Monday, May 07, 2007

Today's Blind Items

I just want you to go back and revisit some of the old blind items and I think you might find something that pertains to something in one of the posts today.

Anyway, have you noticed that this former Academy Award winning actress/supporting actress (not going to make it too easy) has never been in anything quite to the level as her award winning role? For years she has tried, but for years following the award she was such a pain to work with professionally and personally that she burned lots and lots of bridges. Her demands were divaish beyond belief and her drug use was so extensive that she had to reconstruct her nose. For the last two years, she has tried to rebuild those bridges and has sucked up to lots and lots of people. It's starting to pay off. The fact that she had to spend a little time making some producers and directors extra happy and make their fantasies come true probably also helped matters somewhat. She is busier now than she ever was before. Hopefully she's learned her lesson and won't repeat the same behaviors.


  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    marisa tomei- imdb lists many projects


    mira sorvino- also lists a lot of projects

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Halley Berry?

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    tatum o'neal comes to mind of rsome reason. she's not really busy right now though...

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Marisa Tomei. Hands down.

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Possibe Lohan's....

    When you are a star female movie actress during your teenage years and you do a bunch of drugs, then it is entirely possible that 20 years later no one will understand anything you are saying or mumbling. This actress made about as much sense as a Peter Gabriel video. March 22

    This sometime actress and I am being generous there. This sometime singer and I am being generous there. This woman who rides on the coattails of __________. That is much better. Anyway our actress/singer/leech has a new love. Well, she thinks he is a new love. To him, our actress/singer/leech is someone kind of cool to say he had sex with and you can close your eyes and kind of imagine___________. Anyway, she thinks it is love, and everyone else including__________ knows it is all about sex and nothing else.

    A little update. Two actually. He recently told her that he wanted to invite another woman over and join them. She said no and told her friend (never do that) what he had said. Well she found out she missed him so she went back and agreed to do as he wanted. As for imagining__________, she has drawn the line in fulfilling that fantasy for him. She does allow the other person in the background so to speak. March 6

    Female singer. Been in rehab before and looks like she could use a repeat visit. February 26

  6. Anonymous1:04 PM

    When the fuck did Lohan win ANYTHING let alone an Oscar Einstein?

  7. Anonymous1:06 PM

    its brittany murphy

  8. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Melanie Griffith

    She was mentioned in one of your posts today. Also, she didn't do much after Working Girl for which I believe she won an Oscar.

    Drug use and trading sex for jobs -
    I think we got our girl.

  9. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I kindof doubt Mira Sorvino, she went to an Ivy League, graduated magna cum laude and speaks Mandarin- one of the hardest languages to learn without wasting time doing drugs/undergoing plastic surgery due to drug use- not to say she doesn't do drugs but I could see it being Marisa Tomei more than MS.

  10. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Melanie Griffith was nominated, did not win. Brittany Murphy has never been nominated, nor has she put in a performance worth nominating. Marisa Tomei was a fluke win. I'll have to think harder about this one.


  11. Anonymous1:11 PM

    not lohan for the answer, but lohan for one of the old blind items. EL said earlier, there was an old blind item for her and i think that first paragraph is telling us to look for it

  12. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Melanie Griffith was NOMINATED only for Working Girl in 1988, Jodie Foster won the Best Actress that year. Other than that I thought it was her, too.

  13. Anonymous1:13 PM

    where is marisa in this post though and if he didnt say oscar then if they won any award it would count

  14. Anonymous1:15 PM

    to 1:02

    I was looking through old blind items earlier because I'm convinced that there was one about some young starlet....something about some incriminating video/pictures that may creep out and will upset her younger fans....did I dream that blind item up? Was it from here? I couldn't find it, but thought it was from no too long ago...Just thought maybe you (or anyone else) might recall it?

  15. Anonymous1:15 PM

    my bad it does say oscar

  16. Anonymous1:15 PM

    You must mean Lara Slim Spoiled aka Lara Flynn Boyle! You know Jack's ex must have had a taste for coke to hang out with (i.e. fuck) him for all those years, never mind how skeletal she became around that time. Couple that with the fact that this Emmy-winning Best Supporting Actress ("The Practice") talked much shit about David E. Kelly when the show ended, thus landing her further on her already lenghty "difficult to work with" list! I see she now has a few projects in the works but she's not done anything worth shit since being on the Practice. This item is about none other than "will fuck for coke" Boyle!!

