Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Today's Blind Items

So I've had a jackass ready for a week or so, but didn't have a kindness until about an hour or so ago. It's been awhile since I did a post like that and so I called around and found a good kindness. So tomorrow at this time will be the latest installment of Jackass v Kindness so hope you will check it out.

Anyway, I know you want something for today, so here it is.

I've been trying to avoid the gay and lesbian items because they are so prevalent everywhere else, but this one was too good to pass up. So, this very soft spoken A list actress in theory, but in reality couldn't open a movie in her name hasn't had the best luck when it comes to guys. All of her relationships have been in the public eye and have had disastrous results. I don't want to make it seem like she goes from one guy to the next, because she doesn't. Over the past few years there have only been three by my count and they were all long term relationships. Well, it seems as if our actress found someone on the set of her latest movie. The thing is the person she found was a woman. She can't possibly go public with it and as far as I know its her first time being in a relationship with a woman. There's no pressure on our actress from her lover, and so the two are spending some time together away from prying eyes while they decide whether it's real or just a fling. This one is a really big shocker and would probably make your mouth drop. I actually think she deserves some happiness whether with a man or a woman.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Renee Zelwegger!


  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    ooops, Zellweger!


  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I read Renee all over this one.

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    How do you know it's not Jen A?

  5. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Jen A could open a movie in her name... I agree with the Renee guesses.

  6. Anonymous12:27 PM

    How does who know it's not Jen A?? Did someone say it wasnt? But, as far as I know she hasnt had a third relationship. Just two.
    So, that how I know it's not her

  7. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Good for them whoever they are. :D

  8. Anonymous12:37 PM

    It's not Jen A - READ the clue people - it says the actress has found someone on the set of her latest movie - Jennifer hasn't been filming for awhile.

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I think Renee has a big enough name to carry a movie on her own, although all the other clues fit. Hmmm....

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I thought Renee was dating the guy from the Office? He is filming the George Clooney movie with her in Charlotte, SC.


  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    drew barrymore

  12. Anonymous12:50 PM

    ^don't think it's drew b. b/c she's admitted to being bisexual before and therefore it wouldn't be a shocker if it came out that she was havine a lesbian relationship.

  13. Anonymous12:55 PM

    It's Cameron "princess Fiona" Diaz

  14. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I really feel Renee on this one. All her relationships have been public and disastrous results. Cany anyone say Kenny Chesney??!! Fraud for the reason of the anullment. That didn't play well in the public. Jack White from the White Stripes. Shortly after they broke up, he got married and had a baby. Jim Carrey... it has to be her. Plus, although she is good and I like her and her movies, she has never been the Star and opened a movie on her own. I just hope she is happy and the press leaves her alone.

  15. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Renee married the beard before knowing she was gay? G-d, thats some good prescience.

  16. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Renee was Miss Potter and opened that movie on her own. She also opened a certain Diary of Ms Jones movies on her own.

    So maybe this isn't Renee.

  17. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I have a friend whose spouse is working on the set of the movie Renee is currently filming in SC. She gave me the scoop about Renee and The Office guy. She also visited the set and saw them together.

    I dont think it is Renee.

    Unless, of course, this guy is a beard too.


  18. Anonymous1:05 PM

    does no know remember Bridget Jones 1 & 2?????

    I'd say she fuckin starred in it.

  19. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I immediatly thought of Jennifer Aniston..Just cause the press doesn't point out a 3rd relationship doesn't mean it didn't happen.

  20. Anonymous1:16 PM

    It says ALL of her relationships were in the public eye, so that wouldn't fit for her.

    Renee CAN open a movie... Bridget Jones, hello?

    Who else is considered soft spoken?

  21. Is "very soft spoken", the way sarah Jessica Parker talks about her new perfume?

  22. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Penelpoe Cruz

  23. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Mandy Moore?

  24. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Halle Berry? Is she filming a movie right now?

  25. Anonymous1:25 PM

    It's Cameron Diaz (costarring Drew Barrymore as the lover). She's had 3 long term relationships in the last 10 years: Matt Dillon, Jared Leto, & Justin Timberlake. It's TOTALLY her.

