3:10 to Yuma

  37. Anonymous6:38 PM

    It's Clooney, the film Leathernecks is a period piece set in the depression era.

    God, he is reallly skeeevy isn't he?

  38. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Also, it's been reported that Clooney is VERY thin, his publicist says he is losing the weight for the movie, like he gained it for Syriana.

    I think not.

  39. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I read in the blind item : "was filming" .

  40. Anonymous7:19 PM

    What do you think the clue "a strip club with a very catchy name" means??

  41. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Just call me Woody. Incall or outcall. I can be emailed at I am a HIV neg bottom seeks hung tops for bareback experiences. Your hot pix gets mine and my phone number.

  42. Anonymous7:34 PM

    It's leather heads,isn't it? It's
    about football players.

    Leathernecks are Marines.

  43. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Why is A List Actor all capitalized w/out Ent's usual hypens (A-list actor)...that's gotta be something too

  44. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I say vin diesel, he's shooting a movie in prague somewhere, and for the simple fact that they mentioned bouncers, because he use to be one.

  45. Anonymous8:37 PM

    That's a good guess but they are just scouting areas for Vin's next movie.The movie isn't dreary though. It's a movie about the Punic wars.

  46. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Sorry I meant Leatherheads, *dad was a Marine* my mistake. The filming ended for the depression era football movie. I believe the filming ended last week, with more exterior and footage shooting this week, which would be handled by the AD, or cinematographer.

  47. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Anon 2:13-

    I live in OK, and trust me, it's not here. We're so starved for big entertainment, if there were any sort of movie starring an A-list actor shooting anywhere in the state, the media would be all over that shit like white on rice.

  48. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Hey there 6:07 pm, I had the same thought when I read the Pam Anderson blind on Perez. The other possibility on a tv actress with failed hetero relationships having a happy lesbian affair might be Carmen E. I'd have to reread the blind.

    But the Pammy thing was my first thought also =)

  49. Anonymous9:50 PM

    A list= talented or at least not totally laughable, so NOT Vin Diesel. Pacifier, anyone?

    And Natd 8:52, I lived in OK for a year and that was enough for me :-( I feel your pain!

  50. Anonymous10:39 PM

    ya its not surprising that pamela anderson is a muff diver, she's a whore so i would be surprised if she WASN'T sleeping with somebody. I mean how do y;all think she got hepatitis?

  51. Anonymous10:41 PM

    rip torn, harrison ford, billy bob, bruce willis, ooh, did michael douglas,george clooney is a ladies man, and i believe he's supposed to be quite generous.
    mel gibson, that rock (the wrestler) guy, (gulp) sir sean, kurt russell, don't remember if he's gererous or not.
    sorry, i lost a post i was making earlier. i keep getting this blind mixed up with the action star/drug blind.
    very a list: jake, orlando, (depp would be generous, but i don't see him being so in a strip clup at this point in in his life, although it doesn't say he was rowdy, just generous).

    like i say, i mixed up two blinds. really thought i had it with billy bob! sorry!

  52. Anonymous11:29 PM

    SEAN PENN! all his movies are depressing as f**k though I like the Leo DiCraprio guesses :p

  53. Anonymous1:51 AM

  54. Anonymous1:55 AM


  55. Anonymous1:56 AM


  56. Anonymous1:58 AM

    [edit]Movie Industry
    The movie Transformers, coming out on July 4, 07, and several commercials by UPS and car ads have been shot on the local Interstate 210 between Alder Ave. and Linden Ave


  57. Anon 3:39! :D

    "No way they would have a strip club" in Morroco??? You´ve never been there have you? There is plenty of prostitution in Morroco (and Tunisia) as well as strip clubs. Underground of course (the clubs not the prostitution, they have special city quarters)but still.

    I don´t think it is Morocco though, just amazed how uneducated people are.

  58. Anonymous5:13 AM

    "Sweeny todd just wrapped after filming in London, and before that was the POTC trilogy. Hardly depressing, so unless this is going back several years, Johnny's out of it."

    Don't forget Johnny filmed The Libertine a couple of years ago on the Isle of Man...if that's not a depressing movie, I don't know what is.

  59. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Edward Norton in The Painted Veil. He strikes me as a bit of a wild type. mmm.

  60. Anonymous6:12 AM

    If you want to guess Clooney and "Leatherheads", majority of filming took place in Greenville, SC, local strip joints are: Platinum Plus, Trophy Club, and the Landing Strip. Being in Greenville, I had my ear to the ground, and heard about his "couples massages" but no adult entertainment.