  17. Anonymous1:17 PM

    cameron diaz?

  18. Anonymous1:18 PM

    me thinks the old BI is the B-Murphy, "sold herself to highest bidder" one, no?


  19. Anonymous1:22 PM

    kimishoe... i think you are onto something... i do remember that. I always thought it referred to Britney, but this makes perfect sense... ill keep looking

  20. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Anon 1:11, thanks for setting me straight. I should have checked the academy award thing instead of just guessing.

    I should have realized that Melanie's days of making producers and directors fantasies come true is long past. Unless she is bringing her daughter along.

  21. Anonymous1:29 PM

    You people are nuts! R-E-A-D. That means read. That's what ur doing right now. Now tell me what freakin year is it when Lohan, Cameron and Melanie Griffith win an oscar. Is this 2044? For you folks who can't read, don't participate. Really.


  22. Anonymous1:29 PM

    lmao the only person that comes to my mind is angelina jolie - girl interrupted was way back in '99 then she did pretty much crap now she's doing all kinds of 'serious' roles

  23. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Kimishoe--- I think I found it-- the bottom one...

    Feb 26
    This movie actress who has been known to lose her top once or twice or maybe twenty times has always professed to love all men and women. She will love them together or separately. At a recent party she went only for the women, specifically one woman. Besides leaving together that night, she and her prey also share at least one other common bond.

    *****Feb 9
    It is not only the men in Hollywood who like to have more than one flame burning at a time. This B-list film actress with fairly hopeless aspirations to be A-list keeps at least two guys each in LA and NYC. What started out as just liking one guy from each city has progressed into something more. She still keeps those two around for safety, but what she really enjoys is something a little more wild. Our actress enjoys guys who have been in recent relationships. There are only two requirements: they must have been in a big enough relationship where being seen with them will give her some publicity, AND she must have heard something about how they are good in bed or very well endowed.

  24. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I think Mira Sorvino's rebellions have mostly been against her very controlling parents in the past; she's now married and pregnant again (I think?). I agree that her Harvard track record (and the friends she probably has from then) would argue against the BI's skeeving starlet.

  25. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I like the Angelina Jolie guess. Wasn't there a story that she was doing heroin again about a month back?

  26. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Helen Hunt? Very little work after the end of tv series for someone with an Oscar and even has a 2 year hiatus.

  27. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I realize everyone is thinking younger but, how 'bout Faye Dunaway? She's never done much of anything since she won, or been around much but, I saw her at an awards show,(in the audience with some producers) and thought, "What the hell is she doing there?" She's got a lot of stuff lined up on IMDb--don't know the caliber of the work though...

  28. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I'm torn. There are a few who haven't done much since winning. But here are the ones best and supporting who haven't done much since their win.
    Besides Marisa Tomei, Angelina and Mira are:

    Kim Bassinger
    Helen Hunt
    Catherine Zeta-Jones

    We haven't seen Helen really since Bobby which she starred in with Lohan. Is that the clue?


  29. Anonymous1:43 PM

    First off, some people are guessing at this blind vice and some are guessing at the old one that he refrences. So, before people start acting shitty to each other, READ THE POSTS. There are two different BI's going on here
    Secondly, JB at 1:18 is right. The OLD one is about Brittany Murphy. I think Ent makes that very clear in the post about her. It's the BI were she gets with rich guys to back her projects and just uses them. She pimps herself out.

  30. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Kim Basinger won for LA Confidential

  31. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Another hypothesis is Jessica Lange, the hint being "Academy Award winning actress/supporting actress". Jessica Lange won both Supporting Actress (1982 Tootsie) and Best Actress 1994 Blue Sky.

    Someone who did what she did to her beautiful face is wacky enough to go Diva.

  32. Anonymous1:53 PM

    CZJ or Renee Zellweger. Both have a ton of movies in the works.

  33. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Halle Berry
    Julia Roberts
    Renee Zellweger
    Nicole Kidman
    I am having trouble narrowing these down!

  34. Anonymous1:53 PM

    For the first paragraph, I say it's about Ty Pennington.

    Friday, April 13, 2007

    3. This reality show host has always been thought of as straight. Well the last four times he was spotted in public it was always with the same guy who is openly gay.