  26. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Halle Berry? I know she's with Gabriel Aubry but...

    Enty: disegard my email must of been server issues.

    Hez: thanks for help :)

  27. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Its definitely got to be PENELOPE CRUZ. She is considered A-List and has been nominated for an Academy Award(s), yet she has never starred in any big-budget mainstream movie. Her high profile relationships have been 1. Tom Cruise (who is gay), 2. Matthew McConaughey (who is also gay), and 3. Someone i can't think of right now.

  28. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Cameron Diaz is about as soft-spoken as --

  29. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Jennifer Aniston has dated or married Tate Donovan, Brad Pitt, and Vince Vaughan...I'd say that counts for 3 relationships. Is she filming anything right now?

  30. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Penelope Cruz' 3rd relationship: Orlando Bllom (also ? gay, lots of rumors, like TC and MM)

  31. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Leaning more toward Pene, seems to fit, as she always seems to be bearding

  32. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I don't think Pene Cruz is A-List...

  33. Anonymous1:36 PM

    hmmm....cammy and drew were just in hawaii together...and shopping....LOL...

  34. Anonymous1:36 PM

    jeniger aniston had a long term relationship with the guy who played marisa dad on the oc
    before brad pitt

  35. Anonymous1:36 PM


  36. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Sister Mary Hot Pantz- Charlotte is in North Carolina, not South Carolina.

  37. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Penelope Cruz is not A List, nor would her coming out as a lesbian be a shocker. There are tons of gay rumors about her & Salma Hayek.

  38. Anonymous1:40 PM

    How about Meg Ryan?

    Dennis Quaid, Russell Crowe, maybe a third one I can't recall?

  39. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I agree that it is Cameron Diaz. I think that she got tired of getting into relationships and then finding out she was nothing more than a beard. All of the columnists are commenting about how happy she seems lately...maybe this is why.

  40. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Think Katie Holmes is A list?

    El's 'disastrous results' doesn't necessarily mean a breakup...her marriage could be characterized as such if you believe everything you read.

  41. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Thanks for the correction Anon 1:37. I always get Charlotte confused because it is just a few miles from the SC border.


  42. Anonymous1:47 PM

    ok...renee was IN bridget 1 and 2, but that's different from "opening" them. especially in the case of bridget 2.

    as for the potter movie...that came out, but it didn't "open".

    the bridget jones movies could open with anyone in the role. the star was the book, not renee. she became a-list BECAUSE of that role. she wasn't an a-lister who opened that movie.

    (by the way...i love her and am a huge fan of hers, so this is not a slam).

    starring in a film isn't the same as "opening" one. look at lindsay lohan. she can't "open" a film.

    that'd be like saying "casino" was a sharon stone movie. it's not. it's a scorsese film that sharon stone happened to be in. there's a difference. (i just use that analogy, because whenever i discuss sharon stone not having any big hits after "basic instinct" people always say "what about casino?" as if that was a sharon stone film, not a film she had a role in).

    and while i'm at it: there is no "seinfeld" curse. maybe if that group of lucky actors all had a streak of hit shows that ended with their projects after "seinfeld", you could say there was a curse.

  43. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Kate Bosworth? She always seems quiet as a mouse in interviews and never draws attention to herself.

    From IMDB:

    "Bosworth previously dated actor Matt Czuchry, whom she met on the set of their short-lived television series, Young Americans. Their relationship lasted from 2000 to 2002. Then, in late 2002, she began dating actor Orlando Bloom. The two met outside a coffee shop and were introduced to each other by a friend, before meeting again at the premiere of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Bosworth and Bloom separated in 2005 but shortly after resumed their relationship.[6] On September 5, 2006, Entertainment Tonight reported that her on-again, off-again relationship with Bloom had ended after almost four years though it is unclear when the split took place. Bosworth has been dating British model James Rousseau since September 2006."

    That seems to be three significant relationships.

    And she's just finished filming one movie and has two more in production.


  44. Anonymous1:50 PM

    They said she found her lover on the set of her LATEST movie. Cam's latest movie is Shrek. Jen A to my knoledge hasn't filmed anything in awhile. I don't think it's either of them. Damn I'm boggled!!!