  61. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Ryan Gosling

  62. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Brad Pitt was filming The Assassination of Jesse James. It's a depressing movie, filmed in the middle of nowhere in various remote Canandian locations - Alberta and Manitoba. Angelina visited but was not there for most of the filming. It's scheduled for release in Oct, so it's fairly recent.

  63. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Anon 5:54
    Agreed w/ the Ed Norton mmm concept; if of course by mmm you're meaning YUM. Highly unlikely this being him though. Not a hardcore drug guy -- he admittedly enjoys pot but doesn't consider it a proper drug. Also, he's way too focused, altruistic and knee deep in too many genuine causes to be tearing off on benders during a shoot. Pretty serious guy & oh ya, YUM!

  64. This sounds like something Jack Nicholson would do, and he did recently film "The Bucket List" which is about a cancer patient, however, IMDB doesn't say the filming location.

  65. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The only VERY A-list actor who has has a depressing movie filmed in a off beat location would be Leo with Blood Diamond-very depressing movie.

    Bucket List is actually a road-trip comedy. All the others are either action adventure or thrillers.

    Can't be Clooeny-Leatherheads is a comedy and Ocean's 13 is a caper...wouln't call either depressing.

    Could it also be Mel Gibson? He's very A-list he writes A List Actor (AA) He didn't act in it but directed Apocolypto. Can't believe a Mexican strip club would have a catchy name though...wouldn't it be in Spanish?

    This is a real toughy.

    Jim Carrey? No because the Number 23 was filmed in New York.

    Harrison Ford has not been in anything depressing, mostly action adventure thriller type stuff. I think of depressing, I think of death, drama, sadness....

    We can narrow this down with a little more IMDBing.

    BTW, I don't think Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt are coke heads and I don't think Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Orlando Bloom or Jake Gyllenhall would be considered womanizers, if you know what I mean...

  66. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Clooney has Ocean's Thirteen coming out...I know that Ocean's Twelve was shot in five countries... so it would make sense for thirteen to be shot all over the place as well. It could def. be clooney. However, I thought he was gay.


  67. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Brad Pitt was filming The Assassination of Jesse James. It's a depressing movie, filmed in the middle of nowhere in various remote Canandian locations - Alberta and Manitoba. Angelina visited but was not there for most of the filming. It's scheduled for release in Oct, so it's fairly recent.

    -it was only 15 mins away from Banff one of the top ski resorts in the world...hardly middle of nowhere...and he did not film in Manitoba. Its not him either way..Angelina and Maddox were there for almost all of it.

  68. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Abe Vigoda was filming Frankie the Squirrel.

  69. Anonymous12:04 PM

    If this is recent, Russ Crowe - "3:10 to Yuma" shot in New Mexico sounds as good as any.

    If it's not recent, it could be dozens of guys.

    People, please think before you post. The Oceans films are not depressing, and the likes of Gosling and Vin D are nowhere near A list.

  70. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Actually, he did do some filming in Manitoba. I'm from Wpg. and it was all over the news here.

    It's still not him, though.

  71. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Ocean's Thirteen was filmed in Las Vegas and other cities in CA. I want to say Clooney, but I agree that his sexuality is questionable.

    What about Nicholas Cage? He's filming a movie called Bangkok Dangerous in Prague and Bangkok. That's my guess. This BI doesn't have many clues, but look Bangkok ends with OK, maybe a hint?


  72. Anonymous12:42 PM

    you're so wrong about Pitt. I live in Winnipeg where he did shoot for 2 days and was married to Aniston at the time. Furthermore, winnipeg has more than one strip club!

  73. Anonymous12:51 PM

    To Anon 12:01

    Abe Vigoda??? isn't he like 105 years old?

  74. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Charlie, about Morocco,

    I have been all over the country several times. I encourage you to go as well. This is a place where you can't even buy alcohol unless you go into a western hotel or know the right people. Strip clubs are not "all over" you dumb shit.

    I made no reference to prostitution because this is about STRIP CLUBS. Yes prostitution is all over Morocco, sadly enough. This is why you don't go to cheap hotels because most of them double as brothels.

    For there to be a strip club in Morocco, it would have to be extremely underground, and would not have a "catchy name". In addition, it would probably be in a major city, not in the middle of nowhere.

    Either way, the point of this is to figure out the blind item. I think it is safe to say Morocco is not the answer, which is what I was trying to say in the first place.

    What does education have to do with it at all? My doctorate didn't teach me anything about Morocco, I had to go there. You're a fucking moron, but that doesn't mean you didn't earn all 12 community college credits!

  75. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Ryan Gosling, please stop submitting your name as "A LIST". You are not A LIST>

  76. Anonymous11:37 PM

    you are the spunk
    love it too much!!!
    thanx for makin my day
    hope i can write like that when i get my doctorate...