  35. Anonymous1:56 PM

    who is that child in the post from the Logie awards? if you look at the URL of photo, you will see that the pic is named logie+bi.jpg

    it's a long shot, but maybe it's the hint from an earlier post that Ent referred

  36. Anonymous1:57 PM

    This one from a while back sounds like Lohan:

    There were plenty of drugs to be found throughout the week, but for sheer volume consumed per person this sometime actress/sometime singer/sometime model definitely took home first prize. Witnessing her awesome use of coke in corners, bathrooms, backstage, and sometimes even in the open, there was just awe that this person was till alive, let alone even had a nose remaining.

  37. Anonymous1:57 PM

    funkelberger... it's Bindi Irwin, the Croc hunter's daughter, hence the "BI".

  38. Anonymous1:59 PM

    correct JB

  39. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Ok! Got it!!!!

    Dame Peggy Ashcroft

    As not worked since her death in 1991 but has haunted many sets until exorcised. Coming back since Gwyneth Paltrow stater channeling a brit. Now we know who's possessed her for the last years.

  40. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Halle Berry makes sense to me. She's done nothing but junk since her win, and now she's appearing all over the place, plus has a bunch of movies in the works. And given how attactive she is, the line about her making directors and producers fantasies come true makes sense. I could also see her pulling diva behavior.

  41. Anonymous2:09 PM

    funkelberger - that is Bindi Irwin.

  42. Anonymous2:13 PM

    sb - hate to think it is true, but your guess seems pretty good.

    1:57 - was that BI from NY fashion week or LA fashion week? Lindsay was in rehab during one of the fashion weeks.

  43. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Hmmmm...I kinda thought Enty was talking about a BI having to do with Rumer Willis since he posted "What is Rumer Willis trying to tell us here."

  44. Anonymous2:15 PM

    That statement about past BI/today's post has got to be about Brittney Murphey and the dude

  45. Anonymous2:29 PM

    A friend of mine grew up in Atlanta with Ty Pennington and is still friendly with him and his family; he is very straight and quite monogamous.

  46. Anonymous2:33 PM

    i would have thought halle based on not doing anything but the nose being doing unless they gave here the same nose its not her. and i a sorry i was thinking only one bi not two earlier

  47. could the old post be refering to Brittany Murphy and the Vicodin girl BL?

  48. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Wait. Am I reading this wrong? He said it pertains to someting in TODAY's post.

    Melanie Griffith - Working Girl as Tess McGill

  49. Anonymous2:40 PM

    halle berry : monster's ball was a smash in '01 and she won an oscar.

    then : die another die and x2 both series projects with other stars. commerical hits. critical failures.

    gothika : bomb
    catwoman : bomb
    perfect stranger : bomb

    she isn't gaining artistic credibility with xmen movies. but maybe she will with one of her three upcoming projects... and she would certainly be one that people fantasize about...

  50. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Rumer was probably the BI with the teen snorting coke off of mum and dad's marble bedrom floors. I'm not sure if this was an Ent BI, though.


  51. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Disregard as I just read that MG was just nominated but never won.

  52. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I was thinking Angelina, because she was rumoured to be pounding H with Marilyn Manson, but I don't see any difference in her face (which you would expect if her nose had to be reconstructed...even the best surgeon can't make it look exactly the same). And she doesn't strike me as the kind of person that NEEDS to sleep around to get roles as she has many connections in H-wood as she grew up around all that. She does, however, fit the "fantasy" part.

    Halle Berry seems like the next logical step, but I don't ever remember hearing about drug use and, again, she doesn't look like she's had any work done.

    Anyone seen any pics of Tomei lately? She started off on a Soap (one I used to watch, but can't remember if it was As the World Turns or Guiding Light), and she was only a supporting player, at best (y'know, the cheesy girlfriend who's always getting the main soap characters into trouble). Going from a soap to an Oscar would suggest to me a little sleeping around, but I wouldn't exactly call her a fantasy, so I'm stuck.