  45. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Jennifer Anniston is not filming anything right now according to IMDB.

  46. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Nor is Mandy Moore.

  47. Anonymous1:54 PM

    but my first though was Cameron Diaz also... nothing to back it up though, sorry.

  48. Anonymous1:57 PM

    When I read soft spoken I thought Julia Roberts, but she hasn't had any disastrous results, since she's pregnant again :)
    Renee could open a movie and yeah, the Kenny thing was public but since he's surrounded by gay rumors It porbably wouldn't be a huge surprise if she is too.
    Penelope had 3 relationships but same with the gay rumors about the guys not to mention the rumors around her and Salma Hayek's friendship.
    Cameron was dating Kelly Slater after Justin..right? Yet we've gone from seeing pics of them at least 3 times a week to....nothing. Is she filming, or could it possibly be someone she met on the set of Shrek?

    Weirdly enough just looked at imdb and it says she was considered for the Renee role in Jerry McGuire

  49. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I immediately thought of Renee ... Penelope wouldn't be shocking ... there have been rumors about HER forever (w/ Salma even). Also - her bearding is legendary, up to TODAY's breakup HA!

    Renee would be "shocking" ... even with the Kenny Chesney thing, people just assumed she didn't know! And maybe she DIDN'T!

    Jennifer Aniston & Cameron Diaz are IN NO WAY "SOFT SPOKEN" -- c'mon! And Mandy Moore had an MTV TALK SHOW.

    Hmmmm... Natalie Portman? Nah, nah - gotta be Renee

  50. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Highest paid actresses list 2006:

    It's gotta be there (and the answer to the other blind about the burning bridges-no work, ass kissing-lots of work is there to: CHARLIZE THERON.)

    Sorry for the caps lock is from the original, I just copy-pasted

  51. Anonymous2:05 PM

    It's Renee, The Bridget Movies had Hugh Grant to help draw butts to seats.

    She's not dating the guy from the Office, he's dating Rashida Jones, and has been for a while.

    She barely speaks above a whisper, and nobody she's with stays for very long, mostly high profile flings, and of course that disaster of a marriage. Could that have been more public?

    Also, Leatherheads has been filming Since January, so she's had plenty of time to develope a relationship.

  52. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Jennifer Aniston

  53. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The thing is that Cameron can open a film. I would go with Kate Bosworth. Ent says "in theory" she is A-list but she can't open a film. Probably A-list cause she always gets her picture taken but I know she probably could not open a film on her own.


  54. Anonymous2:12 PM

    It's Uma Thurman.
    She's filming something now, she was with that Balazs guy, Ethan Hawke before that and was married to Gary Oldman too.

  55. Anonymous2:16 PM

    But, Ent says that all of her 3 relationships over the past few years have been long term. Kenny Chesney, not so much long term
    As for the people stuck on Jen A, how much more proof do u need it's not her? Here's more if u need it, It's been at least 10 years since Jennifer dated Tate. That's not "in the last few years"
    As for Cameron, she dated Justin for almost 5 years and hasn't had a SERIOUS relationship (that was Long term) since him. So, again, the "3 guys in the last few years" wouldn't make sense with her either. I know we can do this there are so many clues. We just have to get these guesses it couldn't possibly be out of the way

  56. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Meg Ryan -- it is her.

  57. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Oh, and Kate Bosworth is dating someone. A guy.

  58. Anonymous2:18 PM

    what's more: when do you ever hear Uma speak off-camera? And she has never opened a successful movie on her own. She has always been part of an ensemble cast. And have you ever thought of Uma as bisexual, leave alone as a lesbian.

  59. Uma is a damn good guess!

  60. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I think it's Halle Berry.

    Her public relationships were David Justice, her first husband, who she claimed abused her. We all know her 2nd was the sex addict. Honestly, I don't know the third.

    She's A-list - won an Oscar, even - but her name at the top of a marquee has never garnered her a big hit movie or big #1 opening weekend. Monster's Ball was tiny, and Catwoman and Perfect Strangers (hi Balky!) have bombed (among others, including that Swordfish movie.)