    Oscar winning actresses for the last 10 years:

    2005 Reese Witherspoon
    Walk the Line
    2004 Hilary Swank
    Million Dollar Baby
    2003 Charlize Theron Monster
    2002 Nicole Kidman
    The Hours
    2001 Halle Berry
    Monster's Ball
    2000 Julia Roberts
    Erin Brockovich
    1999 Hilary Swank
    Boys Don't Cry
    1998 Gwyneth Paltrow Shakespeare In Love
    1997 Helen Hunt
    As Good As It Gets
    1996 Frances McDormand Fargo
    1995 Susan Sarandon
    Dead Man Walking

    Supporting Actresses:

    2005 Rachel Weisz
    The Constant Gardener
    2004 Cate Blanchette
    The Aviator
    2003 Renee Zellweger
    Cold Mountain
    2002 Catherine Zeta-Jones
    2001 Jennifer Connelly
    A Beautiful Mind
    2000 Marcia Gay Harden
    1999 Angelina Jolie
    Girl, Interrupted
    1998 Judi Dench
    Shakespeare in Love
    1997 Kim Basinger
    LA Confidential
    1996 Juliette Binoche
    The English Patient
    1995 Mira Sorvino
    Mighty Aphrodite

    I'm thinking Kim Basinger seems to fit the criteria but, again, has anyone seen a recent pic of her?

    I'm SPENT.

  53. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Halle Berry is my guess

  54. Anonymous3:36 PM

    The more I think about it, the more I think it's Kim Basinger....that scene of her stripping in 9 1/2 weeks seems to be a recurrent fantasy for a lot of men....

    But that mention about the "last two years, she has tried to rebuild those bridges"....could that mean that it's been two or three years since her win? That could be Charlize Theron...

    ACK. I can't stand it.

  55. Anonymous3:46 PM

    This is hard, but I've got to go with Halle Barry... From the clues, it could be either be Halle, Charlize Theron, Marisa Tomei, Angelina Jolie OR Mira Sorvino. Each of them won an Oscar & followed up (mostly) with crap. ..And although I'm not sure about the quality of their new projects, they ALL appear to have be "busier than ever" (or at least "busy.")

    HOWEVER...Ent said the actress "spent the last two years" sucking up & "making some producers and directors extra happy." ... MIRA spent 2004 thru mid-2006 being pregnant/having kids, so it can't be her.

    And although all 5 actresses are attractive, the part about making the producers/directors "fantasies come true" pretty much narrows down the field to either Halle, Angelina or Charlize.

    Since Angie's been a bit busy over the past couple years: A) being a homewrecker; B) having a baby w/ Brad Pitt; C) trying to save the world; and D) adopting random children; I don't see her setting aside time to make any directors' dreams come true.

    Finally, I'm ruling out Charlize based on timing. According to Ent, the actress was a pain to work with/burned bridges "for YEARS following the award” and then spent another two years kissing ass. Charlize won her Oscar in 2004, and was nominated again in 2006. Too little time has passed for her to fit the profile.

    HALLE, however, won her Oscar in 2000, so she's had more than 7 years to screw things up. ...Anyone remember her mysterious "hit-& run" accident shortly after winning the Oscar? (Hmmm.. I wonder why she didn’t stick around to wait for the cops?) Plus, everyone knows she was "troubled" by an unfaithful jackass husband during that time period (2001- late 2004). That gives her just about TWO years to work on "mending fences." :)

    ...Coincidentally, Halle's supposed to be filming "Tulia" right now with Billy Bob Thornton – her co-star in "Monster's Ball" (the film that won her an Oscar!)

    So what do you think?

  56. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Charlize Theron???

  57. Gwyneth Paltrow?

  58. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I have heard of Helen Hunt being difficult, but her IMDB doesn't suggest she is busier than ever.

  59. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Useful, thoughtful comment: Sucked-in-again (3:46)

    NOT!: anon (3:50)

  60. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I don't think it is Paltrow. She doesn't seem the difficult type. And her absence from film was because she was taking care of her daughter Apple.

  61. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Never heard about Marisa Tomei and coke, but def heroin

  62. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I am going with Halle Berry too. I found some info that said she clashed with Bryan Singer on the set of X-Men 2, allegedly telling him to kiss her black ass.

  63. Anonymous4:30 PM

    After looking at MadMorrigan's research I'm convinced that it's Judi Dench! She's a legend! Everyone should want to sleep with her. Maybe her talent would rub off on them.

    Anywho, I think that it's Halle because she got very uppity about X-men and said that she wouldn't return w/o more screen time or money, then Gothika & Catwoman tanked and shut her up.