    Perfect Strangers is her latest release, and she's pretty soft spoken, I think, even in interviews, etc.

    The question is where are the 2 lovers now, if they're "away from prying eyes". Anyone out and about in town lately has to be off the list, right?


  61. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Mandy Moore
    3 Relationships
    Wilmer Valderama
    Andy Roddick
    Zach Braff

    Just wrapped new movie "License to Wed" with Jon Krasinski

  62. Anonymous2:40 PM

    IMDB is only as up to date as the person profiled chooses it to be.

    My friend's profile doesn't show the currect show he's working on (he's been too busy to update it!!)

  63. Anonymous2:40 PM

    These are all good guesses because I would never see a movie starring Renee, Jennifer or Penelope - they are all annoying.

    Uma is not a mouse! She's a 6 foot tall amazon who is very smart.

    Cam is no mouse, a ditz yes.


  64. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I'm on the Renee train.

    She's soft-spoken, A-List but w/o the box office mojo of a Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock, had several long-term relationships in the public eye that failed, and she's currently filming a movie, "Leatherheads".

    Yes, Kenny Chesney was short-lived, but EL could be leaving out that detail cause then it would totally give it away.

    She seems like a very fragile person. Hope her new love interest treats her well.

    Krasinski is w/ Rashida Jones.

  65. Anonymous2:54 PM

    What do we think about Natalie Portman? She is the first one I thought of until I got to the part were her relationships have always be in the public spotlight or whatever. She is soft spoken, she is an a list actress who probally couldn't open a movie by herself and one time, in an interview, she said she was open to a lesbian relationship because it's all about who you fall in love with, not their sex. I can't get the guys , though. If any of you have an input on guys she's dated that would be nice.
    Anyways, best I could do :-)

  66. Anonymous2:55 PM

    i agree with mandy she is someone that you would never expect but renee you really wouldnt either but i say mandy cause she could never carry a movie

  67. Anonymous3:09 PM

    mandy is not a-list.

    renee is a great guess, i think it's her.

  68. Anonymous3:12 PM

    i am going to go with kirsten but i can only think of two guys that were very public jake and johnny from uk that that had a girlfriend or wife.

  69. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I really like the Cameron guesses. She has been SMILING alot lately!

    (not the same as kim above)

  70. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Natalie is still dating that Gael Garcia guy. Mandy Moore is an interesting and good guess. She's definitely soft spoken and I hate to be so stereotypical but she has been "hippy girl" lately, so maybe she is exploring her sexuality more. And she does have a younger following so maybe she's keeping it on the DL b/c of that. Her girl next door image could be compromised.


  71. Anonymous3:21 PM

    renee is a great guess but i waiver because of brigette jones. the arguement on the bestseller bringing people to the theater is valid but it certainly would have been a much harder sell without renee. would it have had a Huge opening weekend if it starred real fat actress kirstie alley? doubtful.

    kate bosworth.... she is soft-spoken and hovers in the a-list area. she can't open a movie but has certainly co-starred in a enough big ones to make a name for herself. three relationships in a reasonable number of years and it would be jaw-dropping for her to come out. also, she just finished filming the movie based on "bringing down the house" in boston so she fits the bill there too.

  72. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I agree with anon 1:47. "Opening" a movie is the ability to draw people based on your name alone. The flick might not have great reviews or have a lot of pre-publicity, but if it has so and so attached to it, they will come. Renee's top movies would have sold themselves regardless of who was in them - The Beatrix Potter movie and Bridget Jones had a wide generation of fans that would have seen them regardless of who was in them - Renee didn't "open" them.

  73. Anonymous3:34 PM

    mandy moore is barely sniffing the b list. it isn't her.

  74. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I'm never any good at giving helpful input but I was thinking "long term realtionships" means something more than a year or two (maybe 'cause I'm old) and "can't possibly go public" may also lend itself to the age of the actress.

    Midwest Surfer

  75. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Can I bet tomorrow's jackass is a she?

  76. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Renee can open a movie (Bridget Jones). She's VERY soft spoken and fits all the other categories in the BI though (she's currently filming Leatherheads, albeit she's been linked to costar John Krasinski). Plus the whole Kenny/beard thing. May not be a shock.

    For all the Cam guessers, she was with Justin for 3 years. Then Jared and Matt before that but that's pretty much her whole dating history. But she is NOT soft spoken. Also, for all you "met on the set of Shrek" guessers, obviously you don't work in Hollywood. She went in and did her voice over work and left. That's not a movie set. Doing VO's in animated flicks is the easiest gig ever. Shrek was NOT a "movie set".

    Halle Berry, no way in hell. She's with Gabriel Aubrey and quite happy.

    Kate Bosworth is with James Rousseau and happy as well. And her only long term claim to fame in love was Orlando. Not three other well known relationships.

    Not Jen-A. She's not filming anything and as of 2 1/2 years ago she was still Mrs. Pitt, so not in the middle of 3 relationships.

    I'm going to get this one, just gimme some time to think cause the guesses above are all off.

  77. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Keira Knightley

  78. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Wow, I don't think I am ever going to get a BI on here with the ideas you guys have. Renee Zellweger/Bridget Jones= opening a movie. Plain and simple. Top billed in the movie, main actress, story allll about her charecter, grossed 70 mill. She opened the movie. Period.
    Relationship with kenny Chesney= not long term in the least. Not even close.
    P.S-Natalie Portman is not still dating "that Garcia guy" lets do our research
    Now, I am not saying I think either of these guesses are right but, before you are so quick to shoot down others guesses maybe you should know what ur talking about.
    The rest of u actually trying to research it and not just tell others how wrong they are with no proof, Great guesses!! At least some of us are trying and putting effort into it

  79. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Jen Aniston isn't filming any movies right now.

  80. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Cameron Diaz isn't soft spoken and neither is Drew Barrymore.

  81. Anonymous4:08 PM

    My first thought was Cameron, just watched a clip of her in an interview this morning and she seems very happy.

    But the Renee guess works for me too.

  82. Anonymous4:15 PM

    If it's Renee, I really don't care. I think she is boring, a horrible actress, and a buttaface.

    Cameron would've been interesting though. :)

  83. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Charlize is an awesome guess for the previous BI. Well done.

  84. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Scarlett Johanssen!!!!!

  85. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Read the bloody item people!

    Mandy Moore and Kate Bosworth and nowhere near A list.

  86. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Look, Renee was the big sell for Bridget Jones. I didn't like the movies, but Renee made them hits. Think about it.

    If any other actress had tried to play BJs, the lovers of the book would have torn her apart.

    Renee carried it. She can't be the subject here.

  87. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I must chime in here about Renee and Bridget Jones - Renee did not sell Bridget Jones - Bridget Jones sold Bridget Jones. It already had a following. Renee cannot sell movie tickets on her name alone.

    Look at her flop resume: Cinderella Man, Miss Potter, Cold Mountain, Down With Love, White Oleander. The only hit she's had since 2001 is Chicago and did you go see Chicago because Renee Zellweger was in it? Or did you see it because it again had a following and was well reviewed and won best picture?


  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Anonymous5:08 PM

    i instantly thought cameron diaz

  90. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I like the Uma guess best. Public relationships - Hawke, Gary Oldham, the motel guy, utter failures.

    Funny, I wouldn't be surprised if Portman was exploring her Sapphic side. Ho hum, bitch is still boring. Pretty face, but so dull(onscreen and off), but so very smart - as she likes to remind us.

    I would LOVE for this to be Reese Witherspoon, just to throw a whammy at her Republican/church going/sorority black baller/sphincter so tight it sucks all the air out of the room image. A lesbian romp would do her a world of good.

    You just KNOW Ryan suffered a million bloody pin picks during that marriage.


  91. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Random shot in the dark, people.

    No, I haven't spent the evening on IMDB but my god this would be great:

    -Ben Affleck
    -Marc Anthony

    ...oh yes...J-LO!...There were rumors she and skeletor were on the rocks, maybe they are just trying to save face for that crap movie they put out...she did play a lesbian in gigli and don't even try to tell me this wouldn't be a big BIG shocker!