    She was out and about - all over the place - trying to hock that stinker Perfect Stranger, but that tanked too.

    Let's not forgot to look at Halle's resume, which includes BAPS. How quickly they forget.

    I can't say anything about her "current" nose because she has already had one nose job.


  64. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I like the Halle Berry guess because imdb list only two projects total for 2006 and 2007. And for 2008 she already has two projects lined up.

  65. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Sounds also like Halle!! She has also told the workers at her home not to look her in the face while they were there doing work. But the coke part with her being a diabetic, I am not sure though.

  66. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Marisa Tomei. Her diva antics were legendary following her Oscar win. Then she completely fell off the radar for awhile and now she's getting roles again.

    This is totally her.

    And BTW, what kind of Unicorn Horn are you posters smoking who are guessing it's Lohan? Like she'll ever be nominated let alone WIN an Oscar.


    Not Halle, she's not evil on sets and she has no drug use history. Her nose is as perfect looking today as it was when she was younger. Plus, this person has had to take a long time to get back on their game. Halle just won hers a few years back. Marisa's was a long time ago.

    I totally would have gone with Mira Sorvino on this if it wasn't for the fact she's been popping out kids for the last couple years and probably didn't have the time to blow producers while preggo.

  67. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This is probably wrong, but Minnie Driver? But she was only nominated for Best Supporting for Good Will Hunting and didn't win. However, after not being seen in anything except a supporting part in Will and Grace from about 2003 to 2004, she has about three movies in the works for 2007 and also starred in the new TV show The Riches. I always liked Minnie and am glad she's getting work again. And I hope she's not the subject of the BI.


  68. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Thank you 5:11. I remember hearing that Christian Slater and the entire crew of Untamed Heart hated her.

  69. Anonymous6:18 PM,%20Marisa you can compare her current nose with old photos : it isn't anymore the same shape....

  70. Anonymous6:38 PM

    It's me above (6:18) : marisei tomei won an oscar but before that she won or was nominated for a lot of best supporting actress awards. So normally her oscar was the ice on cake... But after that she didn't succesfull films. But now in 2007, she has a lot of projects (films and tv). This can't be minnie driver because she didn't win an oscar. About the producers and directors' fantaisises : no need to be a famous sex bomb, one of the cliche in hollywood is sleeping to have a role. The actress can have eventually the role and the producer a "quickie" without the trouble = I know you don't go in town and spray this = my wife will never know! lol

  71. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I went through the list of Best Actress and Supporting Actress winners from 1980 till about 2004. These are the Oscar-winning actresses who have not been in anything that matches their award-winning role and have not been doing much recently. All have multiple projects in the works for 2007/2008:

    1. Renee Zellweger
    2. Catherine Zeta-Jones
    3. Halle Berry
    4. Angelina Jolie
    5. Juliette Binoche
    6. Susan Sarandon
    7. Holly Hunter

    Halle, CZJ and Angelina have been accused of having nose jobs.

  72. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Ok, here you go. It isn't Halle. I used to see her a bunch and she tosses back the sauce pretty hard, but no nose candy. I offered her some once. Oh I know quelle scandale. Whateves we were loaded. I think that I know the answer though. I think that it is Renee Z. I have never met Marisa T. though. I have met nearly the whole roster. Yep, I am dropping names. Here's who it isn't. Helen Hunt, I really thought she was a dyke, yea I know about the kid, but noone wants to nail that. Hank Azaria will never be the same. It isn't Charlize, that hot bitch can keep a secret. Nicole, I met her a bunch of times, she loves the drinkies. I was suprised she married Keith Urban, she must love him. Trust me she is a living doll. Paltrow is a stuck up troll. Everyone knows she stole that script from Winona, right? Cate B., she's a dream. One kinky tall drink of water that one. Object of men's desires? Um, no. Diva, um no. My vote goes to Renee. She must've been ripping lines to have married Kenny Chesney. She is a sweaty mess all the time. And the weight she lost and gained for those roles. Renee who date/s/ed George Clooney who is tight with Andy Dick. Who is a big mess granted, but still... Sorry about all the names, but you love it :) I can't post my regular ID, I think you know why. kisses

  73. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I think it is Juliette Lewis.