    ...a girl can dream...about something to replace the paris going to jail bs...can't she?


  92. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Why doesnt anyone think its Nicole Kidman???? She fits the bill for all clues...
    Definitley A-List, but doesnt open on her own.
    Disastrous relationships in the past few years- divorce from Gay Tom Cruise; then the Lenny Kravitz debacle; and then immediately following her honeymoon hubby went off to rehab. She was recently in St. Barts on holiday without him. Enty never said she was single. AND she is THE most softspoken of all the Alisters.

  93. Anonymous5:29 PM

    scarlett johansson does not have a voice you would call soft spoken.

  94. Anonymous5:32 PM

    CDiaz, ScarJo, Uma... not softspoken!!! I agree. But Nicole Kidman IS!

  95. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Could it be Keira Knightly?

  96. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Nicole Kidman did just fine with The Others and Cold Mountain

  97. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Keira is TOTALLY in LOVE!!! There is no way she and Slutty-ienna have already fallen in love. They just started shooting. The clue says this is a RELATIONSHIP!!!

  98. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I like the Penelope Guess and the same goes for Cameron..
    but what about Bridget Moynahan? I Know she's preggers, but THAT WOUL BE SHOCKING!
    She deserves some good luck in the romantic dept...

  99. Anonymous5:37 PM

    The Others and Birth were flops. Cold Mountain had Jude Law and Renee Z= she didnt open that on her own.

  100. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Renée Zellweger is a good guess. Why? 1) she's an A list actress in theory = brigdet jones. It's just because the first movie was an hit that she made the sequel : it's about continuity like kirsten durst in spiderman. But when other blockbusters are realised she's not considered "bankable" enough to be the lead character (not like nicole kidman for example). 2)disastrous relationships with no luck = jim carrey (now with Jenny McCarthy), Jack White from the White Stripes (now married, with a baby), kenny chesney (ex husband with gay rumours). She was supposed to have an on/off going relationship with clooney but in this case it was suspect (perhaps just a publicity thing). The way ent write about her need for a guy doesn't mean she's a slut but just a pure romantic girl who fall for not mister right guy. It totally fits with renee in my opinion. And if you notice nowadays she's off the radar about her private life. 4) the probable big shocker will be because of her last relationship of course. She ended her marriage with the motif of fraud (supposely a gay husband). So if the public would discover about her lesbian relationship it would be paradoxical! lol

  101. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Which is why he cheated on her plotterist? Yeah serves her right! She MUST be a lesbian now because you don't like her and poor Ryan was an innocent victim in that relationship. causing him to cheat numerous times.

    We need a poor Ryan fund so people like you can donate.

  102. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Tell you what anon 5:37, ring me when Jude Law can get 17 million a film. Also, close to 100 million on The Others (which cost 17 mil) isn't exactly what I would call a flop, but by holywoos atandards, you're correct.
    However, it's not Nicole, as just as recently as last week she was seen with Keith. Pretty sure disastrious results wouldn't involve walking hand in hand.

  103. Anonymous5:54 PM

    It's Tom Cruise.

  104. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Ent - save us from all this arguing and just tell us who it is.


    or - more hints..


  105. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "You just KNOW Ryan suffered a million bloody pin picks during that marriage."

    Finally something I can agree with.

  106. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Not only are Kate Bosworth and Mandy Moore not A list, but neither would be a big 'shocker' or make 'mouths drop' if revealed to the public.

  107. Anonymous6:41 PM

    dangit dont ignore the J-Lo least call me dumb or something!


  108. Anonymous6:43 PM

    could the " very soft spoken" discription be a clue to one of her movie roles and not a actual decription of her voice. for example scarjo was in the horse wisperer, jennifer love hewwitt is in ghost whisperer and so on.

  109. I'd say Jen A. Just because there is no listing in IMDB about anything 'filming' right now does not mean she hasn't been on set on something new recently.

    IMDB is not always up to date - there is definitley a lag of a few months or even a year on some projects. Especially when things are labeled 'in production' or 'filming'...

  110. Anonymous7:08 PM


    you could be right about jlo because she can never carry a movie on her on but she is alist in theory cause everybody knows who she is

  111. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Pretty sure J-Lo will never be accused of being anywhere near A list
    That's like saying it could be Mariah.
    Plus J-lo is still with her husband when he isn't loaning his body out to biology classrooms as a learning tool

  112. Anonymous7:25 PM

    i was doiny that so mpick would feel better plus he could be on to something

  113. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Rene Z. cannot open a movie. Otherwise, Mrs. Potter or Down With Love, etc. would have been hits. Bridget Jones did well because of the book, but the sequel underperformed and they won't make a third. It is ridiculous to me that they would pay her $15 million, but many actresses on this list are overpaid and don't sell tickets. My vote is for her, and I hope she is happy on Sappho.

  114. Jennifer Aniston
    Cameron Diaz
    Mandy Moore]a A list actress

    Please people thats insulting.

    I think the A list actress in theory is a clue

    I also kinda like Nicole Kidman
    did she not date Lenny Kravitz?
    then Keith who is still disastrous


  115. Anonymous8:22 PM


    you're sweet.

    Honestly, my money is own Renee - yawn.


  116. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Alright 5:38. You convinced me. I am on your bandwagon. Renee it is

  117. Anonymous8:57 PM

    j lo
    soft spoken
    riiight... jenny from the block

  118. Anonymous9:00 PM

    cant stand her sour puss and think she looks like lemon flavored roadkill
    but she fits
    and its got to be someone that evokes sympathy from Ent
    everybody feels sorry for her don't they?
    my dough on renee

  119. Anonymous12:23 AM

    It's Renee Z.
    -A-List. Won an Academy Award. check!
    -She's very soft spoken. check!
    -Last relationship has disastrous result= Kenny Chesney 3-month marriage fiasco! check!
    -Can't open a movie on her name alone. Her last movies: Miss Potter, Cinderella Man, Bridget Jones 2, Down with Love. All domestic flops. check!

    Renee Zellwegger it is!!

  120. Anonymous2:43 AM

    I LOL at the people who consider relationships "disasterous" just because they dont last a lifetime (as per anon 5:38). Im pretty sure Renee's relationship with Jim Carrey lasted a few years...not a bad effort in Hollywood! She was also with Jack White for quite some time. I wouldnt consider that disasterous either. Sure, the wedding to Kenny lasted about as long as my morning shower but one out of three aint bad!! ;)

  121. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Last one hit it on the head...can't open a movie on her name alone - Bridget Jones, Miss Potter - she can take the lead in big movies with OTHER people's names, the draw of which is to the character, not the star.

  122. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I would say Scarlett Jo (cannae spell it so i won't try). She has a very... throaty voic and she has never"opened" a movie. apart from the island which was a flop. she's still considered A list. i'm not sure about the relationships part tho and i am far too lazy to look up who she has dated. (sorry!). that's my 2 cents anyway.


  123. Anonymous5:58 AM

    El, can you do us a favor of either borrowing a page from Ted C. and include a 'it's not A,B,orC'
    statement, or maybe telling us if a blind was guessed correctly by someone?


  124. Anonymous7:41 AM

    EntL, WHEN ARE WE GETTING OLD BLIND ITEMS ANSWERS -- you have not done it in soooo long?

    You HAVE TO!!! Please!

  125. Anonymous7:46 AM

    It's certainly not Renee:

    " All of her relationships have been in the public eye and have had disastrous results"

    Ryan is one guy, not a whole batch of relationships.

    Some-one copied and pasted the highest paid actresses above. That is the A list. Forget the scarlets like ScarJo.

  126. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Sorry, that should be "certainly not Reese".

  127. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Totally Jennifer Anniston! The biggest clue, A list but cannot open a movie on her own. I would also say that it would be a total shocker if she came out, with most of the women mentioned here there have been "rumors and rumblings" all along, so it would not be a jaw dropper, but good ole Jennifer Anniston .... now that would make the news!

  128. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I think Renee would be a "shocker" after splitting up from Chesney with the "fraud" excuse. Sweet irony or what?