  74. Anonymous9:44 PM

    it cant be halle because looking at her work on imdb and she pretty much works pretty weird even before the oscars and she had alot of movies back in the day before the oscars so for her to be working more now it cant be her.

  75. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Ok people it's Murphy- read the post from today concerning her marriage...

  76. Anonymous10:29 PM

    ANony 5:23

    I'm so glad to hear that someone else likes Minnie Driver. She is the best thing about The Riches (and I thought Eddie Izzard would be.)

    Okay, she pissed off a lot of people for unknown reasons, but damn she can act. And I bet she'd be a hoot to hang with.

  77. Anonymous11:14 PM

    even tho i dislike her, i'm pretty sure its a big "NO" on juliette lewis. she's a scientologist, and you KNOW how those inner thetans react to drugs.

    hail xenu!

    sorry. its getting late and i think my pain meds have kicked in......
    --sleepy buns

  78. Anonymous12:03 AM

    thanx anony 8:09
    scrump-dilly-itious juice
    keep tippin us off!!

  79. Anonymous1:51 AM


  80. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Marisa Tomei was on the David Letterman show years ago talking about how she was in Italy with a man and she got locked out on the balcony naked by accident when she went out to watch the sunset and the staff had to unlock the door. She blurted out that the man was Frank Sinatra but DL did not pursue what she was doing there with him. There was like a 50 year age difference.

  81. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I think the old BI refers to Mike Myers. MM is rumored to be gay, although it's not stated often, like John Travolta and and the line above his photo "irreconcilable differences, right?" refers to that rumor.

    I think this BI might refer to him:
    Have you noticed that this actor has a habit of just about A listing himself and then takes a big break to drop himself back to middle B? Age is the reason most people cite. The reality is that he has always enjoyed playing with his own team even when he was married, and has done so irresponsibly in the past. His frequent trips to Europe to explore his violent, dark side in gay brothels and S&M clubs has become his focus and passion. His failure to use protection at any time could also be causing his limited work schedule. He has a history of doing work only when he needs the money to finance another six month sex fueled vacation. He often signs on for two or three films but usually only completes one before exhaustion and/or lust sets in. Witnesses state that people never get to close to him in the last few days of any film because of his mood swings which alternate between kindness and rage in a matter of minutes.

    Since Austin Powers, he really hasn't done much, and most of what he HAS done are voice work for the Shrek movies. He does have a few projects in pre-production now.

  82. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Thanks for the dirt, D! (anon 8:09) ...Keep it comin' >;)

  83. Anonymous10:22 AM

    soooo angelina, her nose is totally (but so well done) different, and she is only just starting to pick up the decent jobs, although i did immediately think halle.

  84. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I already went with Halle, but this pic of Angie looks very weird.

    Her nose looks bashed in.


  85. Anonymous10:59 AM

    You are all welcome, and what did I say about Cate Blanchette? You see that picture? And BTW everyone knows that Angie dances with H, not C. Mike Meyers? I don't know about all this. I had dinner with him and Robin years ago. I am inclined to think not so much. He is really a quiet, somber guy. I don't think his crazy volume turns on that loud. And Minnie Driver is a nasty piece of work. Example, I saw her work a cocktail lounge and talk to three different tables (of four people). The tell, she stood while she spoke to everyone, noone asked her to sit. Ouch!
    And one more thing, ENT, I didn't say I didn't like her. I just said that she was sweaty and coked out. kisses

  86. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Thank you, Anon 8:09 PM & 10:59 AM! Loved it all! I totally agree with the Renee Z. assumption! You just know she's a messed up b..


  87. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I'm thinking that the anon w/all the dirt is ZX.

    Anyone else w/me on that?

  88. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Courtney Love????

  89. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Ijust now thought of Renee Z. hmmm I wonder

  90. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I agree that it's probably Marisa Tomei. Apparently, she is notoriously hard to work with.

    I can see the possibility of CZJ, but she always strikes me as very professional, even if she's a bit of a diva.

  91. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Nope, I have no idea who ZX is. Well in so far as she is not me. I am not an actress/model/wife of someone celeb. Really. I like to post here because you guys engage eachother and will appreciate the fun dirt. I will sign as 434. kisses

  92. Anonymous4:44 PM

    What about Charlize Theron?

  93. Anonymous1:07 PM

    helen hunt's nose looked pretty crazy in Bobby...