  129. Anonymous9:11 AM

    While I don't really think it's Cameron - Dlisted has a funny article today that talks about how Cameron couldn't stop watching a lesbian porn flick. hahaha - pretty funny.
    from the article: "Cameron was busy watching some sex slime show! A source said, "The show had two topless girls rubbing slime on each other and wrestling, followed by a simulated 'sex show' conducted behind a silk screen. Cameron was staring the whole time."

  130. Anonymous9:39 AM

    To anon 5:41 - (Jeezy Creezy people, get a handle.)

    Ryan cheated and he partied (lots of ganja there.) Yes indeed.

    But you just know that Reese, rather than dumping his ass, made him suffer for years for every one of his sins, large and small. She probably has this index of Ryan's sins, cross referenced and high lighted in various colours, living in a special cabinet in her head.

    If your guy cheats, and you don't like it, dump his ass - rather than pursuing the moral highground to feel better about yourself.

    Reese takes the kids to church. Ryan dresses like a bum and gets high. Oh that noble and sainted Reese! Bad Ryan! Look children, at your sad father who cheated on MEMEME!

    They were too young to get married and she was pregnant. Surely Reese knew the odds.

    BTW, Reese is a much better actor than Ryan, when she takes off the crisp white apron and really gets her hands dirty.

  131. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Also, I know this BI isn't Reese. I just wish she would be this interesting and happy (though lezzie flings are the lowest end of interesting.)

  132. How about Halle Barry?!

  133. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I agree Roxy, Jennifer Aniston would be a shocker and makes sense almost... but would you describe her as 'soft spoken'?

    None of the actresses mentioned quite fit, there's always one reason they don't work. Maybe it's someone we haven't thought of yet.

  134. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Halle Berry!

  135. Anonymous11:47 AM

    natalie portman

  136. Anonymous12:08 PM

    For some reason "in reality" made me think of Reality Bites, which made me think of Winona Ryder (even though RZ was in it as well) ....

  137. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I was thinking Natalie Portman

  138. Anonymous1:38 PM

    What are Portman's 3 bad relationships?

    That Gael guy from Mexico is about the only fellow she has been public with.

    I still think she is in the running.

  139. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Anon 11:18...I do not think Jennifer Anniston is soft spoken, other than that she fits BI for me. On the other hand, the only one I can think of is Nicole Kidman with her babyish voice, most of the other ladies listed have good strong voices. I, too am wondering if it is somebody else and maybe not so actress-y.

    I hope Ent reveals this one!!!!

  140. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I am starting to think of this one from a different way, not from the a list actress clues but from the who deserves happiness clues, I am assuming that the breakups have a story and are known and who would be a total shocker! With the Renee and Drew guesses, it would not be a jaw dropper.

  141. Anonymous7:24 PM

    hey - for some reason i feel its Halle Berry and i love her to death. she is soft spoken and we all know her r/ships have not ended well - her 2 marriages and her r/ships before then, then the new model guy. after her oscar she hasn't had the best luck in opening movies and she has a movie out with bruce willis and i think she's working on another......

  142. Anonymous3:13 PM

    When I read "soft spoken," I immediately thought of girls with low, throaty voices that force your ears to perk up to catch what they're saying in interviews, rather than equating the clue with shrinking-violet personalities. Voices coming to mind are Scarlett's and Lindsay Lohan's.

    Lindsay would fit for all those asserting that "A-list in theory" means it's someone EVERYONE knows even though she's not a great movie actress (but she has been taken seriously, too, with acclaim for Altman's Prairie Home Comp., Bobby, and even mean Girls was huge). In terms of fame and hype, Lindsay has surpassed Paris Hilton as the most publicly followed personality/actress.

    As for relationships, they were more like disastrous flings than long-term relationships. But the rumor that she's dating that DJ girl would make another lesbian relationship unsurprising. Any girls in the movie Georgia Rule?


  143. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Also, I like Nicole Kidman from the relationship standpoint, but she can absolutely open a movie on name alone. Isn't she probably THE defining actress who's actually able to do that?


  144. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Uma is a great guess. She's so manly physically that I wouldn't be surprised this latent part of her was being repressed.

